Global Warming on trial...


Well-Known Member
I was quite amazed when I watched this.....but I guess we should prolly remember, like any other effort....their intent is to convince you and therefore, willpresent the info to best achieve that objective....but in my is VERY compelling.... :blsmoke:
Zeitgeist has that incredible theory about how christianity, like almost all other religions, is simply astrology wrapped up in a different coat. Very interesting! Is it true? He's not the first to suggest it, so I'm sure there's alot written on it.


New Member
OK, for all you Evolutionists in the room:

1. What did Darwin know about the cell ... compared to what we know today?

2. Where is the fossil evidence to back up what you preach?



New Member
OK, for all you Evolutionists in the room:

1. What did Darwin know about the cell ... compared to what we know today?

2. Where is the fossil evidence to back up what you preach?

1. not much. but what we have discovered about the cell only strengthens the argument for evolution, IMO. i suppose the facts can be argued either way and the evidence interpreted either way.

2. look, it takes very specific conditions to preserve a fossil. the natural world has tons of different systems in place set up for the breakdown of itself. this is the cycle of life.

having said that, there were plenty of fossils enough for Darwin and those of his era to draw the conclusions of 'decent with modification'. and the years following have only added to the arsenal.

-look, this is not a conspiracy. but study and classification of the natural world and biology leads you to these conclusions. well, most of us. and it really seems to allow for an explaination thats fits in line with what we see today. that is: there is no evidence of anything supernatural occuring in this world. so we are forced to look for natural conclusions as to why we are here and where we came from.

if just one religion were to prove that their god does what they say he does, we would change our minds with this new evidence. but nobody has or will ever find evidence for their god because they're all imaginary.


New Member
"if just one religion were to prove that their god does what they say he does, we would change our minds with this new evidence. but nobody has or will ever find evidence for their god because they're all imaginary."

What appears to be "imaginary" to you, is very evident to those on a spiritual plane.

Logic doesn't apply. :)



New Member
"if just one religion were to prove that their god does what they say he does, we would change our minds with this new evidence. but nobody has or will ever find evidence for their god because they're all imaginary."

What appears to be "imaginary" to you, is very evident to those on a spiritual plane.

Logic doesn't apply. :)

Wait, you always are bagging on me for logic, what's up with this? Spirituality cannot be explained to the logical being, as spirituality is not logical. Could we say the same in reverse? No. A spiritual person can also be extremely logical. The missing element is faith. Faith is a belief that surpasses logic and comes from within. Without faith, a belief in a higher power is illogical. The logic part of belief comes with acceptance that man is not capable of knowing all and therefore there must be a source of knowledge higher up the plane than man. When you accept this tenet, you are on the first rung of the ladder to greater knowledge and understanding. There is a whole other world of spirits right next to you, it is your burden to recognise them.


New Member
And so? Isn't that exactly what I said by saying "logic doesn't apply?" And by the way ... that was one of your best posts ever, Med.

Like The Man said: "What has been revealed to mere children is hidden from the most learned." (or something like that) ~lol~



Well-Known Member
Wait, you always are bagging on me for logic, what's up with this? Spirituality cannot be explained to the logical being, as spirituality is not logical.
Man can draw little to comfort him from cold logic. While being at top of the food chain has alowed man to spread and multiply, being alone at the top puts man as being the one responsble and most don't wish to be in this position and accept responsblity.

Med you also wish for the state to be responsble for you and others. I see this as just passing the buck instead of saying the buck stops here.

Religion is used in the same way and also gives a warm fuzzy feeling knowing your being watched over protected, and have a nice place to go when you die.

Could we say the same in reverse? No. A spiritual person can also be extremely logical. The missing element is faith. Faith is a belief that surpasses logic and comes from within. Without faith, a belief in a higher power is illogical. The logic part of belief comes with acceptance that man is not capable of knowing all and therefore there must be a source of knowledge higher up the plane than man.

I don't find the logic in man not knowing all, therefore there must be a more knowledgeable source.

Why should this be?

Faith alows man to be illogical and to find good in blowing up one self and others.

When you accept this tenet, you are on the first rung of the ladder to greater knowledge and understanding. There is a whole other world of spirits right next to you, it is your burden to recognise them.
I say the first rung is on the ladder of religion.

I have a whole bar of spirits right next me and yet I am just smoking a bowl.

