advanced nutrients and aerogarden


Active Member
i have the 2 part sensigrow and bloom nutrients, they say 600ppm is a normal feed and up to 1800 is aggressive, though on their website it shows you need more as the plants get bigger. im wondering since its in an aerogarden and the plants will not be getting very big, do i follow their ppm reccomendations or should i feed them even less than what they reccomend to avoid nute burn. basically what ppm should i mix at, how should i know when to up the concentration? i have ph strips but no ppm meter


Active Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3882798]if you start at 1/4 strength, you should be fine[/QUOTE]okay well i went with 300ppm, i seem to have a very high ph though, 7.5ish it seems, the aerogarden nutes always seemed to have me right around 5.5ish and i know thats where i need to be so it can actually use the nutes, do i need to buy ph down or am i mixing the nutes wrong? i just seem to remember seeing somewhere them saying "never worry about ph again!" i seem to have the problem of stunted growth, and the stem isnt growing but new tiny leaves are forming, it hasnt gotten any taller in the last 3 days. is this normal or is it just cause i mixed the nutes really weak?

edit : i did dump my res before filling with the advanced nutrients and washed it out the best i could, 4L of bottled water (do i HAVE to use reverse osmosis? these bottles claim only 290ppm impurities) and i added 1ml/L of grow a/b and i did add them seperate from eachother like it says.


Well-Known Member
Yeah pH is KEY when in hydro, i would get a meter and pH UP and DOWN, you will always need to adjust the pH when you mix your nutes.
Sounds like stunted growth, any pics?


Active Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3889553]Yeah pH is KEY when in hydro, i would get a meter and pH UP and DOWN, you will always need to adjust the pH when you mix your nutes.
Sounds like stunted growth, any pics?[/QUOTE]
did not realize you always had to adjust lol ive got ph strips, meters not in the budget right now, but ill definately grab some ph up/down tomorrow. no pics yet, basically the 2 first true leaves showed up overnight though, got bigger the next day, then they stopped where they are the last couple days, in those days the 2nd set of true leaves started popping up but their shorter than 1cm and you can barely see the side tips, mostly just see the middle leaf tip, and theres no stem between them and the first set of true leaves. like i say shes barely moving the last few days. oh and im about 1.5 weeks in since it was planted, the leaves look fairly healthy their just not growing! hopefully it is just ph!


Active Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3892806]Yeah im sure once you get the pH in line, things should shape up[/QUOTE]
well the veins on the leaves look greener than they were before and theres a small but noticeable amount of new leaf growth, though no height yet. ive got the ph just under 6, its hard to tell exactly so i guess i definately should save for a meter. thanks for the help


Active Member
well things seem to be back on track, there is evident new growth now every day slow as it may be, and there is starting to be some small growth in height, the only thing ive noticed is the stem coming up from the root up to the first set of true leaves is purple, and the veins to those leaves as well as seedling leaves are light purple, however the new growth since switching to advanced nutrients and getting the PH right is perfectly green so far. im not overly worried but is this normal or is something up?


Well-Known Member
It should be fine, i get purple stems all the time, and nothing negative has happened


Active Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3905195]It should be fine, i get purple stems all the time, and nothing negative has happened[/QUOTE]
well, more new growth today! seems to be speeding up a little, though the very very tip of one of the first true leaves is kinda burnt looking. i checked my roots though and there seems to be this clear/white goo stuck to the roots, and there was an entire membrane of it stuck to the airstone keeping it from bubbling. i did some research apparently its a bacteria/algae? apparently you use h2o2 to clean it? basically what is the BEST method to get rid of this, or am i fucked?


Well-Known Member
Are you doing weekly rez changes? i would do that and see how it goes, you could always rinse off the actual roots gently under a sink or something


Active Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3910324]Are you doing weekly rez changes? i would do that and see how it goes, you could always rinse off the actual roots gently under a sink or something[/QUOTE]
its had 3 res changes so far in 2.5 weeks, when i changed it last time i noticed abit of the goo on the roots and just figured it was part of the sensizym so i wiped it off and rinsed out the res good. but now its really obvious, alot has built up and it clogged the airstone


Active Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3910418]Well i would stop using that sensizym then, thats probably where its coming from[/QUOTE]okay, so i should try for just straight nutes then for now? whats the best method for cleaning the resivoir/roots and trying to make sure whatever this goo is, that some doesnt stay behind and keep reproducing? people are using h2o2 apparently? do i do a res change and then put just straight water in or should i put nutes in?


Well-Known Member
Just have something to suspend the roots and AG base while you clean, and basically scrub all the gunk off the sides of the rez and what not, then just put it bac in and fill with your freshly made soup, with the nutrients, as for the h202, in not sure on how much to put in, but you just add it into your batch like you would the nutrients and fill the AG


Active Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3910471]Just have something to suspend the roots and AG base while you clean, and basically scrub all the gunk off the sides of the rez and what not, then just put it bac in and fill with your freshly made soup, with the nutrients, as for the h202, in not sure on how much to put in, but you just add it into your batch like you would the nutrients and fill the AG[/QUOTE]
okay, so its pretty much just do all you can and hope that it go's away, theres no real treatment other than changing the res and cleaning it, if it comes back after changing the res just as bad as before what do i do then, i cant keep wasting 4L of RO water every time really


Active Member
okay, so its pretty much just do all you can and hope that it go's away, theres no real treatment other than changing the res and cleaning it, if it comes back after changing the res just as bad as before what do i do then, i cant keep wasting 4L of RO water every time really
seems like that white slime hasnt come back yet but so far ive left just pure water in the res and the leaves actually kept growing, im kinda planning on waiting till the leaves just start to turn yellow to add nutes again hoping to starve whatever that slime was, if theres any i missed cleaning out, theres no harm in doing this right? oh and i also did some research, apparently people are saying it is from adding enzymes/beneficial bacteria to the res, so ill be putting the cap on the sensizym for now. is this worth contacting advanced nutrients about if when i stop using it for a week or more an i dont have anymore problems?


Active Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3915338]Im sure its long gone man, no need to starve your plants[/QUOTE]
yup you were right everythings all good, i added nutes within a day as soon as i noticed the leaves didnt look as vibrant. the growth hasnt slowed down at all, i can now see all 5 fingers on the new leaves! 3 finger leaves are still growing steady, and the root growth has completely taken off, it gained more overnight now that the goo is gone and the ph is perfect than it has in the last 2.5 weeks its been growing. however one of the seedling leaves, and both the single finger leaves have gotten a black/brown/dark green tip, theres a tiny bit of yellowing around the seedling tip none on the true leaves though. also i mentioned my stem was purple, well its turned abit brown most of the way up and i lifted up the paper covering the grow sponge, i cant get a good picture of it cause its down basically where the stem meets the sponge, the stem seems to be swelling from inside and its split down there, so where its split its actually green inside, it doesnt look good really, but at the same time everything else seems to be okay and if anything growth is speeding up, ive just never seen anything like it.


Active Member
that fucking white goo is back today.....i know ill have to change/clean the res really good again, but should i get h2o2 this time? it seems like the grow sponge has goo stuck to it and im thinking thats how it stayed behind cause i cleaned it really good, whats the best way to clean the roots/sponge without hurting the plant? is there anything else i can do to imrove my chances?