

bud bootlegger
sh*t, that was a boat load of honesty there stoney.. nice to hear.. i honestly think that some people don't have the built in bs meter in their heads to tell them when enough is enough and they just keep it going on and on.. i've also met people in real life who have lied about things and they tell the lie so often that they start to believe it to be the truth.. rather scarey..
as for me, i'm an unemployed, balding starting to get a lil over weight thirty some year old... i try not to lie about stuff on sites like this, as i don't see where it gets you in the long run.. but i guess i do sometimes lie to avoid hurting someones feelings though.. i tend to avoid anykind of confrontations in life, so for me, its just easier to say that i agree with someone rather than have to defend myself or my point.. but other than that, i try to be as honest as a site like this allows one to be.. i think its the only way to learn anything, whether its about growing, or just about oneself, but thats just me as i know alot of other people surely aren't the same online as they are in their real lives..


Well-Known Member
I hesitated in even posting this.....oh hell.
Sorry if this insults any in advance.:roll:

Before the actual rape, there's the ALMIGHTY "neg" rep. :fire::fire::fire:
Dare you offend my holiness?
Before three days hit you, you're in whirlwind of red......and it serves as a reminder every time you log on, LOOL.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Sometimes on the net, it's hard to tell the "tone" of a post, so it may be misinterpreted.
June bugs are freaky little creatures, that's for sure.
Yeah, it's kinda sad and it hit me like a ton of bricks too. :shock:
Had I lost a word here and there.....sigh, alas, I did foolishly call out the "bs".....that really accomplished something.:rolleyes:
I foresee a gang rape in the future for my "offense."
The dish sounded appealing, but I caught a glimpse of the June bug all over again.
If ever I needed a diet aid....thanks Stoney.:spew:
Thanks, sometimes I get a thought and I try to put it out there and see if anyone else has an opinon about it. I have an ex whose a compulsive liar, and he believes his own bullshit. He hangs out with mentally disabled people just to appear intelligent, but he's King Nothing. Everything he says should be preceded by the word "Duh." I tried to talk to him like a real human being before, but he just can't comprehend anything deeper than whatever french fry holder he happens to be plundering at the time.
I can understand omitting details about yourself for safety, privacy,or just to avoid inviting ridicule....for example, I've seen folks post pics before and people make fun of them because maybe they aren't that hot. But would these same people who are making fun do that in real life, too? You can't make fun of someone for being ugly, it's kinda just as bad as making fun of someone for having cerebral palsy. And in the case of someone being fat or really skinny, for example, you can't just assume they got that way because they're a glutton or starving themselves. Making fun of people is another way to fit in,to feel superior,and that's phony, too.
sh*t, that was a boat load of honesty there stoney.. nice to hear.. i honestly think that some people don't have the built in bs meter in their heads to tell them when enough is enough and they just keep it going on and on.. i've also met people in real life who have lied about things and they tell the lie so often that they start to believe it to be the truth.. rather scarey..
as for me, i'm an unemployed, balding starting to get a lil over weight thirty some year old... i try not to lie about stuff on sites like this, as i don't see where it gets you in the long run.. but i guess i do sometimes lie to avoid hurting someones feelings though.. i tend to avoid anykind of confrontations in life, so for me, its just easier to say that i agree with someone rather than have to defend myself or my point.. but other than that, i try to be as honest as a site like this allows one to be.. i think its the only way to learn anything, whether its about growing, or just about oneself, but thats just me as i know alot of other people surely aren't the same online as they are in their real lives..


Well-Known Member
its funny that were having a discussion about honesty on a site devoted to a mostly illegal substance...just sayin. for me i don't see the point in lying on line, im 44, retired military, been to 4 different wars, got tired of living in a tent away from my family, and now i grow some medical mary jane, for my ailments. I love my family, my country, pot and this website. and yes that is me next to a saddam mural.


Well-Known Member
I hesitated in even posting this.....oh hell.
Sorry if this insults any in advance.:roll:

Before the actual rape, there's the ALMIGHTY "neg" rep. :fire::fire::fire:
Dare you offend my holiness?
Before three days hit you, you're in whirlwind of red......and it serves as a reminder every time you log on, LOOL.
I have to + rep you more often lol try to offset the neg rep a bit..

I haven't gotten 1 yet but hey! Theirs still time ;) just a matter of who.
Ps leave your sig if you neg rep me that way I can identify your assholeness! Mm k? Thnx :)
I love riu I truely do...


Well-Known Member
haha I should of been neg repped once but I couldn't get rep again.I guess I dodged a bullet fucking Saints;-)

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
It doesn't really "bother" me,just kinda confuses me as to why so much effort is put into pretending.
Don't let it bother you. Jjust turn the crank on the organ and watch the monkeys dance. They will eventually get tired.
But doesn't it rub you the wrong way that you have to lie about being a pot head? You know it's a victimless crime that shouldn't even be a crime. Doesn't it suck that you have to hide the fact that you like to toke?
its funny that were having a discussion about honesty on a site devoted to a mostly illegal substance...just sayin. for me i don't see the point in lying on line, im 44, retired military, been to 4 different wars, got tired of living in a tent away from my family, and now i grow some medical mary jane, for my ailments. I love my family, my country, pot and this website. and yes that is me next to a saddam mural.


