Northern Lights KC Brains


Well-Known Member
its been awhile riddleme how u been?
:blsmoke:I know that if I learned anything, I learned patience in the last 5 grows I've had.Like I said before 4 out of 5 being male. Key is watching the plant and like riddleme pointed out not to overwater. I water a pint at a time when the pot is light in weight. I like to avoid the transplant shock, and I would also like to try light stress training.:bigjoint:

Peace out,


Well-Known Member
Appreciate your insight we think alike.;-)

:leaf:Hello my friends and colleagues,here are some more pictures of Antoinette she is thriving and I'm a proud parent once again.
:weed: These are some new photos of her progress 3 days from the last pictures I took of her let me know what you all think. I'll show comparisons from now and three days ago.
The first ten pic's are of Today, the next 4pic's are of 3 days ago.

Peace out,
zoso914 :fire:



Well-Known Member

:leaf:Hello my friends and colleagues,here are some more pictures of Antoinette she is thriving and I'm a proud parent once again.
:weed: These are some new photos of her progress 3 days from the last pictures I took of her let me know what you all think. I'll show comparisons from now and three days ago.
The first ten pic's are of Today, the next 4pic's are of 3 days ago.

Peace out,
zoso914 :fire:
I'm now giving her 1 quart of water a day,seems to be doing the job. For her size it seems right to drink that much,No!


Well-Known Member
yeah bro she is looking real nice dont see no stretching at all first plant ive actually seen under cfl's not streatch. i know all mine did lol.


Well-Known Member
yeah bro she is looking real nice dont see no stretching at all first plant ive actually seen under cfl's not streatch. i know all mine did lol.

bongsmilieShe did at first but i buried her up to the coytyl early in the game before I posted first pic's

I appreciate all your praises

Peace out,
zoso914 :fire:


Well-Known Member
Good luck on your seeds bro happy grow:weed::weed:

:oOn my last pictures a friend from another thread (jumboSWISHER) pointed out the fact that my plant was experiencing a litte heat stress due to the curling up of the leaves, so I changed the environment a little and she is now at 80 degrees and 45% humidity.I'm hoping that will solve the problem. Lets get a few opinions on the matter please.

Peace out


Well-Known Member
:oOn my last pictures a friend from another thread (jumboSWISHER) pointed out the fact that my plant was experiencing a litte heat stress due to the curling up of the leaves, so I changed the environment a little and she is now at 80 degrees and 45% humidity.I'm hoping that will solve the problem. Lets get a few opinions on the matter please.

Peace out
With a temp of 80, 60 to 65% RH would be better

with a RH of 45% , a temp of 76~77 would be better

you could decide which is easier to adjust or

you could move the light up an inch or two

All parts matter and adjusting one affects the others


Well-Known Member
With a temp of 80, 60 to 65% RH would be better

with a RH of 45% , a temp of 76~77 would be better

you could decide which is easier to adjust or

you could move the light up an inch or two

All parts matter and adjusting one affects the others
Temperature it is than, I'm a little maxxed out on Humidity thats a hard one where I'm at (Coachella Valley).I'll shoot for 76 it was a good year. You suggest moving my lights up, so thats what I'll do thanks again Riddle. You are the Best.:hump:you when I can need to spread it first.

Peace out,
zoso914 :fire:


Well-Known Member
Temperature it is than, I'm a little maxxed out on Humidity thats a hard one where I'm at (Coachella Valley).I'll shoot for 76 it was a good year. You suggest moving my lights up, so thats what I'll do thanks again Riddle. You are the Best.:hump:you when I can need to spread it first.

Peace out,
zoso914 :fire:
:mrgreen:New update on Antoinette's environmental humidity level or RH is 55 Temperature holding at 78degrees

Peace out
zoso914 :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
lol i thought it ment fuck you cuz the lil guy is humping air but thought that cant be right lol +rep makes much more sense