While the theory of evolution has debatable points.

Evolution is a fact and is not truely debatable in a scientific way as it has been proven scientificly.

Evolution is a scientific fact.....


Well-Known Member
OK, for all you Evolutionists in the room:

1. What did Darwin know about the cell ... compared to what we know today?

2. Where is the fossil evidence to back up what you preach?

Point 2: according to an article in Dec 2007, "Science" mag, (on newsstands now), fossil evidence is hard to find. Single cell creatures do not have much structure and no calcium to speak of. The article talks about the debate of how to find and utilize fossil data of single cells.

Also, it points out that very few single cells have ever been cataloged.
So nobody knows what to compare anything to.

So your brilliant question, as I'm sure you already know, has NO qualified answer.


New Member
Logic doesn't apply.

that's the first clue that religous people are full of shit.

when you rule out logic, what basis is there to argue? what need is there to reason? we can ignore your blind faith the same way you ignore those of other religions.

i can't believe you actually admit logic doesnt apply to your most cherished beliefs and principles. just think about what you're suggesting.


New Member

ARE THEIR REALLY ANY FOOLS OUT THERE BELIEVING THIS BULLSHIT?!?! they have found another brillant scam to TAX you, and you believe it because it's wrapped up in a 'save the earth' package. THEY'RE SCAMMING YOU, FOOL!!!

what kind of idiot believes you should have to pay for the outgasing of CO2?! we fucking breath it out with every breath, you thickskulls. i have fucking had it up to here (pointing really high) with the CO2 bullshit scam!!

jesus christ they have fooled all you suckers!

this one is great:

Carbon dioxide is the main greenhouse gas responsible for the higher temperatures that are causing a surge in sea levels and an increased risk of droughts and floods, according to UN reports.

this is bold faced lie, in black and white. CO2 is NOT the main greenhouse gas. it is a SMALLEST of ALL greenhouse gasses, Water Vapor, being the largest. and humans have added less then 10 parts per fucking MILLION to the levels of CO2 in the atmousphere! but they wouldn't lie right to your face would they?

well, let's see...higher temperatures are going to be responsible for BOTH droughts AND floods. well, i guess these scientists just can't lose in their predictions, can they. Hot, cold, rain, drought: everything is because of global warming.

go ahead and give them your hard earned money, you ignorant fools.


New Member

ARE THEIR REALLY ANY FOOLS OUT THERE BELIEVING THIS BULLSHIT?!?! they have found another brillant scam to TAX you, and you believe it because it's wrapped up in a 'save the earth' package. THEY'RE SCAMMING YOU, FOOL!!!

what kind of idiot believes you should have to pay for the outgasing of CO2?! we fucking breath it out with every breath, you thickskulls. i have fucking had it up to here (pointing really high) with the CO2 bullshit scam!!

jesus christ they have fooled all you suckers!

this one is great:

this is bold faced lie, in black and white. CO2 is NOT the main greenhouse gas. it is a SMALLEST of ALL greenhouse gasses, Water Vapor, being the largest. and humans have added less then 10 parts per fucking MILLION to the levels of CO2 in the atmousphere! but they wouldn't lie right to your face would they?

well, let's see...higher temperatures are going to be responsible for BOTH droughts AND floods. well, i guess these scientists just can't lose in their predictions, can they. Hot, cold, rain, drought: everything is because of global warming.

go ahead and give them your hard earned money, you ignorant fools.

Geeze Closet, mellow out. Just who is going to benefit monetarily from preaching global warming, a few scientists? Whereas on the other side of the coin, many corporations would benefit financially if they didn't have to clean up their effluents, gas, solids, or liquids. Me thinks the ones to benefit from your perspective are corporate moguls, am I wrong here? And if so, please tell me why. BTW, have you been to any of the main citys inflicted with inversion layers where the smog is so thick you can cut it with a Knife? Try living in that environment for 20 years and wake up smelling and tasting the crap every day and say the sky is not falling. I lived in the LA Basin for thirty years, Yetch, I was sure glad to get out.


New Member
~lol~ ... Closet, we agree on the Co2 bullshit ... but the faith thing? ... not so much. :)

Spirituality is not about logic, it defys logic. That's why the Spirit of God is so hard to accept ... and also easy to find. That's why mere children can recieve it and the learned cannot. This has nothing to do with organized religion at all.

