drooping leaves in flower plz help


Newbie growers first grow. Plant is at 2 wk flower starting to see all of the leaves by the buds starting to droop. some yellowing going on, a few tips on the older leaves. soil grow with ffof, ff nutes 600 hp . ph normal with water and nutes. no flush yet, any ideas thanks



Well-Known Member
imho I think when you see those little leaves curling like that it often can mean that the roots are not draining properly. Are you finding that they are sitting for long periods of time with wet feet?


Thanks all, I am using smart pots with solid saucers under them. I am not sure whats going on. It was growing just fine until today. I watered two days in a row with the fans and smart pots and a 600 hps they seemed to be drying pretty quick. Someone suggested nitro deficiency so i probably didn't help by giving it a shot of mg. going to let it sit for now and see what tomorrow brings. I have read where it could be a nitro excess also. it definitely looks like claw leaves just around the buds, but i am seeing more yellow leaves pretty much all around the plant. don't no
thanks for the help