Global Warming on trial...


New Member
I may be thick as a brick, but why are we letting the corporations make us pay? Maybe because the congress makes it so. So what you are saying is: we the people will have to pay more taxes because the clean up will be passed on to us by the corporation so therefore the clean up should not be done. Put that in bold face writing and put it in your will. Make sure your grandkids get to hear it before they get one penny of your amassed wealth. I'm sure they will enjoy your wealth as they navigate the city streets in their gas masks. If that isn't the most selfish statement I've heard from you. Yeah we may have to pay for it. We pay for all the elites mistakes, don't we? War, who pays, our sons and daughters and all middle class tax payers, bridges to nowhere, we pay. Pork for every senator, representative or president, we pay, so whats new. We need to stop pumping billions of tons of effluents into our atmosphere. Have you seen how thin it is. Take a look at earth ,from space, that thin little band around the globe is what separates us from space and a vacuum existence. fuck the cost, we always knew who was going to pay, didn't we? so you have to pay $100.00 more a year, give up a couple of six-packs and a carton of schmokes, don't be an ignoramus, pay so your grandkids can play.
our grandchildren will be fine, you brainwashed sheep.

for someone who makes such a deal about fair policies and human rights you have a very thin grasp on accountablity. these companies have made hundreds of billions off their dirty technology. THEY ARE RESPONSIBLE for cleaning it up. they can afford it. this is scam to make Americans pay for their mess. its wrong, end of story.

if you own a private buisness and make a mess, YOU alone are responsible for fixing it. do you have the right to go to congress and ask ALL americans to chip in to help you fix your mess that made you wealthy?! NO! i can't believe YOU, of all people, are on the side of wealthy, big buisness owners who want to steal your money!

oh wait, i remembered, its because you are too dumb to understand that man's role in global warming IS A LIE!

besides being ignorant, i'm beginning to think that liberal is another word for communist.


New Member
i really hate to make personal attacks or insults. so, i apologize.

but i can't believe people cannot see thru the continuing lies, lies, lies from the media and government. man's role in global warming is a fucking scam and i and others can see it and plenty of scientists have proven it. we're trying to warn you.

other then polution, which is the only real problem, their is no global warming emergency. the planet is doing exactly what it would do if we weren't here.

and if you continue to believe what the media and government tells you to believe, you deserve to be thieved.


Well-Known Member
as long as the money is comming in its going to be hard to stop. it will be years before we smarting up most people care about here and now its going to take major things to happen before it really dawns on everyone before this change happens for good and technology is going to have to change also but there are some places making headway i live in boston i went to hull massachusetts and they have windmills everywere i think its cool its a big thing and i wish more people would get educated in this matter.


Well-Known Member
Global warming! I'm freezing my ass of right now! It's cold out man. I'm not as worried about global warming as much as I am about the dissaperance of bee's. No bee's No pollination no pollination no plants. No plants no people. Now this scares me.
I did some research into bee colony's, and if I still lived in NY, I'd be starting a company. Start up costs are very low, farmers PAY you to put bee colonies in their fields (help pollinate their crop), and the honey you harvest is worth its weight in gold right now.


Well-Known Member
im feezing to but its changing slowly i remeber a couple of weeks ago in boston it was 70 out thats not right weather for november. somthing is happing slowly.


Well-Known Member
i watched fearless planet last night. it was the episode on the Sahara Desert. didn't realize it used to be a rain forest. the earth shifted 1 degree on it's axis. apparently the earth wobbles and shifts on it's axis every 10,000 years or so. dried that jungle right up. it's now the driest place on the planet.


Well-Known Member
Hahahaha…..Good rants closet.cult…..I agree emphatically….
It is astonishing to see people so eager to buy into this Chicken Little hysteria!!!!
Man made global warming is a sham.

Almost a year ago on RIU there was a thread debating Global Warming, in which it was observed that termites produce more CO2 and methane than all of the fossil fuels burned by humans. Termites alone! 50 billion tons! It is too funny! Carbon offsets and the like are all con games devised by slick hucksters!!!

here is the thread from last Feb.

The issue of evolution and faith is something I care not to tackle at the moment. Both sides make some valid points....Hmmmmm.:joint:


Well-Known Member
I used to believe whole-heartedly that man-made global warming was a fact. But, now I don't know what to think:confused:
It is a fact that man has added to global warming and global warming is also a fact.

It is also a fact that anyone predicting what will happen is just full of shit.


Well-Known Member
It is a fact that man has added to global warming and global warming is also a fact.

It is also a fact that anyone predicting what will happen is just full of shit.
"It is a fact that man has added to global warming"

Maybe a teeny tiny amount....termites alone have "added" more, so why should humans feel even remotely guilty????

You are right about predictions.


New Member
yup every 10,000 or so years we have an ice age. This is because the wobble of the earth. Or was it because the earth moved further away from the sun? Or were those two the same thing? I dont know I forget. I'm actually watching the ice age two as I type this. So even though there is global warming now there will one day be global freezing.


Well-Known Member
"It is a fact that man has added to global warming"

Maybe a teeny tiny amount....termites alone have "added" more, so why should humans feel even remotely guilty????

You are right about predictions.
You could say that I feel guilty for what humans have done to the world, and I recycle everything as part of my penitence. But while I may feel some guilt i'm not laying it off on anyone.

Hell the scrubbing of smoke from coal fired plants has cut back on acid rain but it has added to the warming. But canadas mining of the tarsands will more than make up for it.


New Member
It is a fact that man has added to global warming and global warming is also a fact.

It is also a fact that anyone predicting what will happen is just full of shit.
I personally doubt man has added a single bit to global warming.

Do you understand the size of the planet. Most of you live in cities where you see overpopulation and polution. But there are enormous tracks of uninhabited and uninhabitable land. And besides that there's 3 times more water area then there is land!

This planet absorbs our impact easily, as far as carbon footprint goes. We polute and we kill off species with our recklessness. But we can not change the weather, people. This is just hard core politics at work.


Smoky McPot
how are you people saying you dont think man has added to global warming? Can you imagine if every city in the world was still just trees? The ozone layer is depleting because its lifeline (trees/oxygen) is being chopped down to make things like paper when we could just be growing cannabis and making paper out of that. Why do so many people here not believe in global warming when the argument that there is no global warming is almost as fucked up as the argument against cannabis. You want cannabis legalized but when it comes to something you dont want to hear about like global warming, you actually take Bush's side. You really want to be on his side of any argument unless its a contest to see who can guess the alcohol content in every brand of liquor?