New Member
You, CJ are off the deep end
Skipping over? I'm aware he had other charges in the past. Thank you for reminding me, again. Now kindly address my questions.
Are you okay with him getting 35 years?
What would you have done if his fate were in your hands?
So are you saying his prior convictions are what make this new conviction justified?
Would your opinion be any different if he had served out each term when he was convicted?
Do you think the guy should have been given a felony for his newest dilemma?
It would depend upon what the other felonies were. If they were for possession, cultivation or sales of weed, then no, I would not be in favor of 35 years. In fact, if I had been on the jury, I would have voted to aquit, thereby hanging the jury. On the other hand, if the other two felonies were of a violent nature, i.e., robbery, rape, child molestion, etc ... I would have voted for the maximum sentence. Let's face it, there are some really evil people out there that NEED to be off the streets.
Anyone that condones 35 years for 4 ounces of weed under ANY circumstances is evil in my book.
No, but each conviction is taken into account if found guilty.... am I wrong?
I'm "guessing" he either fled or was paroled. Now parole means walking the straight line or right back in. In effect you sign a promissory note to be good.
Now I LOVE weed.... more than most, but that has NOTHING to do with it.
Think it through. Know your surroundings and KEEP YOUR WORD. He didn't.
Anyone that condones 35 years for 4 ounces of weed under ANY circumstances is evil in my book.
Even if there are previous VIOLENT felonies? OK, call me evil, and I will call you obviously stupid. I mean, do you really want perpetual violent offenders roaming the streets? Do you like your daughters living among predators? Granted, you and I both agree on the weed issue, but come on ... at some point a guy has to learn his lesson, right? If he were caught shoplifting with prior violent felonies, would you feel differently about that?
Even if there are previous VIOLENT felonies? OK, call me evil, and I will call you obviously stupid. I mean, do you really want perpetual violent offenders roaming the streets? Do you like your daughters living among predators? Granted, you and I both agree on the weed issue, but come on ... at some point a guy has to learn his lesson, right? If he were caught shoplifting with prior violent felonies, would you feel differently about that?
A coerced allegiance under the threat of a beating is no allegiance at all , and in a rational world this would be known as "cheating". Who threatens the victimless criminal with a beating? Hmmm.
Think it through.
Even if there are previous VIOLENT felonies? OK, call me evil, and I will call you obviously stupid. I mean, do you really want perpetual violent offenders roaming the streets? Do you like your daughters living among predators? Granted, you and I both agree on the weed issue, but come on ... at some point a guy has to learn his lesson, right? If he were caught shoplifting with prior violent felonies, would you feel differently about that?
No I wouldnt. When someone commits a crime and is caught they are punished for that crime and supposedly paid their dues. Why would you think its right to punish that person again for a crime committed 20 years ago as in this case? That is the problem I have with felonies, a person can make one mistake and for the rest of their life they will always be branded a criminal. At what point is a person absolved? I suppose to people like you never. Maybe if there were more forgiveness in the legal system people wouldnt feel the need to commit more crimes because they can never get a decent job, because even if 50 years has passed they will still be a criminal in your eyes.
No, the issue is Constitutional rights! The 3x law is unconstitutional as well as prosecution for crimes that have no victim with the state acting as an imaginary victim to control the behavior and activities of it's citizens. This is why the liberal was isn't working. Stand up for your rights! Ever single one of you should write your local politicians and Governors and tell them you want pot legalized and you want the Constitution upheld and to stop prosecuting innocent Americans. 3 Pot charges would get you life too, which is both stupid and undeserved.
You should all look up your state militias and join. We will be implementing this plan in the near future so you will have to choose to submit to the coperation of the Govt we have now or the Govt of the people awarded by the Constitution. This is the type of shit that needs to stop! I will start a new thread on this some other time...
thats crazy, i know now never to take weed out there, did it once took like a half never ever again and im legal