Police Theives.!

well, I had to call the cops to file a report for getting jumped and a stolen phone. but in the mean while they just walked in my house without me letting them in(opened my front door and started going through my cabinets for no reason), started going through my drawrs without permission then asked me and i said no, then continued without any warrant or anything, and found my grow. Will I be fine, becuase they broke several protocalls.


Well-Known Member
Get a Lawyer, you told them to leave, anything they found will not be able to get used as evidence against you. You will walk and they will get to attend classes on illegal search and seizure. Of course if you do nothing except try to talk your way out of it, for sure the system is going to fuck you. Say nothing! Let the Lawyer handle it.

4th amendment

dank nug

Active Member
you actually think the 4th amendment saves you from shit like this? lol cops do as they please. thats why i hate em


Well-Known Member
The cops will do as they please until someone stands up to them. But you can only stand up to them in a court of law. Believe me , if a cop is doing things illegally, he will eventually be fired as long as someone can invalidate their procedures.


Active Member
That sucks they probably smelled the dank giving them reason bro your fucked.Don't trust cops should have took the phone loss

West Coast Medicine

Well-Known Member
Dude, you are probably screwed. If you open your door, the police can claim they smelled some bud and have every right to search and it will be admitted into court. Never open your door for a cop, talk to them through a window next time. Good luck.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
one time my house got robbed. I lived in an apartment that had no lock on the sliding glass door. The apartments were supposed to fix it before we moved in. Anyways they never fixed it someone (im pretty sure I know who) climbed up the balconies and entered my apartment ands stole my ps2 myx box my tv and my whole collection of cds. When my gf called the cops(I was at work) they just said that it was probably us and we put it in a storage unit or something and was going to try to claim it on our insurance or something and they said there was nothing they could do and left.

That's why I don't bother calling the cops anymore except for maybe if I'm driving down the road and I see someone swerving or driving wrecklessly I might call and let them know but other than that fuck em.
one time my house got robbed. I lived in an apartment that had no lock on the sliding glass door. The apartments were supposed to fix it before we moved in. Anyways they never fixed it someone (im pretty sure I know who) climbed up the balconies and entered my apartment ands stole my ps2 myx box my tv and my whole collection of cds. When my gf called the cops(I was at work) they just said that it was probably us and we put it in a storage unit or something and was going to try to claim it on our insurance or something and they said there was nothing they could do and left.

That's why I don't bother calling the cops anymore except for maybe if I'm driving down the road and I see someone swerving or driving wrecklessly I might call and let them know but other than that fuck em.
Yeah, I've come to realize they are there just to find people breaking laws and penalize them, not for the safety or well-being of the communities. Never trust the police, COPS LIE!


Well-Known Member
yup.. did you open the door or did they come in? if they just came in then you can possibly get it thrown out.. and yes the pigs are just out to get there money by making model citizens who attribute to society criminals and fuck there lives up to get there quota or get promoted


Well-Known Member
dude .. UNless u KNOW the particualr Cop .. do not talk to cops... avoid them .. they are always trying to get ahead in their careers, thus, busting anyone they can to make the achievement listss longer, in hopes for that special promotion!!!! oh boY!!! ..


"serve and protect" .. Protect who?!!?!!!?! i sure in the hell do not feel secure within my legal rights around cops .. everyone knows cops manipulate ppeople, and scare them using differecnt(most time ILLWEGAL) tactics..

and BTW .. no .. that evidence should not be submissable in court, for multiple reasons ..

I would stand infront of the judge and ask him why ur civil liberties were persecuted by civil servants


Well-Known Member
one time my house got robbed. I lived in an apartment that had no lock on the sliding glass door. The apartments were supposed to fix it before we moved in. Anyways they never fixed it someone (im pretty sure I know who) climbed up the balconies and entered my apartment ands stole my ps2 myx box my tv and my whole collection of cds. When my gf called the cops(I was at work) they just said that it was probably us and we put it in a storage unit or something and was going to try to claim it on our insurance or something and they said there was nothing they could do and left.

That's why I don't bother calling the cops anymore except for maybe if I'm driving down the road and I see someone swerving or driving wrecklessly I might call and let them know but other than that fuck em.
pipe that is quite disturbing. i can see if you are 100% they are drunk and its obv going to end in an accident but man i once was driving at 3 am with a flat tire, i was in the sticks, lost, scared, no phone reception and driving a work truck. i didnt stop, i didnt give a fuck about the flat tire, i wanted to get home. i had a SINGLE beer at 1 am (im not a drinker but i was about to get laid).

i was swerving becuse of the flat tire in the back, more like fishtailing on dirt road. some fuck nut seen me and called the cops. they were there in minutes andi had no problem with them pulling me over but i went to jail for DD. i only blew a .07. legal limit here is .08.

that old man sure did his good deed for the day, i could have killed someone that night LOL.

it cost me well over 10K in lawyerand court costs and lost my licence for a year.


Well-Known Member
Depends on what Cuntry you live in. I have some American friends that scream lawsuit (in jest) whenever possible.. Call a lawyer and see what they can do.

Thomas Paine

Active Member
Several years ago when I was 19 me and my cousin 21 stop at the grocery store and he bought a six pack of beer. When we returned to my car there was an older lady who had backed into my car and broke out one of my rear tail lights. We all decided to drive down to the police station (small town) and report the accident. I locked my car with the beer concealed in a brown paper bag inside the car. While we were inside one of the officers went outside, used a tool to unlock and search my car. Finding the beer they proceeded to charge me with minor in possession and my cousin with providing beer to a minor. The beer was unopened. My cousin was from out of state so he had to pay a fine on the spot. It cost me $400 to hire a lawyer who got the charges on me dropped.
A week after that I was pulled over in the same town and charged with driving the wrong way on a one way street that I hadn't been anywhere near. They said that a officer that lived on that street had seen my car and called it in. The fine was $100 which I paid because I didn't want to dump another $400 for a lawyer. Fuckers!
dude .. UNless u KNOW the particualr Cop .. do not talk to cops... avoid them .. they are always trying to get ahead in their careers, thus, busting anyone they can to make the achievement listss longer, in hopes for that special promotion!!!! oh boY!!! ..


"serve and protect" .. Protect who?!!?!!!?! i sure in the hell do not feel secure within my legal rights around cops .. everyone knows cops manipulate ppeople, and scare them using differecnt(most time ILLWEGAL) tactics..

and BTW .. no .. that evidence should not be submissable in court, for multiple reasons ..

I would stand infront of the judge and ask him why ur civil liberties were persecuted by civil servants
I want to file a complaint against the deparetment i'm so pissed. but i'm sure It'l get thrown away and i'l get harassed by the pigs, stay away from them they are no good.