I have to laugh when I see posts that say things like: "that's the first clue that religous people are full of shit." The reason I laugh is because I know what a great sense of humor God has. When He appears to doubters like you ... He will hit you upside the head like a ton of bricks. Same as He did with me. :)




New Member
Geeze Closet, mellow out. Just who is going to benefit monetarily from preaching global warming, a few scientists? Whereas on the other side of the coin, many corporations would benefit financially if they didn't have to clean up their effluents, gas, solids, or liquids. Me thinks the ones to benefit from your perspective are corporate moguls, am I wrong here? And if so, please tell me why. BTW, have you been to any of the main citys inflicted with inversion layers where the smog is so thick you can cut it with a Knife? Try living in that environment for 20 years and wake up smelling and tasting the crap every day and say the sky is not falling. I lived in the LA Basin for thirty years, Yetch, I was sure glad to get out.
WAKE UP MED. THIS IS A TAX SCAM. so basically, the Rothchilds are going to benifit from finding another way to tax us.

let me spell it out to you. big corperations have found a way to make YOU and me PAY for THIER upgrades and environmental cleaning-up. THEY made billions off their dirty technology. now their making US pay to clean it up.

and you and others are too thick to see their plans. maybe their right. Americans are too stupid to effect change.


New Member
~lol~ ... Closet, we agree on the Co2 bullshit ... but the faith thing? ... not so much. :)

Spirituality is not about logic, it defys logic. That's why the Spirit of God is so hard to accept ... and also easy to find. That's why mere children can recieve it and the learned cannot. This has nothing to do with organized religion at all.

I have to laugh when I see posts that say things like: "that's the first clue that religous people are full of shit." The reason I laugh is because I know what a great sense of humor God has. When He appears to doubters like you ... He will hit you upside the head like a ton of bricks. Same as He did with me. :)


dont talk to me about your false god who's the most powerful force in the universe but he can't be proven, by anyone of any religion. he's in your heart. not even your head.

i have a religous past, in a position of authority likely alot higher then you are. i know first hand how if you indoctrinate a child with a mind like a sponge and who accepts and trusts every word of their parents and authority figures, they will believe whole-souled.

the honest, intelligent truth is: EVERY belief about absolutely ANY subject MUST hold up to logic and scrutiny and testing. until you realize that, and take religion off of the "logic doesn't apply" pedistal, you will be mislead and taken advantage of your whole life.

you also need to get over the idea that all people are going to eventually be 'hit with a ton of bricks by god.' people's life experiences teach them about god. many of us have already been hit with a ton of bricks-logical proof that god doesn't exist. we're desperately trying to wake the rest of you the fuck up.


New Member
WAKE UP MED. THIS IS A TAX SCAM. so basically, the Rothchilds are going to benifit from finding another way to tax us.

let me spell it out to you. big corperations have found a way to make YOU and me PAY for THIER upgrades and environmental cleaning-up. THEY made billions off their dirty technology. now their making US pay to clean it up.

and you and others are too thick to see their plans. maybe their right. Americans are too stupid to effect change.
I may be thick as a brick, but why are we letting the corporations make us pay? Maybe because the congress makes it so. So what you are saying is: we the people will have to pay more taxes because the clean up will be passed on to us by the corporation so therefore the clean up should not be done. Put that in bold face writing and put it in your will. Make sure your grandkids get to hear it before they get one penny of your amassed wealth. I'm sure they will enjoy your wealth as they navigate the city streets in their gas masks. If that isn't the most selfish statement I've heard from you. Yeah we may have to pay for it. We pay for all the elites mistakes, don't we? War, who pays, our sons and daughters and all middle class tax payers, bridges to nowhere, we pay. Pork for every senator, representative or president, we pay, so whats new. We need to stop pumping billions of tons of effluents into our atmosphere. Have you seen how thin it is. Take a look at earth ,from space, that thin little band around the globe is what separates us from space and a vacuum existence. fuck the cost, we always knew who was going to pay, didn't we? so you have to pay $100.00 more a year, give up a couple of six-packs and a carton of schmokes, don't be an ignoramus, pay so your grandkids can play.


New Member
Global warming! I'm freezing my ass of right now! It's cold out man. I'm not as worried about global warming as much as I am about the dissaperance of bee's. No bee's No pollination no pollination no plants. No plants no people. Now this scares me.