seeds or clones

Seed's are more easily obtained since you can order online and also give you more variety of strand to choose some, if you get the chance to buy gauranteed female seed's i would saying growing from seed is a more worth while experience, but clones are way more convenient and if you can get your hand's on one i would suggest that. It all depend's on your circumstances though.


Well-Known Member
clones. just grow 1 clone into a mother plant so you dont have to spend 10-15 a clone at the shop everytime.(i hear thats what they go for, might be a little off)


i can get clones nae noprobs and ive got space 8' wide 5' deep and 8' tall would that be ok and how many plants can i get in that


Well-Known Member
iv heard all sorts about 60 watt bulbs is this true that u can use them
what kind of 60w bulb? that makes a huge difference. let me ask you a question, how serious about this are you and how much money can you invest? it will make this alot easier to nail down if i know that.


what kind of 60w bulb? that makes a huge difference. let me ask you a question, how serious about this are you and how much money can you invest? it will make this alot easier to nail down if i know that.
am seriouse about it but start off small then c were i go from there the funds r there


Well-Known Member
ok, i'd suggest a 400w or 600w mh for vegging and a 600w or 1000w hps for flowering. for the clones i'd get a few high output t5 floursecent tubes.if thats out of your price range lemme know how much you can invest.


ok, i'd suggest a 400w or 600w mh for vegging and a 600w or 1000w hps for flowering. for the clones i'd get a few high output t5 floursecent tubes.if thats out of your price range lemme know how much you can invest.
about 2 to 300 on lights and another 150 pounds on getting the room ready i would not like to use the 1000watt bulb would it not be better use more lower watt bulbs to the 1 1000watt


about 2 to 300 on lights and another 150 pounds on getting the room ready i would not like to use the 1000watt bulb would it not be better use more lower watt bulbs to the 1 1000watt
ok done more looked it up a bit more money to do the room up i will take a pic of my plans and post them to u want to start next week:leaf: