Need Expert Advice - Temp too Cold? Leaves twisted & curled up not down...


Hello folks, Great Forums/Great Info
I hope someone can help.
I'm having somewhat of a dilema and am hoping I didn't kill my girls. I've checked all the plant problem guides and nute troubleshooters I could find and searched these and other forums for 2 days with no definite conclusions.

I have a hydro grow using a GH waterfarm, 600W MH, PH is 6.0-6.4, 3 weeks into veg stage. PPM around 480-510 using RO water and GH flora nutes, light height is good around 12"-16" above tops. 18/6 light cycle.

2 nights ago the temp in the room dropped to around 58 or so and the nute temp was around 60 because I did not put the submersible heater back in from last weeks flush since it was starting to get warm outside. It is usually 70-80 during the day w/lights on and drops to 60 at night during the dark cycle and I'm exhausting the room every hour.

When I looked the very next morning, 6 of 8 plants leaves were all twisted, shriveled, curled up and there was a strong fresh cut grass or a chloraphyl-like odor. Prior to this everything was looking great, PH always drifts up to 6.5 then I adjust to 5.8-6.0.

What is weird is that of the hundreds of pictures I looked at of plant problems I have not ever seen leaves twist/curl up. My leaves are curled up longs ways like your twisting up a cig. and the stems of the most twisted ones are more purple than normal. There are also slight yellow/tan blotches on the curled leaves when I untwist them and look inside. I also took a quick peek at the roots since I read about root rot as a possibility and they looked white and fine, no brown. Mostly the large fan leaves are affected the new and secondary growth looks somewhat ok with slight damage.
Another peculiarity is that in the 4th picture you can see the 2 in the back left have no problem at all and the other ones do. These 2 that didn't get affected are the G13 cross Gov. mule, and the others that did get affected are the grandaddy purples and afghans. Are G13 strains more tolerant of temp than the others if this is the problem? I've read other posts from people who have had temps lower than this for a day or so with less or no problem???

I'm pretty sure the nutes, PH and lights are not the problem. Other things that happened that day are I added a no-pest strip because a clone I got a week earlier had some mites, I'm pretty sure I've got it under control with safer soap, etc... and none had spread to the existing plants and I have not seen any live ones with the mag. glass. I'm treating every 4 days for 2 weeks.

I've attached some pics to this post.
I really appreciate any advice from you experts on what's happened or going on.
The plant in the coco-pot is the double d clone that I got. It has a bit of mite damage but did not twist like the others.

This is the second day now and I don't see any improvment and the twisted fan leaves are starting to get crispy.
I did cut off the crispy fan leaves off 1 of the plants this AM to see if that will help.




Active Member
I know exactly what that is, i'm guessing your using a catalyst,like karma or floralicious? Your plants dont look like they have it though. Either you have some serious catalyst overfert. Or Your plants got too cold and when they heated back up,they heated up too fast and the leaves wilt then crust up just like in your pics. You in my opinion should keep your temps between 70-80F from now on,dark cycle through light. humidity lower 45-60% max. Your plants are fine just a little temp. problem I think. Stay up Oregon.


Active Member
Hello folks, Great Forums/Great Info
I hope someone can help.
I'm having somewhat of a dilema and am hoping I didn't kill my girls. I've checked all the plant problem guides and nute troubleshooters I could find and searched these and other forums for 2 days with no definite conclusions.

I have a hydro grow using a GH waterfarm, 600W MH, PH is 6.0-6.4, 3 weeks into veg stage. PPM around 480-510 using RO water and GH flora nutes, light height is good around 12"-16" above tops. 18/6 light cycle.

2 nights ago the temp in the room dropped to around 58 or so and the nute temp was around 60 because I did not put the submersible heater back in from last weeks flush since it was starting to get warm outside. It is usually 70-80 during the day w/lights on and drops to 60 at night during the dark cycle and I'm exhausting the room every hour.

When I looked the very next morning, 6 of 8 plants leaves were all twisted, shriveled, curled up and there was a strong fresh cut grass or a chloraphyl-like odor. Prior to this everything was looking great, PH always drifts up to 6.5 then I adjust to 5.8-6.0.

What is weird is that of the hundreds of pictures I looked at of plant problems I have not ever seen leaves twist/curl up. My leaves are curled up longs ways like your twisting up a cig. and the stems of the most twisted ones are more purple than normal. There are also slight yellow/tan blotches on the curled leaves when I untwist them and look inside. I also took a quick peek at the roots since I read about root rot as a possibility and they looked white and fine, no brown. Mostly the large fan leaves are affected the new and secondary growth looks somewhat ok with slight damage.
Another peculiarity is that in the 4th picture you can see the 2 in the back left have no problem at all and the other ones do. These 2 that didn't get affected are the G13 cross Gov. mule, and the others that did get affected are the grandaddy purples and afghans. Are G13 strains more tolerant of temp than the others if this is the problem? I've read other posts from people who have had temps lower than this for a day or so with less or no problem???

