What to do when you can't smoke?


Well-Known Member
I'm a pretty big pothead...no point in denying it. I'll get right to the point- I can't really afford weed right now, maybe only for a few days, maybe for a few weeks but my money situation isn't great and weed is expensive around here.

Anyone got any ideas on how to keep from going crazy?:fire:
go to ACORN, perhaps they can help :lol:

growing is a nice hobby. dirt is cheap, and it keeps you occupied when your doing nothing cuz yer broke
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Drinking has not been a good way to replace cannabis, in my experience. Offer to scrape the resin off your friends pipes, perhaps.
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Drinking has not been a good way to replace cannabis, in my experience. Offer to scrape the resin off your friends pipes, perhaps.

I agree....look for resin. I'm currently out of weed as well. I search for resin. If I get desperate, I search all my desks for little bits of weed. Search thuroughly. I can maybe find enough for two bowls in my room if I searched....more if I check the garage.
when i dont smoke i try to make up for the time i spent sleeping and eating and doing nothing,, by exercising.. go to a gym, workout .. in about a week u'll get used to not smoking.. i noticed most of us potheads are really skinny and get tired quick.. atleast from where im from..
Im in the same place as you i smoke every f***n day! im broke cause of it!!!! I just started to grow my first indoor plant and let me say that it will save me some good amount of mulla !!!!!! And I would really suggest to grow your own TO SAVE SOME CASH!