First time grower having trouble sexing ~ pics inside

Hi guys, as of right now I think my plants might be male but I've come for some second opinions. If they both actually are male I might have to cry myself to sleep tonight :( growing for all this time only to find out the worst!

Anyways pics as promised
The first 3 pics are of 1 plant the other 2 of the other. Sorry for the crappy pics but it's the best I have at the moment :(

(Yes I nut burned one of the plants!)



Active Member
lol, how long have they been on 12/12? It does not look like you can really tell one way or the other from those pictures. You have more time.. be patient and wiat for them to develop more.


Well-Known Member
if they little ball's 2 the left and right of the shaft ,then sorry ther boys.ur 3rd pic look's like it
You're going to have to wait a bit longer, they aren't really showing yet. The male doesn't open his pollen sacks the second they appear, so you have time to identify what it is, without worrying about pollination. Never toss them right away - often the emerging female calyx has a very similiar appearance to the male pollen sack.


Bah waiting is so hard especially after 3 months! I'm only on the 4th or 5th day of 12/12, and I'm dying to know the sex only so I can actually know if I'm going to get something out of this whole experiment or not.

But ya. Patience is a virtue I guess.


Well-Known Member
i would give it 10 days and you will see if they have balls or not good luck i just cut 4 out of the 8 i had going but 3 were going to be females because they were clones