New Grow In "Cool Cab" Hydrocabinet-Pictures Attached!


Active Member
Hey All…
I recently purchased an all in one hydro setup. I had some issues with my first grow. I don’t know what I did wrong (I followed the instructions to the letter), but my plants just stopped growing and the leaves curled up after 2 weeks. Anyway I decided to flush the whole thing and start from scratch. I am hoping you can help me with this. I see OROD has the same setup as me and is having better results. I have gotten advice to ease up on the nutes, but to play it safe I am asking my RIU compadres to help out. I will post pics as the days go by but here is what I have done so far.
1. I started with 12 gallons of distilled water in the reservoir.
2. I have openings for 14 plants and netpots so I put seeds in all of them and placed them inside.
3. The seeds are 12 good bagseed---1 Northern Lights---1 White Widow (didn’t want to waste too many good seeds in case it doesn’t turn out too well again).
4. I added 2 tsp of Superthrive to the reservoir.
5. I added 2 tsp of Moon Dust (the all in one nute mix supplied with the hydrochamber).
6. My ph is at about 5.5-6.0
7. My ppm is consistently about 300
8. My 2 90w LED grow lights are about 6 inches above the top of the netpots.
9. The water drip is about 1 per 2 seconds on each pot.

That’s it for now. Please let me know if there is anything else I can do?

Thank you and please keep checking in for the pics. I will start posting tomorrow.



Well-Known Member
Hey All…
I recently purchased an all in one hydro setup. I had some issues with my first grow. I don’t know what I did wrong (I followed the instructions to the letter), but my plants just stopped growing and the leaves curled up after 2 weeks. Anyway I decided to flush the whole thing and start from scratch. I am hoping you can help me with this. I see OROD has the same setup as me and is having better results. I have gotten advice to ease up on the nutes, but to play it safe I am asking my RIU compadres to help out. I will post pics as the days go by but here is what I have done so far.
1. I started with 12 gallons of distilled water in the reservoir.
2. I have openings for 14 plants and netpots so I put seeds in all of them and placed them inside.
3. The seeds are 12 good bagseed---1 Northern Lights---1 White Widow (didn’t want to waste too many good seeds in case it doesn’t turn out too well again).
4. I added 2 tsp of Superthrive to the reservoir.
5. I added 2 tsp of Moon Dust (the all in one nute mix supplied with the hydrochamber).
6. My ph is at about 5.5-6.0
7. My ppm is consistently about 300
8. My 2 90w LED grow lights are about 6 inches above the top of the netpots.
9. The water drip is about 1 per 2 seconds on each pot.

That’s it for now. Please let me know if there is anything else I can do?

Thank you and please keep checking in for the pics. I will start posting tomorrow.
i will be fallowing this one, anything i can do to help just ask.

good luck!


Active Member
Hey all.
Ok its been 4 days and my seeds have sprouted. Everything seems to be ok except one thing. My ppm has risen to 350-400ppm. I haven't added anything since the first day. Can anyone tell me why? I dont want my ppm to go through the roof when I add my nutes again in a few days. I will be posting new pics tomorrow night. Please stay with me on this.


Active Member
It has been 6 days and I have a question. Some of my seeds havent sprouted, but thats ok, I have plenty. The question is that I have 1 plant that seems to look ok except it has some white fungi type mold at the very bottom of the plant. I havent added anything yet. Also I am using 2 90w LED lamps. They are at about 12-16 inches above the tops. Should I lower or raise them? But I will start tomorrow night so if I can get some help before then it would be appreciated.



Active Member
Ok... Here are the 10 day pics...
I am going to heed your advice O and get at least 1 more airstone. My temps are consistently in the mid 60s so I dont know what to do about the CO2 boost. I think I may get one anyway. I wouldnt hurt either way would it. I am hoping it could at least help.
Anyway, if you dont mind check these pictures out and give me some good advice.

Incidentally today at day 10 I added
6 tsp of Fox Farm Big Bloom
2 tsp of Superthrive

All to a 12 gallon reservior.


Active Member
Hey All.
Does anyone know if I can hook up 2 airstones to 1 pump? I have one now but I think I either need a larger airstone or 2.

And I ned a co2-booster. Anywhere that offers them cheap?


