Some help needed with my transplanting process...

Herb mon

This is my first post on this website, but I hope to get some helpful feedback from anyone who can help. I'd like some opinions on my plan for the first few weeks of my grow, and whether anything needs changing.......
I plan to germinate very soon and place sprouts in solo cups with a mix of Fox Farm Light Warrior and Perlite (80:20) under a 4' fluorescent light. After allowing 4 weeks of vegetation under a 18/6 light cycle, I want to transplant to my guerilla location. This is mainly where my problem is. What is the best way to go about including my Fox Farm Ocean Forest into the soil of my spot? Do I dig a hole for each plant? What is the ratio of soil to Ocean Forest that works best and will it shock the newly transplanted plants? thanks for any help:weed:


Active Member
after 4 weeks they will be about a foot tall fyi.
transplanting will cause little stress if you do it carefully and dont break roots, other than that dig a hole for each plant and throw in ur foxfarm.
And water in heavily ! always water well after a transplant. If its not hot or the sun is down, spray the leaves with a spray bottle too. This keeps bugs off as well as getting water into the plant quick


Well-Known Member
how much effort are you willing to put in? and would the chance of losing the plants or you getting seen working be high enough to make it impractical? if not here what you should, dig yourself a great big hole 3 feet wide by 3 ft deep should work, fill the bottom with fishguts and stuff like that, now take a high quality soil and fill the hole. then transplant as normal and give a good watering. in a good sunny location that gets alot of light doing this you can pull a few lbs off of a plant w/o too much effort. another tip-top and lst the plant while your vegging inside, doing so enable you to have monster plants of nothing but big top colas.

Herb mon

Thanks for all 3 of your responses. Siccmade, will a plant that's about a foot tall after the first 4 weeks or so have a root system that will grow bigger than a standard solo cup? Should I use a bigger cup? And I plan to try the 3'x3 hole like was suggested, I'm hoping these strawberry blue and NL x Skunk can do wonders for me. And is a standard bag of ocean forest good enough to cover 8 plants outdoor? Thanks again for the help guys. bongsmilie


if your vegging for 4 weeks inside your going to want something bigger then keg cups, id use coffee container size, or them big country crock butter tubs, the roots will only grow in the space allowed, but in 4 weeks the roots are going to fill that cup and your plant will stop growing


Active Member
yeah my babies outgrew their solo cups in less than 2 weeks. then i transplanted them in 3gallon black plastic pots that cost $1.20 each. i've noticed if you stay ahead of the root system and constantly have them enough room to explore, you'll maximize growth tremendously.

Carolina Green Bud

Active Member
I don't mean to highjack your thread, but I have a quick question. If you start plants under lights to transplant outdoors, will an 18/6 light cycle show sex if you have straight run seeds. No need to transplant males. Or, should you start 12/12 so they will show sex faster? Thanks


Well-Known Member
Your kinda unclear in what your asking, so Ive got a few ?'s for you first. are you asking if the photoperiod inside is like 24/0 or 18/6 or something and will putting it out cause it to start flowering from the light cycle change?