

Well-Known Member
i work upto 200 hours a month ofiice work and skilled manual labour.

if i tried to go to work high i would most likely be sacked there and then. i can't hide it fir crap, i start averting peoples stares etc etc. smoking is for after work when i no longer have any real responsibilities.
Dude I hate when I'm high and people stare in my eyes, I start to freak out and wonder if they can tell.
Just have to adopt and totally believe in the fact that you aren't doing anything wrong, and no one has shit to say anyway, so just be your cool self and don't act like you're doing anything wrong, because you aren't. Although, I still get paranoid when I talk to folks at work, it's my job unfortunately...

Oh yeah, just made it back to Denver, legs tired, more of the Mendo Purps? It's nap time...


Well-Known Member
Just have to adopt and totally believe in the fact that you aren't doing anything wrong, and no one has shit to say anyway, so just be your cool self and don't act like you're doing anything wrong, because you aren't. Although, I still get paranoid when I talk to folks at work, it's my job unfortunately...

Oh yeah, just made it back to Denver, legs tired, more of the Mendo Purps? It's nap time...
I second this, its all about confidence.


Well-Known Member
ya ive been going to school for the last 2 years, most days i would be high as orangutan pussy in a palm tree.
wake up and smoke at 7, take the dog for a walk and home by 8, another hit or 2 off the bong. then go for a bike ride to really wake me up, home by 930 and shower, bong rip, out the door by 10 to make it to class by 11.

but like stated above, i act as if i was doing nothing wrong and people didnt really bring it up. i'm sure they knew, but when you are paying attention and do well in school, its hard to say that being high gets in the way of your learning abilities.
once in a while i would come back from lunch and some of my instructors would give me a hard time, but they were cool about it.

i finally graduated and i've had the last few weeks to myself.
so to say the least ive been relaxing these last few mornings.

nice topic by the way.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
What cured it for me was recognizing what I though when I recognized high people.

"he might be high..." Then never a second thought, because there are 10 billion people in the world and NO ONE GIVES A FUCK.
other than your boss who will ask why your pupils are dilated, why your eyess area red etc, next thing is a drugs test.

i couldn't give two damns about what the public think of me, i'll share maybe a centance with them and then move on. but my boss and such, they're humans, not plain vanilla flavoured idiots, they can work out when something is up and it is their duty to kick my arse black and blue if something is up.

i can have 1 toke an hour before i goto work, every member of staff will ask me that day, almost suspiciously, why i look so tired today.

it's not hard to pick up on..


Well-Known Member
other than your boss who will ask why your pupils are dilated, why your eyess area red etc, next thing is a drugs test.

i couldn't give two damns about what the public think of me, i'll share maybe a centance with them and then move on. but my boss and such, they're humans, not plain vanilla flavoured idiots, they can work out when something is up and it is their duty to kick my arse black and blue if something is up.

i can have 1 toke an hour before i goto work, every member of staff will ask me that day, almost suspiciously, why i look so tired today.

it's not hard to pick up on..
fuck that job... sorry to hear that man.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
fuck that job indeed, looking elsewhere, but it does pay for me to live in the most prestigeous street in town, and drive a skoda. bah!

rgardless though, i wouldn't want to work stoned. i would not act like a professional and i would not get things done to the standard i like, i wouldn't be able to delegate easily, i'd keep losing track of what i'm doung etc etc.

allowed or not i do wonder what professionals smoke before work. in my mind it's just stupid and calling to be sacked. now if you're a random drop out sorting mail at DHL, then what the hell, have some fun then get sacked, win win! :P