Active Member
Ok you know the deal if you read from the first post so I'll tell you what the deal is as of today. I am at day 14 and I changed all the water in my res. What a pain in the ass though. Unhooking the lines and cleaning up after spilling the water around was a real hassle. And the res is really heavy with all the water inside so trying to be easy not to damage the expensive cabinet that I know I overpaid for was a real chore. Took about an hour and I got everything back working with new water. I let the water run for about 20 mins before I added the plants. I noticed that some of the drippers were not running that great so I screwed the tops off and pulled them from the main line and they were pretty dirty. Probably from the nutes and the slow drip I have them on. I cleaned them and blew the lines and all was ok. One problem though was that one of the drippers is not able to shut no matter how tight I turn so I have that 1 dripping to the side on the rocks. It seems to be getting pleanty of water anyway with the fogger and drippers all is moist.
After getting everything all sparkly clean I added about half the recommended for my tank size Grow Big and Big Bloom to a gallon of water and mixed it up good and then poured it in. I waited about an hour and checked my levels and I was at perfect PH and my ppm's were at about 600. So I added some of that Bushmaster they supplied to the res and then mixed up some spray grow (also supplied) and sprayed the plants too. I turned the fans of for about 30 mins to make sure I didnt have spray just laying on the leaves and then I turned it all off again. But today for the first time I had a good whiff of that sweet smell when I opened the cab after about 2 hours. Nice!!! Im thinking/hoping it is the White Widow showing off to her neighbors?:bigjoint:

Anyway I havent used the Moon Dust at all in this attempt. I think it may have locked my roots up in my first grow so until I get better at working with it I will just store it. And I had the Fox Farms products from my outdoor grow last year and it turned out really nice for a first grow. REALLY NICE!

Anyway here are the pics for 14 days let me know what you all think? The first 2 pics are the WW and Northern Lights from seedbanks. The rest are from my outdoor grow last year which turned out well so I saved the seeds.


ay man, imma follow this grow, I'm really interested in the UFO led. But anyways I've heard the led lights give off virtually no heat, so why not put them like 2-5 inches away from your plants so they don't have to stretch? Just a thought. Good luck with this grow bro.


Active Member
Hey all... Ok to all who stayed with me through this thank you very much. Take a look at the pics. I am at 3 weeks now and I have had positive growth over the last 5 days since I drained the res. I think I probably cant save about 5 of them but all the others are growing again. I am at 18/6 light cycle now. I havent added any more nutes and my ppm is at about 650 now. My ph is about 5-6. The lights were too low for a day so i raised them to about 6 inches off the tips. Oh and I also have roots now. One thing though there are some small roots coming out of the sides of the plugs. Should I be concerned?

Please let me know if I should be doing something else as I do not want to lose them again


Well-Known Member
Hey all... Ok to all who stayed with me through this thank you very much. Take a look at the pics. I am at 3 weeks now and I have had positive growth over the last 5 days since I drained the res. I think I probably cant save about 5 of them but all the others are growing again. I am at 18/6 light cycle now. I havent added any more nutes and my ppm is at about 650 now. My ph is about 5-6. The lights were too low for a day so i raised them to about 6 inches off the tips. Oh and I also have roots now. One thing though there are some small roots coming out of the sides of the plugs. Should I be concerned?

Please let me know if I should be doing something else as I do not want to lose them again
looking good! how many are in there?


Active Member
Hey all.
I started flowering about 10 days ago and I have a few problems.
1 I had to remove 6 plants due to lack of room. That is going to be something any of you who are thinking about this unit have to be prepared for.
2 I noticed that at least two of my remaining plants have all but stopped growing.
3 the leaves at the bottom of the plants don't seem to be getting any bigger. I think it may be a combination of water and lack of lighting reaching the bottoms.

I am going to post pics tomorrow so please give me some feedback.


Active Member
Hey All...
I havent really had the best of luck with this one. Thanks for all who have helped me along though. My mom got sick and I just have been taking care of her for the last month. I sort of just let it go. But I do have one WWidow still alive! You can see in the pics!

All the others either died or were males and I removed them. I started with 14 and am down to 1. Take a look and see if you have any idea why? I dont for sure. I will be starting another grow next week. I am going to flush this one in a few days and call it a day. I would suggest though to all newbies thinking this cool cab will solve all of your problems, dont think that. There is still a lot of work to do.




I bought a Caddy, similar to the cool cab. I was doing a search on Moondust and got to your post. I am using autoflower seeds and wasn't seing any flowering at day 24 but today I am seeing the beginning of it. Hope yours is going well!

Here is a link to some pics of mine.

Oh and definately spent way too much on the thing...I know what ya mean. Also changing the res is a huge pain...All in all dissapointed with the sunlight shed team. Was missing a few things when I got it and cords weren't labelled and the backup resevoir leaked all over the place. They sent me two more in the mail before they sent me one that had a tight seal and didn't leak. Way over priced for the quality but I guess we live, learn and blow our money on silly contraptions we should probably build ourselves.