I'm pretty sure the nutes, PH and lights are not the problem. Other things that happened that day are I added a no-pest strip because a clone I got a week earlier had some mites, I'm pretty sure I've got it under control with safer soap, etc... and none had spread to the existing plants and I have not seen any live ones with the mag. glass. I'm treating every 4 days for 2 weeks.

I've attached some pics to this post.
I really appreciate any advice from you experts on what's happened or going on.
The plant in the coco-pot is the double d clone that I got. It has a bit of mite damage but did not twist like the others.

This is the second day now and I don't see any improvment and the twisted fan leaves are starting to get crispy.
I did cut off the crispy fan leaves off 1 of the plants this AM to see if that will help.

Hi You mentioned Safer soap etc. to treat mites. What's the etc.? Over doing some sprays can kind of cause a reaction like this sometimes. I think though it was more likely the temp drop. I've seen my leaves out doors do that when we get a frosty morning. Good Luck!:weed:


Well-Known Member
maybe you got some of whatever you were spraying on your plants got into your water. maybe you should change your res. it looks like serious nute burn but i guess that isnt the case? maybe lighten up the nutes for a few days? i dunno man but that sucks
im having the same prob with one of my babys too. been going on for 10 days now. ive flushed which helped but nothing great. changed my ferts totally. went down and got cns 17 and started useing it. which helped a lil. maybe its the temp tho. mine are in a green house and it drops to low 40s still but i have a heater on at night. did they curl from the tip to the stem upwards?


I know exactly what that is, i'm guessing your using a catalyst,like karma or floralicious? Your plants dont look like they have it though. Either you have some serious catalyst overfert. Or Your plants got too cold and when they heated back up,they heated up too fast and the leaves wilt then crust up just like in your pics. You in my opinion should keep your temps between 70-80F from now on,dark cycle through light. humidity lower 45-60% max. Your plants are fine just a little temp. problem I think. Stay up Oregon.
I'm using the General Hydroponics "Keep it Simple Recirculating Program" shown here

This must be an older table because the table I got from the local hydro store has added FloraBlend to the table???

I'm using the "mild growth" strength line. The last flush, 7 days ago I started using the Floralicious Plus and Flora Blend at half recommended strength along with the FloraGro + FloraMicro + FloraBloom at the recommended strength.
The plants looked excellent after the flush for the next week just up until the temperature drop is when the problem happened. The temperature could have actually dropped to a bit lower than I originally said to around 50-55F.

I did put a heater in the room on that cold AM and brought the temp up quickly so that could explain the crispy leaves. I'll keep the night temps a little warmer, I always thought they liked a colder dark period.

Do you recommend not using the stinky catalyst "FloraliciousPlus"? I did use 1/2 strength, maybe that was still too much.
I also notice with GH nutes that their recommend strengths are still too strong so I 1/2 those amounts typically.

Thanks for the diagnosis!


Hi You mentioned Safer soap etc. to treat mites. What's the etc.? Over doing some sprays can kind of cause a reaction like this sometimes. I think though it was more likely the temp drop. I've seen my leaves out doors do that when we get a frosty morning. Good Luck!:weed:
The guy I got the clone from has been using safer soap on a weekly basis in his setup because he needs to do mite control regularily. When I got the clone I had some Dr. Doom pyrethrine so I sprayed it down with that in a separate room. I then went and bought some safer soap spray and used that the next day. I always take the clone out of the growing room to spray it. And, I also added a no pest strip that I hear from so many posts works great.
What's weird is that this clone was not affected by the temp drop, she still looks fine except for the mite and spray damage. Probably because this clone is potted in coco and that helped keep the temp up.
Also, 2 other plants in the hydrofarm are fine and not affected by whatever happened.
Thanks for the reply!


im having the same prob with one of my babys too. been going on for 10 days now. ive flushed which helped but nothing great. changed my ferts totally. went down and got cns 17 and started useing it. which helped a lil. maybe its the temp tho. mine are in a green house and it drops to low 40s still but i have a heater on at night. did they curl from the tip to the stem upwards?,
Yes, they curled from tip to stem upward like a twisted doob. I have never seen any pics of leaves that curl upward when it's a nute or ph problem expecially long ways.
What is your night time temp with the heater on?


Well-Known Member
Temperture went from far too cold to hot too fast this has caused the plant to twist.Like me take in you to jamaca then droping you into the artic sea has long has the temp are kept constant then the plant will recover i would also recomend useing the nutrient heater.But before doing that cut all the bad growth back this may leave her looking bare but its for the best.Also put new nutrients in the grow medium ph them to 6.0/6.5 and she will recover.....tyke......................................


Temperture went from far too cold to hot too fast this has caused the plant to twist.Like me take in you to jamaca then droping you into the artic sea has long has the temp are kept constant then the plant will recover i would also recomend useing the nutrient heater.But before doing that cut all the bad growth back this may leave her looking bare but its for the best.Also put new nutrients in the grow medium ph them to 6.0/6.5 and she will recover.....tyke......................................
Thanks Tyke,

I just cut the crispy dead stuff off today and am crossing my fingers. I'll make up a batch of new RO nute soln to swap out also. I guess I should have kept the heater in the grow room a bit longer. Last weeks warm weather was deceiving.