First Med Coco Grow - finished


Well-Known Member
So I ran my first crack at bubble hash today. I used a five bag 5 gal set. I mixed by hand. I started with a wooden spoon, but broke it, so ended up using a large plastic spoon. I mixed for atleast 30 mins and another 20 mins before the second screening. I used 7 ounces of sugar leafs. I have another 10 aounces of better trim mixed with some of the tiny popcorn that I probably run tomorrow. Anyway here are some pics of what I got out of it. Oh, I also only kept the last two bags.

Here a couple shots while mixing

This is what I got from the first round

This is after running it twice. The larger is from the 73 micro bag and the smaller is from the 25 micro bag.




Well-Known Member
Well... I see the thumbnails... but still red x's above.

That hash looks yummy. When do you think it will dry? mmmmmm.... i love hash! :lol:

I have no idea how long it will take. I am thinking about 5-7 days and then I plan on letting it cure for while. I am really excited about to it out.:-P but I must be patient. ;-)


Well-Known Member
So I thought I would share my second round of bubble hash. I used less than half the trimmings and actually got more hash than the first round. I only filled the bucket 1/2 way with ice and filled the water up to just below ice level. There was definatley more bubbles this time. I also picked up a new wooden spoon :) I also rinsed the work bag with a little water while holding it over the bucket when removing it. Oh and one more thing, I didn't sqeeze the bags to spped up the water from filtering..I just shook them. It takes a lot of patience though, because the last two bags take forever to drain. I will post a weight when it dries.


Active Member
Man I followed your second journal, so I decided to look at your first one and man I am impressed. You seem to be learning tons as am I from your journals and damn your getting some nice product. I'd stab someone in the throat for hash like that lol J.k.


Well-Known Member
Man I followed your second journal, so I decided to look at your first one and man I am impressed. You seem to be learning tons as am I from your journals and damn your getting some nice product. I'd stab someone in the throat for hash like that lol J.k.
Thanks man, remind me not to tell you where I Yeah the hash was rediculous, I was gonna write a smoke report but when I smoke it I am completley useless.:bigjoint:Then I think I will write it later but I can never remember the experience well enough to describe it. I might smoke some this weekend and try the smoke report again. lol
Thanks for taking the time to read btoh journals man , that is a big comliment. You are right I am learning so much. If you look at some of my first posts you know how green I really was. Thank god for TLD he was so much help. Sure miss that dude.