My Attitude Seed Bank Review (with timeline and LOTS of pics)


Active Member
-March 06 2010, 07:42 PM EST - Ordered 6 feminized Kandy Kush seeds by Reserva Privada (OG Kush X Trainwreck) with guaranteed stealth shipping.

Here is a summary of my order:

Product: Reserva Privada Kandy Kush Feminized
Options: Feminized Seeds Per Pack - 06 Seeds
Quantity: 1
Product Code: DNA-034/DNA-034
Price: $82.77

Product: TGA Subcool Seeds Jack The Ripper
Quantity: 1
Product Code: FREE 3 SEEDS
Price: $0.00

Product: TGA Subcool Seeds The Third Dimension
Quantity: 1
Product Code: FREE 3 SEEDS
Price: $0.00

Product: UFO#1 Dinafem Seeds Cloud #9
Quantity: 1
Product Code: FREE SEED
Price: $0.00

Product: UFO#2 Dinafem Seeds Sweet Deep Grapefruit
Quantity: 1
Product Code: FREE SEED
Price: $0.00

Subtotal: $82.77
Coupon Discount: $8.28
Postage & Packaging: $22.57
Tax: $0.00
Grand Total: $97.07

That's right 8 free fuckin seeds baby - 2 of them feminized. Use coupon code 420 and get 10% off.

March 07 2010, 02:21 AM EST - Order status changed to Processing/Packing. I was then able to track my beans through Royal Mail's website.

March 07 2010, 04:27 AM EST - Order status changed to dispatched (shipped). The wait begins. Tracking through Royal Mail kind of sucks, but it has nothing to do with Attitude. The only status message it would show told me the package was waiting to be processed to another carrier.

March 09 2010 - Woke up, checked Royal Mail's website and it was passed on to USPS for delivery. FUCK YEAH!!! :hump: Checked USPS and no update yet. Out of town for a few days, will update on the 15th.

March 15 2010 - USPS confirms it arrived (east coast) and is being processed.

March 17 2010 - Checked USPS website and it's at my local Post Office. Hopefully they will be delivered today... Beans are in :weed:










At almost 1/3 the price of Kind Seed, a High Times heavy advertiser; Attitude destroys any seedbank I have ever used or heard of. Trust me, if there were a cheaper, safer place to go - you would be the 1st to know. So next time you are in the market for some seeds, check out Attitude by clicking HERE. In all honesty, if you do go though Attitude, please use the link I provided - you won't be charged any extra and I get a small incentive for referring people. Trust me, when you are disabled and make next to nothing, every little bit helps. I hope this is useful to someone out there.


Selection: 8/10 Pretty decent, I wish the OG Kush would come back in stock (mailing list), but they have TONS of cup winners.

Price: About 10/10 of the price of Kind Seed and if you enter 420 in the coupon code field, you get 10% off - no bullshit.

Service: 7/10 Other than the fact I can't choose what gift I get for stealth shipping, we are good. Allow me to expand on that somewhat. You can choose the gift, but not the style (color, design etc)

Stealth Rating: 9/10 The best way to put it without giving up too much is the container the beans came in was slightly visible but only after I pulled out the inner packaging material. Beans made it to me, no questions asked.

Would you order from the same bank again: Definitely would. 1/3 the price of other High Times advertised banks. KMA Kind seed.

Other Comments: Order guaranteed delivery and stealth shipping. If you don't pay the extra few bucks for it, they do not guarantee delivery. They will also do custom stealth shipping according to their website. I'll report back when I germ them.

Attitude riped me off heres the proof
> From: [email protected]
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: Re: Online Form: my order 155821-100305
> Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2010 10:33:58 +0000
> Hi there
> I have checked your order, I am sorry but by the time the payment arrived
> this order had expired.
> Many Thanks
> Rachel
> The Attitude
> --------------------------------------------------
> From: <[email protected]>
> Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2010 10:39 PM
> To: <[email protected]>
> Subject: Online Form: my order 155821-100305
> >
> >
> > Hi I just received my order for Riley Muth, order # 155821-100305 . The
> > TGA subcool seeds, both 3-D and Jack the Ripper were missing. Please let
> > me know what is going on. Those seeds were the reason i placed the order.
> > Thank You.

How does a order expire after they have received my cash, that called a rip off, it was about 10 days. Never trust the attitude scum bags. I will be posting this email on every review forum of the Attitude that I can find to save other people from the same hassle. There not even gonna replace the TGA seeds. LOL nice company people.
Thats too bad if that really happened, I just recieved another 2 orders from attitude, I placed 2 so I could get 6 tga jack ripper 6 3rd dimension, along with the other freebies. This was my 6th order and the longest Ive waited was 11days for west coast usa, got nothing but good reviews for attitude. Out of all the seeds Ive bought Ive only had problems with the freebie churches and one dinafem powerkush that broke ground but just doesnt wanna grow past 3", but Im still giving it a chance. I should say that the churches broke ground also but they just look totally unhealthy for some reason, I mean I have a bunch of others from attitude even some greenhous king/bubba kush and there growing just fine, somethig weird about the church strain, which is too bad cause I think it would be some good smoke if it was little more stable. I also got the contact lenses for free which are pretty cool, I dont wear them but my friend is getting a kick out of them. So in the end Ive got every order from attitude no problems, every single seed has germed and broke ground, just 2 plants that arent worth a damn, but they were freebies and all the other free ones are doing great, cant say nothin bad about attitude from my experience, hope everything gets takin care of for those of you who have had problems. Peace
Attitude riped me off heres the proof
> From: [email protected]
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: Re: Online Form: my order 155821-100305
> Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2010 10:33:58 +0000
> Hi there
> I have checked your order, I am sorry but by the time the payment arrived
> this order had expired.
> Many Thanks
> Rachel
> The Attitude
> --------------------------------------------------
> From: <[email protected]>
> Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2010 10:39 PM
> To: <[email protected]>
> Subject: Online Form: my order 155821-100305
> >
> >
> > Hi I just received my order for Riley Muth, order # 155821-100305 . The
> > TGA subcool seeds, both 3-D and Jack the Ripper were missing. Please let
> > me know what is going on. Those seeds were the reason i placed the order.
> > Thank You.

