The Death Penalty


New Member
I just wanted to see what fellow stoners thought about the death penalty. No screaming please. At the very least, stay civil.

Although I have flip-flopped quite a bit on the issue myself, my current line of thought is this:

Innocent people have been sentenced to death.
It is wrong to kill innocent people.
Thus, it is wrong to sentence people to death.

I still find myself asking for someone's head on a stick, especially when they admit to atrocious crimes. Confessed baby rapists often make me want to do the job myself.

On the less emotional, more rational side of the argument, I look at the costs. Depending on the state, it is often more costly to sentence someone to death than to incarcerate them for life.

Does anyone else have thoughts on the subject?
I think there is a line of where you should kill someone. I think the dalmers and gacys of the world should be killed without question. they are a waist of resources. murderers that kill should be killed, how is that not fair, and if they killed lots of people they should be killed in a worse an worse way depending on how many. Its fair if you steal a life your life can and should be stolen from you. Awww forget and smoke the problems awaybongsmilie:bigjoint::leaf::weed::joint:
I tend to vascilate too on the death penalty thing. Certainly there are crimes I've heard of that make me consider it.

The problem with instituting a death penalty is overzealous application in the hands of extreme "law and order" types. For instance I believe there are or have been laws that indicate large amounts of marijuana may qualify some "criminals" to be put to death.

A friend of mine thought of a way to save lots of money. Get a small island with reasonable resources, water, vegetation, animal life etc and place the killers there rather than in a cage in a prison that you must pay for. On this island the inhabitants can do whatever they want, except leave.
i am for the death penalty when the case is air tight and the crime so terrible it would be called for.
i seen a crime show . i think it was the first 48 hours ..some hatian man had his wife killed in front of their two one year olds and she sat in the car with the two babys for around a day before they found her and the babys. yep death penalty if they catch him.
another one was a 16 year old kid gunned down a 23 year old kid in a night club parking lot for nothing..yep death penalty on that one two.
There are two questions.

1) Is it Ethical to execute a murderer - absolutely.
2) Can our legal system do a reasonably prudent job of determining guilt - absolutely not.

People with little or no experience with our legal system have no idea how totally fucked it really is. Every day, travesties of justice occur in court rooms all across America. I wouldn't want them deciding the fate of a dog much less a person. If we had a legal system that functioned reasonably well, I would be for it, but we don't so I'm not.
I say if there is ZERO doubt of the persons guilt, kill em twice if you can. But I think the sentence is given too often. The thought of executing an innocent person is very disturbing. I think more often than not a sentence of life without parole would be more acceptable and perhaps like the OP said, cheaper too. There are people on death row now in 2010 who have been there for upwards of 20+ years already. All along because of their death penalty case we as tax payers have been paying their legal representation for numerous appeals and hearings. Many of which end up having their sentence commuted to life without parole anyway.

I would also argue that the death penalty should be used for other crimes as well. For example I think someone who would rape a child is a bigger threat to society than say some street thug killing another street thug.
Only a fool would give a government the authority to legally take a life.

I'll just have to be that fool then. If someone raped and murdered my child and there was no doubt as to their guilt. The government better kill them or else if given the chance I will.
I'll just have to be that fool then. If someone raped and murdered my child and there was no doubt as to their guilt. The government better kill them or else if given the chance I will.

Hey, I'm not against you killing the guy, I'm just against giving the govt power to kill.

A friend of mine thought of a way to save lots of money. Get a small island with reasonable resources, water, vegetation, animal life etc and place the killers there rather than in a cage in a prison that you must pay for. On this island the inhabitants can do whatever they want, except leave.

Its what the brits used Australia for, don't know if the had actual prison facilities on the "island" or they just dropped them and left. But it was a convicts eventual home for at least a short while.

Like Manson you say. Cant kill him because he didn't kill anyone he brainwashed others to kill people. prison for life and that is what he got

Manson was given the death penalty and was on death row when California eliminated the death penalty in 1972.
I read a book a while back titled "Innocent Man". It was from John Grisham (pelican brief, the witness etc.) and I think it was his only non-fictional book. It was a true story of a man who was accused of murder, railroaded by the cops and the prosecution and was put on death row only to be released 18 years later with his life (and ass) thoroughly fucked.
There were times while I was reading this book that I had to stop, put it down and take a walk around the block just to cool off, that's how angry it made me. The death penalty never really bothered me because who gives a shit about murderers and rapists but now I agree with most of what everyone else on here seems to be saying. Putting down a thousand murderers and rapists isn't worth the risk of potentially killing an innocent person.
Timothy McVeigh murdered 168 people in the Oklahoma City bombing and admitted it. Why did we spend more than the cost of a single bullet to protect his rights? He also said that he was motivated by vengeance for the deaths of 77 people, (28 children) who were burned alive by the BATF in Waco, TX. The nation watched their televisions as eye witnesses silently while it happened and did nothing. Why aren't those agents swinging?

Don't give me the "Well they were stockpiling illegal weapons" argument. The 2nd amendment guarantees us an inalienable right to bear arms to protect us from tyranny and abuse of power. Looks to me like the Branch Davidians were onto something by stockpiling weapons. Ok, Ok they were there to save the children from abuse... By giving them death?

If the powers that be ever come to help me or my family, or YOURS for that matter. I hope they come armed with a little more common sense and they should also leave their incendiaries at home.

The reason I say no to the death penalty is because the judges and the police are ALL guilty of something themselves. If someone rapes my baby, I'm going to kill them first and call the cops last. If there is no doubt in my mind, then I am judge and jury and my baby's rapist is going to die by my hand. I won't give the hangman any satisfaction.
The % of innocent put to death compared to those who did do it is minuscule.

Fucking kill all the rapist,murders,child