I am freaking out

:!: So I was just looking into my closet and noticed one of the branches looked weird on one of my plants...when i got down to look more closely i noticed that it had male flowers on it!! it looks like a female at first glance..i could have sworn that all of my plants showed female preflowers but i guess i was wrong..im about 4 weeks into flower and im wondering if all hope is lost or can i still save my other 3 girls and just trash this guy.



Well-Known Member
You've got to kill the male.

Then time will tell if the others got pollinated.

Good Luck :leaf:

trichlone fiend

New Member
..awe man, that's bad news bud. I'd toss the male, and burn it...more then, likely, your going to have seeds in your crop. I've read that pollen can stick around for approx. 2 years in your room! So.....I'd do some major cleaning when your crop is done, or the pollen could stick around and give your next sensi crop beans. <<<< however, my bud had hermies to pop up and pollenate his crop...he just vented the room for about a week, cleaned the walls with bleach h2o several times...his following crop was seedless. Pollen can be a bitch. Sorry bout your bad luck this round.
:/ Fuck. I was afraid of that. And the more I look at it the more pissed I get that I didn't pay very close attention after I sexed them the first time. Thanks for the help though.

trichlone fiend

New Member
:/ Fuck. I was afraid of that. And the more I look at it the more pissed I get that I didn't pay very close attention after I sexed them the first time. Thanks for the help though.

Your plant may have well showed good signs of female sex prior to you seeing male parts. What mostly causes hermies is the stress the plant goes through. Some strains have hermied on me with the stress of photoperiod switch from 24/0 to 12/12....now I ease my plants into bloom from 24/0 to 18/6 to 12/12....try to reduce the speed of changes you decide to do, and gradually baby step your plants to changes. Heat is a bad hermie inducer also. Have you had any problems with your growing environment?


Well-Known Member
so are light leaks. IS it a male or hermi?

sorry to hear about your misfortune. but try and look at the silver lining, if you like this strain youll have plenty of seeds for the next crop

trichlone fiend

New Member
so are light leaks. IS it a male or hermi?

sorry to hear about your misfortune. but try and look at the silver lining, if you like this strain youll have plenty of seeds for the next crop

^^^ forgot to mention that, light leaks will hermie'em up too.

...we pm'd, and it's a hermie.
ok cool thats what my logic was and im glad that wasnt the problem...it couldve hermed because one of my friends always opens the door during the dark cycle..i told him not to but now im going to have to be more serious about it. lol


Well-Known Member
ok cool thats what my logic was and im glad that wasnt the problem...it couldve hermed because one of my friends always opens the door during the dark cycle..i told him not to but now im going to have to be more serious about it. lol
Messing around with the dark period is a big no no! Get your work done during the light hours and no gawking at the girls while they are sleeping! This isn't a sorority house for God's sake! lol!:lol:


Well-Known Member
Just remove the male

Turn off all fans/circulation.
Bag it in a trash bag, very carefuly so as not to shake anymore pollin lose.
Dispose of it however you want.

if you end up with seeds, then you won't have to worry about buying seeds or having beans as a backup.
Next time recheck all of your plants periodicaly. Whenever your working in the room.
Watering,rearranging,cleaning, adjusting.. whenever you get the chance look at your plants and see if you notice anything out of the Norm.

trichlone fiend

New Member
ok cool thats what my logic was and im glad that wasnt the problem...it couldve hermed because one of my friends always opens the door during the dark cycle..i told him not to but now im going to have to be more serious about it. lol

...awe, tackle that fucker and get'em in a headlock next time he tries to open the door! LOL

...if you MUST go in your room when the lights are off, you can do it with a green light bulb.... without any problem. For some reason, green is the only safe color....idk.