The You Know Your A Grower Thread


Well-Known Member
when ur scribed to so many threads on RIU that it takes u over an hour when you get home from work to check on all your updated threads


New Member
When your weed is stored in jars, not plastic bags

****This happened to me tonight. My neighbor asked me out of the blue if I could spare a bowl. I said sure. I realized it looked kinda weird when I pulle dout a jar and broke him off a nug.....oh well. I am legal and he won't tell the apt. manager, my only worry


Well-Known Member
when ur scribed to so many threads on RIU that it takes u over an hour when you get home from work to check on all your updated threads

When u have ordered those fake security stickers from Amazon, like that will deter a ripper. If u have a 'Beware of Dog' sign in ur window, with a 6lb. Yorkie inside.

ultraviolet pirate

Well-Known Member
you know you are one when you are waiting on the corner to cross the street, sober and nothing on you, and the drug dog in the k-9 car at the light beside you sniffs and begins to whine and bark.

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
You know you're a grower when...

You smoke some quality bud with a friend, he tells you what strain it supposedly is, and then you go buy some seeds and immediately start growing it out because it was THAT good (trainwreck)...

You tell your friends if you only had the space and a house in the woods, you would grow some some pot...

You dispose of sensitive trash in an apartment complex dumpster...

The thought of loose pollen getting in your grow space makes you shudder...

You have an endless supply of zip ties and string...

You've experience the self-satisfied smile after taking the first hit of your crop...:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
When ur wife tells u, 'that candle smells wonderful, I cant belive u picked that out' and u reply, I bought 8 of em..


Active Member
When you can program a digital timer for 24 separate events and keep them all straight by memory without the instructions.
When you schedule all family vacations regardless how far in advance around your grow cycle.

someone said this but the truth is....
when you know your neighbors schedule better then them!

you have more invested into a room in your house no one ever gets to see then you do your television and car combined.

you're a man who believes the only food a man cooks is on a open fire but you take up baking becasue you want to make your own edibles!

you research the best cookie sheets and determine your wife's are inferior so you hunt down the best air layer cookie sheets on the market becasue you keep burning up your damn cookies.

you get x-ray vision when your partner comes in your garden and you can look right through them and stare at your plants.

you use the potential of spider mites as a excuse to stare at your plants all day long and look at every inch of them, twice.

you already decided you will quit your job if they ever ask you to travel during a cycle.


Well-Known Member
you already decided you will quit your job if they ever ask you to travel during a cycle.

^^^fucn hilarious, but true:)


Active Member
you already decided you will quit your job if they ever ask you to travel during a cycle.

^^^fucn hilarious, but true:)
no shit a co-worker was joking one day about me going to their location to help out for a few weeks with a project. i freaked and thought they had actually talked to management and this was planned for about 5 seconds and i made my mind up right then that it was my last day and I've been with the company almost a decade. I then realized they were just joking...