CFL super Buds thread!!!


Well-Known Member
So purpose of this thread is for everyone to post pics of their best buds that they have grown using ONLY CFL's...

PS: Please if possible tell about your setup some with your pics. IE: Number of CFL's, sizes, etc. etc...

So let's get this started and see those killer buds!!! :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Well just to get this thing jump started I will post a few that I have ran across and admired...

These are from potsticker: Red Dragon from Barney's Farm grown in soil under 3 x 23w CFL's



Well-Known Member
This is my CFL grow. Soil Bio Bizz All Mix Under 125w CFL. Unfortunately from monday I will have a HPS but for now been total CFL :)

1st way is called Alexandra and was 26days old at pic taken and 2nd is Alice and 32 days at pic taken.



Well-Known Member
From majitoker

Northern Soul (Northern Lights x Skunk #1)

Flowered under 9 23w 2700k bulbs for 60 days.



Well-Known Member
cmon... lets get some participation in this thread, show off what you have accomplished with your CFL's!!


Well-Known Member
This is a 16oz. Party cup grow, im doin. There are some awesome pics in my sig.
Nirvana-Papaya- 300w eqiv, 65w



Active Member
some of the barneys farm LSD, grown in soil with 125w envirolight added a 2nd about 5weeks in
Is LSD a mazar/skunk strain? v nice.

What a great idea for a thread :-) ... and thanks to PBFseedco for pointing me over here (v nice pics my friend).

Some lovely examples of CFL grown buds here and nobody telling us to "get a HPS!" :blsmoke:

I'm going to grab a few shots from my past journals here at rollitup and post them to this thread, but here's a quick bit about set up etc.

Started growing under 350 watts of CFL's just over 2 years ago after being busted with a 1000watt HPS/ 20+plant grow, knew that I had to keep things small in future! 2 years on and I can say with all honesty that CFL's can and do produce buds every bit comparable to HPS grown buds in terms of quality. I like to think that I know my MJ having been smoking it for 32 years and growing for 14 :mrgreen:

Lets hope this thread proves an inspiration to new growers using CFL's because 'we' know what they are capable of if used correctly.

Back soon with pics.


Active Member
So purpose of this thread is for everyone to post pics of their best buds that they have grown using ONLY CFL's...

PS: Please if possible tell about your setup some with your pics. IE: Number of CFL's, sizes, etc. etc...

So let's get this started and see those killer buds!!! :blsmoke:
Right, here we go then. I'm not saying they're 'killer buds' but they keep me very happy and that's all that matters:blsmoke:

350watts CFL's (16 bulbs in total) 250watts 2700's + 100watts 6500'blues'. Vegged for average of 2 weeks only to keep them short, +lots of LST to level the canopy under the lights. Small stealth cabinet approx 1 metre tall by 1 metre high x 12" deep!

First Bubba O Kush. (Bubba Kush x OG Kush)

Next is Northern Lights by Nirvana, feminised.

I love the old Afghan/Pakistani strains!

The CFL 'Ganja box' (as SICC calls it :-) )

A later NL grow. I Pod Touch for scale.

Inside the cab:

Mazar (my current favourite strain).

Current grow Mazar at day 42 or 6 weeks 12/12, plenty to go yet! (shes a clone from the above pictured mazar grow) Got A spider mite issue on this one but its under control now! One gets used to battling these little fuc**rs over time:joint: The baby is a clone from the plant in the pic. Thats a big 12litre pot, I usually stick with 7 litre pots but wanted to see if it made a difference to yield!

Finally, CFL power in action!


Hope these pics at least inspire a new grower or two to persist with CFL's, they have improved massively in recent years and will grow you some some nice heavy buds if you use them right.



Active Member
How did you get the light to not leak through by around the doors? I have a VERY similar grow and cant figure it out


Active Member
How did you get the light to not leak through by around the doors? I have a VERY similar grow and cant figure it out
Maybe I shouldn't have posted the cabinet pic here as its a 'buds' thread? ..... but as you asked the question I'll answer it, hope that's OK.

token, I'll give you the honest answer and say that my cab has never been 100% light proof! I doubt its even 95% lightproof as light leaks in through the intake and exhaust and a little around the doors (as you say). I did fit 'draught excluder' strip all round but its not that effective.

Now, before you all shout 'HERMIE' at me I can tell you with total honesty that that box has NOT ONCE produced a hermie in over 2 years, truthfully. I am a firm believer that a plant will acclimatise to low 'night time' light levels in the same way that any outdoor grown plant will adapt to changing levels of moonlight (and a shining canna plant in the midnight full moonlight is a sight to behold :blsmoke:) . I work with VERY stable genetics, the mazar is an F1 cross and now 3 generations have grown in these same conditions. In 14 years of growing I have only ever had 2 examples of a true hermie plant out of hundreds of canna plant grows, and both were quickly destroyed. There are those here who will tell you that if you so much as sneeze near a canna plant it will 'hermie' due to stress! :roll: You must make up your own mind about this, I am merely relating my experience and being 100% honest with you.

So, yes, a little light leaks in around the box, its in our bedroom so bedside lamps etc are often on long after 'lights off' but this has never been an issue, I don't give it a second thought. Stable, long established genetics is the key.

An internal blackout curtain will solve your problem though, can be rolled up and tied out of the way but will block light if you are concerned.


Active Member
Is LSD a mazar/skunk strain? v nice.
indeed it is mate but what interests me is you say the mazar is your current favorite ?? but i wasn't all that impressed by the lSD non the less it was a delight to grow, very strong lemony smell when broken up and real sticky so will be growing it again this summer! U.K stand up tall


Well-Known Member
ha ha here gos :eyesmoke: this was my first grow.

nirvana ak48 regular seeds, had 2 females out of 4 plants. i done a lot of playing around with the cfl's ranging from 250w to 750w which was only 750w for a week as it cained the electric meter:neutral:.

only bio bizz bloom nutes and i got 38 grams from the two:-D which i was very happy with as this was my first grow.

heres a few pics. and by the way i chopped them way to early, they were flowered for 8.5 weeks but should have gone atleast 10, oh well hard times:eyesmoke:
