I done what PHILLTUBES told me to do with a heat pad & paper towel = 14 HOURS LATER 2 SEEDS CRACK OPEN AFTER 8 DAYS IN WATER
I wont be using water in a cup anymore.
Thanks Philltubes + rep for all that helped
Congratz man, dont do that cup of water thing again lol.
I think you might of misunderstood the cup of water method its not leaving the seeds in the cup but to soak for a few hours to soften the shell.
There is another weird way how to germ, i saw it at the cannabis college in amsterdam, (Dont Laugh) They get a tampon and split it in half and place 3 - 4 seeds in there and add some water then place in warm place, the guy there said that its nearly 99% germ rate. Never tried it but .....
Just got for the paper towel method, easy, cheap & realiable