My SUPER lighting!!! Look at this!!! <<PICS>>


Well-Known Member
thats not super lighting my friend.... this is
calm down m8, for the space and wattage i have it was a good idea and good use of the lights...

dam noobs comin on here thinkin they know it all lol

and by the way all those lights you listed add up to 1200w and thats 1200 watts of subordinate lighting compared to hps lamps

i have 1200watts total too, except all my watts are hps, so shut it, and get a clue


Well-Known Member
lol, you must not have grown for very long... you dont understand having mh and hps is way better than just hps..
lol iv been growing for awhile my friend and have had a successful harvest every time, meanwhile you come on RIU, have 20 posts and i have yet to see any of your grows, that is, if you've ever grown a plant before.
A metal halide lamp provides blue spectrum light whereas a hps provides red spectrum. Blue light is slightly better for veg but red light is insanely better for flowering... overall having full hps lighting is far superior to having half and half.
and as for having all your bulbs coming from one source, thats silly because it doesnt provide the light penetration which it is capable of eg having 4 250w lights is better than having 1 1k light...

theres plenty of info on this site m8... i suggest you read some of it bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
WOW! this may be an old thread but reading Monkz dumbass ignorant posts makes me fuckin laugh. You have no fuckin idea what you are talking about. In actuality, CFLs are the best lighting you can have spectrum wise, it is just not as powerful. And happygrowing is right, having a mix of light sources is way better. You're right, there is PLENTY of info on this website. So before you go calling someone a noob based on posts, you go check out their grow pics. HappyGrowing happens to have some crazy looking plants, way better than your stunted mutant lookin plants in your wack ass setup