i have just been introduced to the amazing family of 2c. i baught four ex pills about a yr ago and was told they were acid base..white dc's if my memory fails me not. and wow the visuals were so amazing and the music was felt to my soul the best pills i ever took by far and so enjoyable.i found out recently someone tested those dcs and the active ing was a chemical compound called 2c-b which has since been scheduled by the fda however there are about seven others that are still legal, and i have been thoroughly enjoying the 2c-c lately, to me it feels just like the 2c-b... just google it or wiki pedia i am in love with this compound. its like shroom visuals with an ex body high and you dnt get that wierd cerebral trip that u do on other hallucenagens like acid,mushrooms,peyote ect so bad trips seem damn near impossable. you can put it in gell tabs, or mix in drinks or insufilate(snort it) the dose is recomended at 25mgs but ive taken up to 80 at one time, truley amazing stuff. the only bad thing i see is that thetre has been virtually no research done on this family of chem and we as man dnt know much about short term long term effects,there have been no deaths as of right now except with 2c-??-??? but it was in the uk and she was in her late 30s and mixing alot of other stuff with it. NO VENDORS!!!!!!!! is where i get mine and a half gram is like 70 and a gm is 129, ive sold doses for up to 30 bucks and everyone who takes it loves and i mean LOVES this stuff. if you like ur visuals this family is where its at..i recomend the 2c-c for first timers do ur research on others if ur thinking about trying them as i think mthe 2c-e is much stronger and was reported a scary to even those with experience with other hallucinegens and also lats way longer with reports of people frying thier balls off for over twentyfour hrs...wow. so use ur head and check forums and stories and wikipedia and find a decent scale...and have fun,really thoug yu wnt beleive how awesome the visuals are it truly amazing!!!