Well-Known Member
i hate when someone (not just clown and not just on the internet) says there blood or OG. if a real blood caught you saying that youd get shot. and dont you have to kill 3 people in prison to become OG? chances are your not getting out.
no you do not have to kill 3 people to be an OG, i just wanted to clear that up.
bloods have internet too.
not all gangsters are part of a traditional gang.

Not in a court of law.
haha good one. very true.
the truth shall set you free in social situations.


Why do you think people have the need to pretend to be something they're not? Like on the internet, for example. All it really is is just a big role playing game. "Real" people are few and far between on here.
Do you think people are so sad in their personal lives that they feel such a need for acceptance they must lie to get it? How can you lie to yourself? There's always that little guy in the background yelling "BULLSHIT!" in the back of one's mind, isn't there? Or do some people not have that?
Why do they try to lie and say they're more educated than they are,and then post and completely expose themselves as liars? Why do they say they make more money,are better at this or that,etc? Do you think they really start to believe their own hype?
For the record, I'm a stay at home mom. I "officially" dropped out in 9th grade,but I haven't actually attended a school since seventh. I was an A student. I went on to get my GED at 19. I wear sweat pants and t shirts and steel toed boots. I am not a big people person, so I avoid a lot of social situations. I have 2 kids. I'm not parent of the year, but I'm not a monster.
I have saggy tits and I'm certainly not skinny. I pluck my chin, because I have polycystic ovarian syndrome (which makes you fat, hairy, and zitty),and no insurance to pay for a hysterectomy. I'm not the best looking person ever, but I'm not the worst. I'm 32. I converse online in the same way I converse in real life with one exception. Since there are rules against personal attacks here,and I like it here, I try not to openly insult anyone. If some of the folks I've strongly disagreed with on here were to argue with me in real life, I'd have most certainly called them a few names,because it's a lot simpler than composing a well thought out, intelligent monologue taking apart each of their points.
Sorry for the long, rambling post, but what's your take? Are you being real here,or do you sometimes gloss it up? Why do you do that? Is it something you do reflexively? Do you feel unworthy of genuine friendship?
Do you feel it's possible to have genuine friendships on the net? Or do you look at it as just pretend?

I think you hit it right on the money with that part. Only people with low self esteem or that are in need of attention would go around online making up stories and pretending to be someone they're not. It makes no sense to me, because even if this does bring them acceptance, its a false sense of acceptance because others aren't liking them for who they really are, so I dont see how that would help someone with self esteem issues. Its pretty sad but too many people on here are fake. And its almost impossible to sort through the real ones and the phony ones. Thats why I dont take anything or anyone on here too seriously.. cause you never know if the person is just spewing out bullshit and I dont wanna be the dummy to fall for it.. so its all in fun :lol:
Great thread, btw.. You spoke the truth that most people probably think but just never say.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
You're absolutely right,there. But sometimes, I think they actually start to believe it. You can be "famous" on a particular website and it can go to your head pretty easily. Then you start avoiding real life and actually start trying to become the person you are on the net. I tend not to trust anyone, period,because it seems, sadly, that most people aren't worth knowing.:sad:
I think you hit it right on the money with that part. Only people with low self esteem or that are in need of attention would go around online making up stories and pretending to be someone they're not. It makes no sense to me, because even if this does bring them acceptance, its a false sense of acceptance because others aren't liking them for who they really are, so I dont see how that would help someone with self esteem issues. Its pretty sad but too many people on here are fake. And its almost impossible to sort through the real ones and the phony ones. Thats why I dont take anything or anyone on here too seriously.. cause you never know if the person is just spewing out bullshit and I dont wanna be the dummy to fall for it.. so its all in fun :lol:
Great thread, btw.. You spoke the truth that most people probably think but just never say.


You're absolutely right,there. But sometimes, I thin they actually start to believe it. You can be "famous" on a particular website and it can go to your head pretty easily. Then you start avoiding real life and actually start trying to become the person you are on the net. I tend not to trust anyone, period,because it seems, sadly, that most people aren't worth knowing.:sad:
Lying and making up stories is bad enough, but for the ones who actually start believing their own lies and start trying to be that fake person... thats just pathetic. And I agree with you 100%.. I can't really trust anyone besides my family. I've been let down too many times, even by someone I considered to be my best friend and it has impacted my trust issues. So if I cant even trust people in real life, you best believe I dont trust people on the net lol Its a sad world we live in when we cant trust anybody anymore.


Well-Known Member
But doesn't it rub you the wrong way that you have to lie about being a pot head? You know it's a victimless crime that shouldn't even be a crime. Doesn't it suck that you have to hide the fact that you like to toke?
yes it does suck that mj is still illegal , but i don't lie about it. i don't advertise that i grow but every one that knows me knows about my smoking habits i have a prop 215 card and so i don't worry about it much. happy Friday all cant wait to get off work and smoke a bowl


Well-Known Member
I'm s pathological liar in the real world. I don't even really know why, because I lie about dumb shit without even thinking about it first. I guess it all just comes down to insecurity.

I guess I just can't trust anyone in my real world.