How does a order expire after they have received my cash, that called a rip off, it was about 10 days. Never trust the attitude scum bags. I will be posting this email on every review forum of the Attitude that I can find to save other people from the same hassle. There not even gonna replace the TGA seeds. LOL nice company people.

Because it ran from the 5th to the 8th.

So if your payment did not make there before the 8th YOU lost out.

Are you really the dumb that it needed to be explained.

Are you to fucking scared to order with a credit card..Boo Fucking Hoo :finger:
attitude got me my stuff quick. with the same free shit greenlungs got. attitude rocks until they prove me wrong... they got querkel back in stock now after i ordered. that sux but not their fault.
attitude got me my stuff quick. with the same free shit greenlungs got. attitude rocks until they prove me wrong... they got querkel back in stock now after i ordered. that sux but not their fault.
I ordered on the 14th,they processed the 15th, mailed the 16th and my package arrived today, the 24th. All the way to California in that time is pretty damn good.
I got 5 Barney's LSD plus 2 dinafem, 1 White Siberian and 1 Super Critical Haze and a cool t-shirt!
carful you dont drop a seed on that key board it may sprout in all that dirt

Ironically enough, I take immaculate care of my stuff. That is just the laptop I use when I'm high so I don't destroy a decent computer. bongsmilie It's older than John McCain's balls.

Attitude riped me off heres the proof
> From: [email protected]
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: Re: Online Form: my order 155821-100305
> Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2010 10:33:58 +0000
> Hi there
> I have checked your order, I am sorry but by the time the payment arrived
> this order had expired.
> Many Thanks
> Rachel
> The Attitude
> --------------------------------------------------
> From: <[email protected]>
> Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2010 10:39 PM
> To: <[email protected]>
> Subject: Online Form: my order 155821-100305
> >
> >
> > Hi I just received my order for Riley Muth, order # 155821-100305 . The
> > TGA subcool seeds, both 3-D and Jack the Ripper were missing. Please let
> > me know what is going on. Those seeds were the reason i placed the order.
> > Thank You.

How does a order expire after they have received my cash, that called a rip off, it was about 10 days. Never trust the attitude scum bags. I will be posting this email on every review forum of the Attitude that I can find to save other people from the same hassle. There not even gonna replace the TGA seeds. LOL nice company people.

Anyone crazy enough not to edit out their IP address and the name they ordered marijuana seeds from is someone I don't likely see myself taking advice from. The offer expired, it's not their fault you chose to mail payment to the UK.


attitude got me my stuff quick. with the same free shit greenlungs got. attitude rocks until they prove me wrong... they got querkel back in stock now after i ordered. that sux but not their fault.

I was just about over being pissed about the Querkle back in stock right after my order. Thanks for bringing it up :wall: Oh well, just means I get to place another order.

haha voodoo did you get the mohawk skull?

Yes, I did.

Me too, I was disappointed that I didn't get the shirt I wanted though. I put a special comment in that I wanted this one but I guess beggars an't be choosers lol...


I ordered Barney's farm LSD & Seedism killa-watt on the 16th of this month.My order came today.Free Privada/Cole Train,DNA Sharksbreath,DNA RockLock. Great company!
wow that shirt looks incredible, time to order one... :)

Isn't it the fucking shit? I seriously thought I got Negative Rep when I read the email lol then I saw your name. That shirt is the shit and so is this one...


This is what I found in my email...

Dear mrgreenlungz,

Negative Rep has just replied to a thread you have subscribed to entitled - My Attitude seedbank Review (with timeline and LOTS of pics)
woah the shirt looks awesome.. I got their mug recently, cause my previous t-shirt orders were funky looking.. some picture of a dog and no mention of attitude.. eh whatever.. the new shirts are dope.. thats what I want for my next months order when they got their good freebies up again. I heard from the grapevine it'll be 2 different tga subcool strains.
Those are not the shirts they give out.

You have to buy those.

Yeah, I know - it even says on the website not to order seeds and merch together because they are shipped separately, I just wish I could pick the design when I order beans. If it was a free Tee, I would understand, but you have to buy them.
i ordered on a monday, seeds were in ny friday and I received the seeds in the midwest the following friday. I was expecting 4 freebies and they threw 1 extra in. seeds in excellent condition. i threw the free critical jack seed in some water for a day and in paper towel another day and already got a 1/4 whitetail on it. i am happy so far.
Just got my order from attitude! 5 lowryder seeds .. and for the free seeds i got 1 lemon skunk 1 rocklock em in 8 days!:mrgreen: