Running for President


Active Member
President that smokes weed you got my vote
i hope for your sake your a freemason, or the son of one. if not that, then the descendant of some slavers perhaps like obama? or nazi's like bush. otherwise the american dream is just that, a dream O_O


Well-Known Member
i hope for your sake your a freemason, or the son of one. if not that, then the descendant of some slavers perhaps like obama? or nazi's like bush. otherwise the american dream is just that, a dream O_O
no im none of these...i understand what your talking about but i think this is a selfperpetuating belief im supposed to think that i can't become president but if i have everyones support they'll have to accept my apointment by you...i plan on having the full support of the people


Well-Known Member
my dads a mason and im a mason as well that freemason shit is a bunch of bullshit please keep it to yourself


Well-Known Member
my dads a mason and im a mason as well that freemason shit is a bunch of bullshit please keep it to yourself
I would like to have your support. Please tell people to support my campaign because i will represent your views. If you google Running for president roll it up. this thread is the number one responce. People this is your thread...You can help to make me YOUR President so that we can make the changes YOU want. Spread the word.


Well-Known Member
If you are serious about this, let me know. I'd like to see a bit more of your platform on all issues that affect us as Americans. How can legalizing marijuana (particularly for medical purposes) improve our economy? How could it benefit the American people that NEED healthcare? Should insurance companies see raw cannabis as an "experimental" treatment that could be discounted? It looks like you have piqued the interests of some of us good ol' Merican boys. Put together your platform and maybe some things together on a rough resume' that we could all help to improve on. You could be our "figure head" that represents us and I'm sure we could start putting together some Facebook campaigns and stuff. There are a lot of people on here with some great political skills that could help this get going if you have some seriousness in the campaign. This could be a great thread! A true GRASS-ROOTS movement! Ha!


Well-Known Member
Start saving your pennies. Obama has a Cool one Billion for his campaign. And he is the incumbent.LOL. Probably need 5 Billion to buy the votes you need. Even then they would assassinate you right after you take the oath. Go down in Infamy as shortest lived president ever...2.1 seconds.


Well-Known Member
What do you intend to do about health care? Currently my health insurance costs me roughly one quarter of my take home pay. What are you going to do about oil? it is costing me 65 dollars to fill my tank. What are you going to do about education, currently almost everyone around me is more stupid than I am.


im so glad im a libertarian .i dont have these crazy ideas about trying to control anyone else or taxing or regulating anyone's business or property.
regulation is how the government camel gets its greedy nose under the tent. once the camel gets his nose under the tent he will instantly be in the tent.
there is absolutely no example you can give me where the government does not fuck logic being if they fuck up everything they touch wouldnt you want them touching as little as possible?
Amen brother!