Whaty do you Guys think of this idea using CFLS?

Right i am moving next week and all i have been thinking about is getting a good grow going as my town is so DRY at the moment and if all goes well with my grow ill make a fair bob or two lol? (and of course some for me lol)


4ft long.
4ft wide.
5ft high homemade box.

5x 125w CFLS on each side.
5x 125w on top.

Miracle grow for Soil. (other soil ideas are welcome for comments for a better result)

Not sure of which strain I'm going with yet, but if people know were i can get some nice and cheap ones, then please reply!!

1x Fan

1x intake and 1x outtake exhaust pipe.

2x Temperature Gage.

Big Bud as Nutrients.

I have got everything sussed in my head of what i am going to be doing.

Expect from the intake and outtake.
I was thinking of using two separate dryer tubes and on the one that sucks all the smell out, place one end in my Box and one out of my tiles in the roof blowing the smell away.
also the same nearly as the cool air coming in, expect the one difference from the two is that on the cool air pipe i was thinking of having a fan attached to the end of the pipe that is leading out of the roof that pulls the cool air through.
And the other pipe will have a fan that pulls the smell out of the box and out the roof.

hope that makes sense to you all if not ask and i will explain better.

Also how many Plants will i be able to grow in my box and the plants still be comfortable?
i was thinking 5 and under each pot the will be a washing up bowl under them so i know that the water is flowing through when the have been feed.

Don't think i have missed out but if i have then please correct or advice me please.

Thank you all and look forward to hearing from you guys



Well-Known Member
I dont use HID lights but CFLs but for that amount of watts you are going to create serious amounts of heat. You are talking about 1250w of CFLs. You would be better off with a HID. It pains me to suggest HID but everyone thinks that CFLs dont create heat which it total bullshit. 10 125w CFLs? I am going by what i have read but i think you are better off with a HID and i think this is destined to fail unless you are growing in Antarctica.
I dont use HID lights but CFLs but for that amount of watts you are going to create serious amounts of heat. You are talking about 1250w of CFLs. You would be better off with a HID. It pains me to suggest HID but everyone thinks that CFLs dont create heat which it total bullshit. 10 125w CFLs? I am going by what i have read but i think you are better off with a HID and i think this is destined to fail unless you are growing in Antarctica.
I dont really wanna use hps lights as i cant afford them, and yes i will be paying for cfls but i can get them cheap, so that why i am using them.
maybe if i use 3-4 on each side, that maybe be better eh?


Well-Known Member
Not sure where you are from but i am from Aust. Its been about 24/25C lately and i have one 125w going in a cupboard. It reaches 30C pretty easily and stays constant. I have an intake and exhaust and a fan blowing on the CFL. I am not experienced like others but it will have a lot to do with the temps outside the box that will determine how many you can run. If its your first grow maybe work with 3 or 4 and see how you go. I prefer the whole CFL idea as i dont consider myself a serious grower but do it more for the enjoyment. I guess you are in the states as 125w here dont come cheap here and 10 of them would easily cost as much as a HID light set up. Both will need a decent inline fan and with a HID you can get a cool tube. Others may disagree but i am only talking from my experience.
Not sure where you are from but i am from Aust. Its been about 24/25C lately and i have one 125w going in a cupboard. It reaches 30C pretty easily and stays constant. I have and intake and exhaust and a fan blowing on the CFL. I am not experienced like others but it will have a lot to do with the temps outside the box that will determine how many you can run. If its your first grow maybe work with 3 or 4 and see how you go. I prefer the whole CFL idea as i dont consider myself a serious grower but do it more for the enjoyment. I guess you are in the states as 125w here dont come cheap here and 10 of them would easily cost as much as a HID light set up. Both will need a decent inline fan and with a HID you can get a cool tube. Others may disagree but i am only talking from my experience.
I am from uk and at the moment we ain't having the best of weathers at the moment looking outside now its bright but believe me its still cold lol

my cfls will cost me 2 pound each.


Well-Known Member
2 squid for a 125w. Are you sure thats actual wattage? I doubt it but if thats what you say.... I lived in London for many years and it may be possible to use that amount of bulbs. You could use it to heat the house. If you are sucking in air thats very low it may cool the CFLs sufficiently. Just start with a few and work upwards. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Not to dampen your excitement but those are 25w not 125w. I thought that 2pd sounded a little rediculous. You want 6500k for veg and 2700k for flower. I hear those bulbs the person above, the only other one to comment, mentioned are pretty good though. $50 or 25pd sounds about right.
Not to dampen your excitement but those are 25w not 125w. I thought that 2pd sounded a little rediculous. You want 6500k for veg and 2700k for flower. I hear those bulbs the person above, the only other one to comment, mentioned are pretty good though. $50 or 25pd sounds about right.

Go back onto the link and look down the page a little and it will say that they are the equivalent of 125watt's

Specifications Equiv. to: 125W. 1350 Lm.


Well-Known Member
Go back onto the link and look down the page a little and it will say that they are the equivalent of 125watt's

Specifications Equiv. to: 125W. 1350 Lm.
Yes i did. Equivalent watts means nothing. My 125w that i use is prob equivalent to 350w or so. Its still a 125w. An actual 125w is just smaller than a rugby ball. Mate go have a read of the CFL forum. Subforum of the indoor growing. You have a lot to learn as i still do.


Active Member
if you are gonna use those little cfls you are goin to need alot of them. ppl use 4 of those bulbs in a pc grow case. just get yourself a 400w hps at least