wen u coming over bender ? Ill have a cut ready to flower for ur arrival if u like lol
It's not bender... but your boy jig is being brought to England by the Mrs. We will be landing at Heathrow - Sunday 21 March. We will be there till the afternoon of Wed 24.
We both are then off to Holland... After which I will be going onto Sweden via Denmark. Super exciting as I have never been to mainland europe before.
Get your orders in soon if you want any kinds of gifts from the Los Angeles area. I have extra room in my bag.

(no not that kind of bag)
Anyone heard of full Volume Growing, TLD mentioned it to me?
Well I've heard of it the same way as you. TLD said "check out full volume growing"... but that is all I know. I've never been able to find information and now TLD is on another site.
i have no idea im pretty sure that their sativas but i dont know anybody willin to take a stab at it
plus a pic of my growroom security in case anybodies feeling gangsta...lol
LOL... I love the attack cat man. Looking mean, haha. Thanks for showing us.
I'll say trainwreck, for fun.
Nothing wrong with being an elky. I am lol. Ive got a drinkin problem man one mouth and 2 hands lol. Drink a pint for me D.
Drink one for me too bud. I'm a member of the club as well, just non active.
McPurps.... Dude... killer plant bro. I'm a big fan. EDIT: I just saw the 'big fan' in the picture, HAHAHA.
DST... those stories were killing me. Crazy stuff going on around the world, eh?
And last but not least, welcome to all the new members. Great to have you all. And also to the other one. You know you're officially on the map when you get a detractor camp

(even if it's a camp of 1). So thanks "bro"... you have legitimized us in a way.
Props to the 600