how safe is ordering seed in the US?


Well-Known Member
Any country that has laws forbidding cultivation of marijuana better have their seeds sent somewhere other than where they plan to grow...
I have many American friends that have ordered online without issue, but there are always stories of ppl getting caught.. If you order them and have nothing going on at that residence, dont worry about it, go ahead and order them...



We order our seeds from Attitude Seed Bank in the UK. They have a great selection of all kinds of seeds... even from the seed banks that won't ship here... We did pay a little extra for the guaranteed ship... $15 total, but we got a sweet coffee mug... they have other things to choose from... you can track your order too... and we got our seeds in about 10 days becuase of the slow ass USPS... Hope this helps!

trichlone fiend

New Member
....order from Attitude dude, IMO. They are stealthy, and prompt, you can track your order, they just drop it off in your mail box....send cash brotha!..... and they'll even give you extra seeds.... mine came in a cup.


bud bootlegger
i've never had an issue ordering seeds online.. the worst that i have heard of happening was the seeds getting confiscated and you getting a letter from customs saying that they have your seeds.. no biggy..
and there are even sites that if you pay a lil extra for quarenteed delivery, even if they do get confiscated, they will re ship them to you again..


Any country that has laws forbidding cultivation of marijuana better have their seeds sent somewhere other than where they plan to grow...
I have many American friends that have ordered online without issue, but there are always stories of ppl getting caught.. If you order them and have nothing going on at that residence, dont worry about it, go ahead and order them...

true dat. If you have any pot you couldnt just flush down the toilet dont order but if your not growing and you can just flush it down the toilet or keep it somewhere else for the next couple days other than your home. Order away

The Docta

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
I have ordered seeds a few times over the last decade. I have used 3 different banks over that time and all arrived no problem.


Yea im not growing at all right now. im actually about to move so im getting the lights, fans, etc ready and this would be the first time ordering. i just wanted to be sure because in Maryland they kinda got nothing else to do but to look for drugs. thanks guys for the advice


BTW you don't have to send cash to Attitude Seeds either... we used our Debit Card and had no problem... WTF would you send cash in the mail?

trichlone fiend

New Member
BTW you don't have to send cash to Attitude Seeds either... we used our Debit Card and had no problem... WTF would you send cash in the mail?

...ummmmm, because it is less attached to your name, social # :wall:....I've ALWAYS sent cash, never a problem not once....don't get me wrong, only a fool would send hundreds of dollars....keep the order small....send cash, test the waters.


Well-Known Member
if you live in indiana have the seeds sent to a secure address that NOTHING IS GOING ON AT..I MEAN NOTHING. i had some seeds caught by customs and my home was raided by the state police. this cost me alot of money all the found was about a gram of weed and a pipe. customs will send the seeds to the state police here and they will be out to your home with the drug dogs and like 10 policemen.


...ummmmm, because it is less attached to your name, social # :wall:....I've ALWAYS sent cash, never a problem not once....don't get me wrong, only a fool would send hundreds of dollars....keep the order small....send cash, test the waters.

I see what you are saying. I couldn't agree more with you about having personal info out there. Next time I will send a lil cash in the mail... Test the waters. :weed:


Well-Known Member
could you pre load one of those vsa debti cards on the internet and fill out some fake name and send it to where you want to pick it up?