New Member
He never lied about it.... ridiculous.
Roll the ugliness.Whats your view on cat juggling?
HeheUhhh, It's Fuckin A.
Well, I have been outside the country quite a bit in my life, and I can honestly say I am not embarrassed by Americans.
I am proud.
I see you are a history revisionist. It must be nice to actually believe the crap that you spew as factual. Reagon was the start of the right wing conspiracy (Neo-cons). The beginning of privatization of previously government run organizations, Can you say (Air traffic controllers)? Look, I realize that government is a runaway leviathan, Bureaucrats are there to preserve their jobs first, and results last. Government has a place in any civilized society. It must be funded, hence, taxation. We can argue all day and night about the size and function of government, but here is where we have our most basic difference: I say government should be By the people, of the people, and FOR the people. You say screw the people, government should stay out of your business and stop this pesky taxation. We can never agree with our attitudes. Do you actually think this country could survive your conditions?Heh, we all know what needs to be done... well most of us. It just never seems to get to Washington and stick.
Reagan was the only President to get close to the ideal. Lower the taxes, get the businesses moving, creating jobs (remember what those were?), and a STRONG national defense.
Basically, he handled the true federal duties, and left the rest up to the states and people.
Those were heady times..... he was a true leader. Maybe one of the best ever. He believed in the American people. He knew that the best thing was to get the government OUT OF THE WAY ... and we would take care of the rest. And we did. It worked.
Thank you. Seems it is a lost cause on this forum though, leeeeens right.I prefer to think of it as 'fuck an a', not sure why. My comments were not directed at you though! I like that you fight for compassion and understanding
damn!!! Look at those children!!
so proud!