electricity consumption

Hi guys. I'm very new. Lets say that I've got a 600w light and plan on growing a few plants hydroponically. Do you think the electric company or the police have any chance of catching on based on the changes in my electricity consumption. At what point does your consumption become a giveaway as to what you're doing?



Well-Known Member
You need not to worry about 1 600w light. Your electric company won't give a damn. They are making money off of you. As for the police, they have better things to do than bust a personal grower. They want traffickers. It can also depend on where you live. Small towns typically have less to deal with so can spend more time looking for other stuff.


Well-Known Member
I have found that turning a major appliance off(Electric Water heater)saves me $$$.Just think it runs all the time and you only need it a few hours a day.I also have an old school meter that can be flipped to run it backwards.


Active Member
My mate does that out of parranoia ha! He switches off all essential non-appliences when he has his 1000w on LOL
ALright. Thanks a bunch guys. Just read an article about a Vietnamese family who was renting out mansions and running a giant operation. They got busted when a police officer smelled them burning the byproducts and saw smoke coming out of the chimney. So you guys are absolutely right. Smell should be a major concern.


Active Member
ALright. Thanks a bunch guys. Just read an article about a Vietnamese family who was renting out mansions and running a giant operation. They got busted when a police officer smelled them burning the byproducts and saw smoke coming out of the chimney. So you guys are absolutely right. Smell should be a major concern.

Vietnamese are stupid cash croppers, when you're greedy, you get complacant. If you're this parranoid I wouldn't start LOL
Vietnamese are stupid cash croppers, when you're greedy, you get complacant. If you're this parranoid I wouldn't start LOL
LOL right on. I am way too paranoid to run an operation like that. They were screwing with the meters as well. Oh well, there's the proof... Don't get greedy, don't rent out million dollar homes and turn them into oceans of marijuana and burn the byproducts right out of your chimney.


Well-Known Member
I have found that turning a major appliance off(Electric Water heater)saves me $$$.Just think it runs all the time and you only need it a few hours a day.I also have an old school meter that can be flipped to run it backwards.
That ol' school meter trick can get you some new school time :o