My First Grow... Tips and Advice Please!!!


Active Member
Hi there,

I recently purchased seeds off of attitude seed bank. I bought Hollands Hope because from everything I read it is virtually "idiot proof." I have never grown MaryJane before and I would like some tips please. I live in Connecticut and I will be growing in local woods and fields.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.


Active Member
how long did it say before you could harvest?

the flowering period is 8 weeks and it says the harvest should happen in september/october.

quick question though, if i start growing them in april should they be ready sooner than sep/oct or is 5-6 months the "normal" growing period?


Well-Known Member
they will not be ready sooner, if it says it will be done in sept/oct and it takes 8 weeks to flower, then you can count on harvesting sometime in sept. or oct. and the plants starting to flower 8 weeks before that.(july/aug.) Unless you shade them with something.

I started my plants indoor this year(Feb.) this extra veg time will not speed up the flowering, just give me larger plants.(the plants wont start to flower until the light cycle has gotten closer to 12/12)

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
I recommend buying a book on Amazon called Medical growers Bible by Jorge Cervantes they have them used too, I paid new 17 bucks and in that book you will save 100 dollars by just reading what you need and don't. Tips and trix for Gorilla grow etc,,,, You lose one plant that might have been 4 ounces you messed up because you are learning, Trust me you will not have wasted a dime on this book,
MJ takes about a month to get mature enough for flowering this is evident when the branches or nodes start to grow uneven on either side of the branch. Then about 8 weeks for flowering. MJ Will for sure flower at 12 hours day and 12 hours night. If you want to fiorce flower to get an early start and not be left in the frost. Get them started under CFL's 18/6 timer and when mature throw her in the dark for 36 hours and then resume light regime 12/12 or outside will do no matter that the day is getting longer. Once she is in Flower mode she will continue to flower.


Well-Known Member
I recommend buying a book on Amazon called Medical growers Bible by Jorge Cervantes they have them used too, I paid new 17 bucks and in that book you will save 100 dollars by just reading what you need and don't. Tips and trix for Gorilla grow etc,,,, You lose one plant that might have been 4 ounces you messed up because you are learning, Trust me you will not have wasted a dime on this book,
MJ takes about a month to get mature enough for flowering this is evident when the branches or nodes start to grow uneven on either side of the branch. Then about 8 weeks for flowering. MJ Will for sure flower at 12 hours day and 12 hours night. If you want to fiorce flower to get an early start and not be left in the frost. Get them started under CFL's 18/6 timer and when mature throw her in the dark for 36 hours and then resume light regime 12/12 or outside will do no matter that the day is getting longer. Once she is in Flower mode she will continue to flower.

I would disagree with the last part of that, if the plant is outside during vegetative hours, it will not continue to flower, it will revert to veg. That is how pre sexing a plant is done, 12/12 until flowering then back under 18/6 to revert to veg(you can lose some of your yield by forcing to flower before maturity)... even when your buds are fully matured and ready to harvest switching back to a vegetative light cycle will revert it to veg.