Silica and cannabis


Active Member
I have recently stumbled across a product that is suppose to introduce silica to the plants cell walls. thus strengthening them and increasing their density. Some benefits to this is resistance to bug and fungus attacks,enhances frost resistance, more harvest weight, stronger branches, tougher leaves, resistance to turgor pressure loss (wilting), promotes faster recovery from pruning and damage, helps resist nutrient burn and high growing medium salt content. maybe some other feats as well but this is what some research has led me to believe.

This sounds like THE additive and especially useful for the outdoor cultivators. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated as it sounds extremely usefull. Any first hand experience anyone?

There might be a better product but heres one anyway
a buddy of mine has been growing for almost 15years now and swears by adding silica (green sand?) to his soil.
silica i believe is what makes the plant cell structure. his plants are always covered in a waxy substance that the plant naturally creates with the help of high silica in the soil.
they always look amazing, taste and smoke really well.
yeah ild like to see a side by side done with it. i wonder if i could get paid to be like a comsumer report for stuff like that run side by sides of all the products dif soils i should send out emails and see how many of them would go for it to see if they realy stand behind there products
I've wondered about these silica products for a wile now. They sound great, but what I want to know is how is it for human consumption. Just sounds bad.
There's sodium silicaaluminate or silicon dioxide used as an anti-caking agent in most powdered foods or additives.


Right, now what's actually in the silica plant product, because I'm sure it differs greatly from what's in food products. Like as in much less refined...
Sounds like if this stuff works (im going to try it after hearing the responses and who responded) i've always been skeptical about additives and brands such as advanced nutrients that I believe sell a product that works but is not worth the initial investment, as the price they command is rather steep. sounds like it would make buds less spongy and rock hard. This waxy texture mentioned is probably the plants cells literally changing properties now having silica to reinforce their walls. In hydro where plants usually receive little if any, the difference would be most pronounced.

Adding weight to your harvests is never a bad thing now is it?
Ill try it out and see if i croak or feel sick. I think you'll be fine. i don't think silica combusts and it is in a compound with the plant cells and not by itself. Thinking about it makes me wonder if it effects burning properties though. Hmmmmmmm

yone is still here after smoking silica infused budness. its Probably ok
Glad i found this thread. Sounds like a pretty good investment to me. I found a product for $20. It's called Dutch Master Silica


Since you are probably going to beat me to it let us know what happens!

EDIT: Doing more research i conclude this stuff really works. Its used in other areas of agriculture. What it does is amazing and I wish someone would take the time to make it a sticky somewhere on this site. Think of how important it is for outdoor growers! Makes bugs work alot harder for a meal and the frost resistance upgrade surely will be warmly welcomed. Sounds like a good way to get more bud weight and harder buds
Since you are probably going to beat me to it let us know what happens!

EDIT: Doing more research i conclude this stuff really works. Its used in other areas of agriculture. What it does is amazing and I wish someone would take the time to make it a sticky somewhere on this site. Think of how important it is for outdoor growers! Makes bugs work alot harder for a meal and the frost resistance upgrade surely will be warmly welcomed. Sounds like a good way to get more bud weight and harder buds

Will do. I'm growing outdoors this yr. and like you said bugs wouldn't really bother munchin on the plants. But i'm not going to start my grow for about another 2 weeks. I'll try to record my grow so we can see how everything works out
Might want to look at Dyna-Gro Pro-Tekt a silica supplement @~$10/qt or so and you just use 1/4tsp/gallon.

Some soils are naturally very high in silica, esp in volcanic type soils.

Silica is basically glass. Good stuff and it won't make you grow a third eye or give you x ray vision. LOL

Sure would be nice to hear an old-timer chime in, someone who's been using this stuff and smoking the product for a while now. That would suck to end up with very strong plants but buds that are crispy or somehow fucked up and don't burn right, or taste right, or leave crunchy ash in the bowl, etc.
It just seems very, un natural...

I mean WHERE does the sillica go? Does it leave along with some of that chlorophyll?
It just seems very, un natural...

I mean WHERE does the sillica go? Does it leave along with some of that chlorophyll?

You are joking...... right?:wall:

Silica is the most abundant mineral in the earths crust, like sand or quartz, hardly 'un natural'.

It doesn't go anywhere, a good bit of you is silica and you eat a good bit every day on top of that.

All plants and animals use it, or were you :sleep: in skool that day?

I've read it accumulates in horsetail (a wild growing weed) and its long been used to make teas that help with arthritis. It went into specifics as to how.

Wetdog you seem to know quite bit about this stuff. Care to create some kind of visual representation and and FAQ you could maybe convince the mods to make a sticky? Im amazed it isnt already. Some other forums mention it. Perhaps its time for someone (anyone really) to attempt to share this with the community. It would be appropriate in the outdoor section especially.
you think sillica is some shit look up tricontanol and mycorrhizae. Fyi sillica is actually pretty abundant as previously mentioned its pretty much sand. the products you buy to supplement it is just an form easier used by your plants.
increases plant metabolism by speeding photosynthesis somehow and increases cell division. The ladder is a fungus. Not sure what it does as i haven't done much research yet. I imagine it breaks down the organics in soil or something like that. The first one I've read about when researching ethylene in the thread about plant hormones. Sounds promising!