Cloning now for buds in October...


Well-Known Member
Hey RIUers! This is a journal of two cuttings I took from my Powerkush, Thursday night(3-11-10). The clones will eventually be grown outdoors.

My goal is to have one successful clone, to be cut into clones itself. Hopefully I can have those cuttings ready to go outside by the first week of June.

If both survive and are healthy, I'll be putting the other one outside as it is, in the first week of May. I'm not sure it'll get that big, tho. I guess I don't really know enough about it's genetics to know if it can bush out, like that.

The mother is a :leaf:Dinafem Powerkush:leaf: I got as a freebie. She's been vegging under my 430 Son Agro, along with three other ladies of different genetics, for 8 weeks now. That grow journal is HERE.

Here's the mother...

When I took my cuttings, I made my cuts at a 45 degree angle, between the 4th and 5th node, immediately dipped them in Clonex, stuck them in rockwool, & set them on an inch thick bed of perlite. The perlite bed is set on a seedling heat mat, and the whole setup(of course) is under a hood.

My lighting is two 4-foot lamps with four 4-foot F40T12 bulbs. Two Warm White, and two Cool White. Not the best spectrum, but sufficient.

This the pics from when I first got them home, the first night.

After these pics were taken, I trimmed the edges of the leaves. My lighting has changed since these pics. I no longer have the small lamp in there. It's been replaced by the other 4-foot lamp. I now have the two 4-foot lamps with my warm and cool F40T12 bulbs.

This was my first time cloning, and when I woke up the next morning and saw this, I thought I killed em'. They dont show you this part in all the videos...

After thinking I killed my cuttings, I posted a thread asking if they were ok. I got some sound advice from CG and fdd telling me that I was doing fine. Before getting the advice I dumbly trimmed a few of the fan leaves off of it.:wall:

Another night of letting them alone has proved to be exactly what they needed. They're on their own, and merely using the toothpicks as a leaning post. I have high hopes for both of them pulling through...

I will continue this journal, all the way through the growing and cloning of the plants, and will put up some good pics of the entire summer grow as well...

:leaf:Here we go:leaf:


Well-Known Member
looking good man,
clones can really be tricky let me tell u,
i am on my second grow right now and my first time cloning,

check out my current grow in my sig,
i have 1 DNA Genetics Powerkush mother and i have 4 clones that just started flowering 3 days ago,
and i have 5 more PK clones waiting to root,

cant wait to see how urs turn out
suscribed... :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
hey man you know I will follow, I still have not decided on a cloning method yet myself, I was thinking of making willow rooting tea and using some of this bio-tone mixed in with perlite maybe some tricontanol Idk yet. the bio-tone is some crazy shit though I've got roots shooting out of my main stem above soil, gotta keep adding dirt to my pots. could be I'm not watering enough though I do water every 2 days though so idk? anyway yours stood back up so good signs man, setup is solid, should work out. I think I will cut mine at 6in, 3'' for leaves 2'' for roots I will cut the extra leaves off while its on the plant so that it has time to heal while its on the mother. Anyway I'll be watching so I know how to do mine right.


Well-Known Member
hey man you know I will follow, I still have not decided on a cloning method yet myself, I was thinking of making willow rooting tea and using some of this bio-tone mixed in with perlite maybe some tricontanol Idk yet. the bio-tone is some crazy shit though I've got roots shooting out of my main stem above soil, gotta keep adding dirt to my pots. could be I'm not watering enough though I do water every 2 days though so idk? anyway yours stood back up so good signs man, setup is solid, should work out. I think I will cut mine at 6in, 3'' for leaves 2'' for roots I will cut the extra leaves off while its on the plant so that it has time to heal while its on the mother. Anyway I'll be watching so I know how to do mine right.
I used Clonex for my rooting hormone. i dont have any other additives like Superthrive or anything. It's been only water for the past few days, and they're still standin' on thier own. im not posting pics because the only real notable changes are taking place INSIDE the rockwool.


Well-Known Member
yeah clones are pretty boring until they root. is clonex organic? not that it really matters for the end result.


Well-Known Member
Nah. Clonex is just the most popular, from what I can find. I figured if so many people liked it, I probably would too.

I think one of em's dying...



Well-Known Member
Expect some losses its just one of those this that happens as you learn how. these are your first clones correct?


Well-Known Member
I had to post this...

I just went into the closet with my clones, to wet the inside of the hood. When i got in there this is what I saw...(And no, I'm not talking about the left clone being almost dead. I'm doing what i can for it. I'm aware that I'll probably lose it) Look closer...

Do you see it? It's just starting to warm up around my area. I haven't seen a ladybug yet, this year. I think it's cool that the first one I see this year found its way to my plants, under the dome, and started cleaning my clones of aphids and mites. Only thing I said to him was "Welcome home, dude." Haha... If you still can't see it. It's on the clone on the right, bottom left leaf.

As far as the dying clone goes... I really dont have anything like Superthrive or anything else to help them, so if she goes, she goes. I've still got one looking like it wants to live.


Well-Known Member
yeah that shit reeks!

It's good stuff, I use it.

Have you smelled it?:spew:

It does fuckin' reek, man! I'm foliar feeding it to the clones, and I'm giving it in two ways to my now flowering ladies. They get it foliar fed once a night, and it's mixed in with every gallon of shittea. Superthrive and FoxFarm Big Bloom are the only things I'm givin my plants, outside of good ol' homemade organics.

I can already see that it's really helping the clones. Outside of plain water, Superthrive is the only thing I've given to my clones. I've already come to the conclusion that it's something I'm not going to run out of.


Well-Known Member

It does fuckin' reek, man! I'm foliar feeding it to the clones, and I'm giving it in two ways to my now flowering ladies. They get it foliar fed once a night, and it's mixed in with every gallon of shittea. Superthrive and FoxFarm Big Bloom are the only things I'm givin my plants, outside of good ol' homemade organics.

I can already see that it's really helping the clones. Outside of plain water, Superthrive is the only thing I've given to my clones. I've already come to the conclusion that it's something I'm not going to run out of.
pretty concentrated shit huh. What is it made out of?