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No, actually I don't.... and that is my point.

I think I know what you are going to say.... and that is circular logic to the maximum.

Living by reason produces a well balanced person. No need for made up hokem smokem.
The ONLY reason the church does any charity at all is because it is tax free and it works into the cult recruitment of the desperate (hungry).

That's the school of fish the church tries to net.... the desperate.

Babs...try and pay attention.
"ONLY" reason cj?
Yeah, try again.
Ever heard the saying you can't get blood from a turnip?
Yes, you are being left out.... :lol:

Bet you didn't get the secret Bible decoder ring either.
You really ARE "that" predictable.

May God strike me down if I'm lying......I just KNEW something to this affect was your next post.

Try a little normalcy next go around cj.:sleep::sleep::sleep:
You have God..., I will agree with cj here, it's not God.
via his own words.......


I've lived my entire adult life as an atheist. never committed a crime, never cheated anyone, never harmed anyone in any fashion.

What's holding me together?

It sure isn't religion.'s HYPOCRISY and .....lying at best.
That's funny, because I volunteer, and no one comes over to me and says, "Excuse me sir, but are you volunteering? Oh, I see. And do you believe in GOD? No? I see. So are you Agnostic, or an Atheist. Thank you for the information kind stranger!"

Does this happen to you guys?
Am I being left out, AGAIN? decoder ring necessary.
We run by statistics of how many are even living in the USA. Do you find those to be on target too? decoder ring necessary.
We run by statistics of how many are even living in the USA. Do you find those to be on target too?

I've been meaning to fill out one of those Census thingy's too!

The fact of the matter is, the numbers are guesstimates at best!:shock:

And as for motivation, I don't mean to bash religion (really), but I have met very few missionaries or crusaders or whatever the PC term is this year, who REALLY GOT OFF on charity. Most of them are earning a badge for their Eagle Scout Sash. Sorry. just my experience...:sad:
It's called multi quote.

The charity work is intertwined with missionary work.... conversion...indoctrination of those who become dependent on the charity.

A low point in morality....cloaked to look like morality. It is closer to bribery...of the worst sort.
Yes, you are being left out.... :lol:

Bet you didn't get the secret Bible decoder ring either.

WHAT!? WTF! All I got was a curious mind that will not accept simple explanations. I've been an Atheist all my life, I have committed mad crimes, fucked up things in my life that were good, and generally fumbled my way through life until about 25 because hey, I've never done this shit before. Then I grew up and now I give back twice what I took for my own. BECAUSE I FELT LIKE SHIT INSIDE, not because of fear, or esprit de corps, or because some judge ordered me to. If you need a book to feel morality, then damn...

And if I'm wrong I'll shoot dice with God for my soul:clap:
(Better odds)
I can tell you are an atheist.

You don't use ... "if, "maybe", or "possibly" every 6th word in your sentences.

Yes, I am. And by definition, if (See! Just by mentioning the notion I have to use one of those clumsy words) this "GOD" exhists, so is it/he/her! What an ice breaker...:hump:
Oh please with the're both AGNOSTIC.
I know it's oh so shameful, but by your own posts you prove it. LOOK BACK.
To me, it is the same thing. No difference...most ppl have several interpretations of what an atheist is.

I do NOT believe in a "man G*D". that's simply too preposterous to consider as probable. No secret there.... try again.

I do have a very open mind however and leave open the probability of some "force" which started our universe. If it turns out to be the Flying Spaghetti Monster... i have no problem with that. If I never find out.... I'm fine with that also.

I'm not the one making up stories and beliefs to get through my day.

I use my brain for that.
Oh please with the're both AGNOSTIC.
I know it's oh so shameful, but by your own posts you prove it. LOOK BACK.

Pump your brakes!

Toyota: Moving forward. Even when you don't want to.

Agnostics are open to magical....errr, spritual beings but are un-decided.

I only suggest that we may be part of a larger community...You look back at MY posts. The whole bacteria fungi screaming boo! Was that this thread?

Sorry, I grow nice weed...bongsmilie

I DO know that science will discover any such thing before religion will:lol:

A being with no parents, no flaws, no flesh?

:finger: all that, just can't buy it, Sorry.