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lol i'm sat yer with the misses watching well she's watching some chick flick called the break up not to bad as far as chick flicks go but not enough violence for my liking, lol sending the misses up to get the spiders for you i gotta laugh spiders don't bother me but i found a couple of monsters in our attic i thought they were squatters at first glance lol the misses won't go in there til i finsh the room and it's all sealed, yeah gotta try and keep the price down if you didn't look about you could be wasting hundreds i've confused myself at the mo i'm getting muddled up with prices and cxan't remember what price was for what so got to go and price it up all over again lol i'm hoping for about a year before i get caught i know some people go years without probs but their making busts all the time down yer and most of them are little private grows so i figure a year and i'll have enough money to just move and start straight back up on a larger scale rather than starting small again and waiting months to build it up
lol, yeah u know its the film u wanted to watch, blaming the g/f, tut tut lol... i watched Avatar last, fuckin brilliant film, i found myself gettin slightly attracted to the blue female lead of the film, but have to say, prefer her more as the blue alien than as her true self.
Big ass spiders like terantulas i like, its the freaky lookin house spiders that freak me the fuck out, kill em all lol
Im forever forgettin prices of things that ive priced up in my head, then i re-check and find it's doubled in price, sure people try n cabbage my head.... I have to be honest, im not planning on gettin busted atall, its not in my short/long term plans, but if it happens, so be it lol