thanks for representing the other sideI never ever ship to my grow. There. Now you have an answer on the other side. Why would you? I don't see how a po box would help. it's linked to you, real id or fake. you have to show up to get your package.
no question, a few states are special cases, Indiana seems to be right up thereit depends on what state you live in what customs will do with the seeds if my state they will send them to the state police and they will be out at your home with drug dogs and a shit pile load of cops. DO NOT SHIT WHERE YOU EAT . IT IS NOT WORTH IT . I HAVE BEEN TO JAIL FOR THIS SHIT BELIEVE ME TRUST ME ON THIS ONE.
have them sent to a friends home pay with a pre paid credit card DO NOT FUCKING ORDER SEEDS TO THE GROW. order them at a rented mail box. (were you dont have to show ID to get it)
or have them order it to a friends house whos home is CLEAN no pills that do not belong their . no illegal switch blade knifes(fucking pigs stole a few of my knifes from my knife collection)and some other things.THE HOUSE THE BEANS WILL BE SENT TO UNLESS IT IS A RENTED MAIL BOX NEEDS TO BE COMPLETELY CLEAN . the first place the pigs will go to is STRAIGHT TO YOUR COMPUTOR. most states i think customs just sends you a letter saying they confiscated your shit. in INDIANA they WILL be out to your HOUSE.
you've tweaked my curiosityI have been growing for years and my most importsnt aspect to my grow is security. I have NEVER broken any of the golden rules and I intend on living by this creed.
I will be the first to admit having seeds sent to your house is probably 99% safe. However, I prefer to not even have a 1% chance at losing my freedom. Thats just me. I am not paranoid but I am smart and until the laws are changed where I live, I will remain vigilant in my security procedures.
It's real easy to let your guard down and allow your desires for the next great beans to get the best of ya.
The golden rules of growing have been established for years and years. They are "golden" for a reason and I would encourage anyone who is growing in a non-MMJ state to stay vigilant in your security.
I had a plumber working on my water heater that was within 6 inches of mu grow yesterday and due to my security measures, I wasnt concerned in the least.
My bottom line...any chance, no matter how small, of a breach in security should NEVER, EVER be taken.
Stay safe and always follow the golden rules of growing.