growing in the closet. (at mom and dads)

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I never stated that living at home was to be frowned upon, just growing at home without your parents consent. With consent on the other hand is something completely different... But if they didn't mind growing don't ya think they might have tried it..?
was this aimed at my question?
if so they have done it before but they have thier little hippy ring so they get thier stash for free.


Active Member
This is a fuckin riot. Now the only peeps talkin in here are everyone but the kid. You thread jacked em FDD2BLK! Sorry. Couldn't help it. Since I'm off subject. How you all enjoyin the weather? Nor Cal has been beautiful.


Active Member
Righ on. My little sis is in San Diego. Gonna go visit her soon. Besides her and Disneyland I stay North.
i actually had to go to work where i still am. i forgot to mention one big thing. i wouldent sell. just personal use. also next time i ask how to grow one plant to where noone would know its in your closet even if there in your room ill say i live by myself next time. also sorry if your parents yelled at you everyday and pissed you off enough to move out or whatever the reason is, i however have no reason to move out even if i had the money which i did but decided id rather have a nice car and nice bike both new and money to play with on top of that. and i dont have any rules in my house besides the obviouse dont get arrested or anything like that. im also not retarded as yall probably think since i asked some simple queston because i dont know anything about growing i just smoke it. i come and go as i please. i do whatever i want whenever i want. please tell me why i should waist money on rent while im going to school?
im glad i can entertain someone haha. apperently drewsb420 is ready to strangle someone. and unless you own your own house your gonna be growing under someones roof jackass. you dont own the apartment and just cuz you rent doesent make it your house. also ive never been arrested because im not a retard. AND growing at my parents house your house my own house or in my car wherever i would do it doesent change the risk or the chances of getting cought. and yeah i guess im not a man since i live with mommy and daddy. i never said i was. and if you wanna have fun waisting money in rent if you go to school you go right ahead. if my parents sucked i would have moved out when i was 18. oh well depends on what you want. and yeah now this thread is pretty funny. instead of answering a queston which btw never got answered because i dident word the queston properly (my dumbass fault haha but worth it now) everyone just decided to tell me i suck in so many words which is kind of funny seeing as how noone on here knows me at all. shit i could have just made all this shit up to see what yall say for all you guys know. thanks for all the tips guys HAHA. ive gotten none on here for the queston asked. thats a great way to represent a site. just bash people that come on here. nice haha. but funny now


Well-Known Member
So you wouldn't mind if someone was growing in your house without your knowledge? You wouldn't mind having your house seized through no wrong doing of your own?
The bullshit flag gets thrown in this instance.

If the owner of the house doesn't bless the op, then there rightfully should be no op. Period.
come on you never grown in a rental?


Well-Known Member
to answer your question carbon filters work 100% maybe i would make an on bucket and grow using led then u could leave your fans off most the day and exhaust during the night or when parents are not around i say if u wanna do it do it no its not a good idea but its your idea so giver if u gotta eh haha but thats how i would do it if i was you.. or show an intrest in hydroponic gardening and grow tomatoes and everything else like that so u can just get a grow tent after a while throw some weed in there then they wont even look they will just assume it is your hydroponic hobby haha


Well-Known Member
"i guess im not a man since i live with mommy and daddy. i never said i was" -as long as you know that my child. haha, this kid your a joke now you got my girl laughin at you, she said how does that guy even get any pussy living with his parents at 23 haha *cracks another beer* your a joke just go to grasscity or somethin, ill clown you all day
im glad that you have nothing better to do than clown me all day. shows alot about what you have going on in your life. your no help your just a jackass who has nothing better to do than put people down. sorry we cant all live on our own. sorry my hobbies are expensive and i love doing them so i choose to live at home and that doesent bother me really. why did you wait to move out at 18. why not move out when your 16. or 10. man up bro. and im sure being high is contributing to the laughter haha. you live your life how you want ill live mine. but like i said yours must be pretty pitiful if you just sit on here and clown people all day. you go ahead and work your ass off. im doing just fine going to school, workin part time, and HAVING MORE MONEY because i live at home. but if im 39 or 40 like dale and brennon and still live at home, feel free to crack on me all day everyday because then yeah your right.

ledgrowing - you seem to be the only one in this thread that isent retarded. you actually answered my queston. i know the carbon filter gets rid of the smell but if it was in the closet would you still beable to smell it in my room? also i know fan noise is a concern when growing. if you had a small box with 1 to 2 plants in it how loud would the fans be that you would need to properly move the air in a small setup like that.


Well-Known Member
"you just sit on here and clown people all day. you go ahead and work your ass off" its okay my child I forgive you, it looks as if we have a case of an Oxymoron, how can I be sitting on here clowning on you all day if I'm working my ass off? I guess if you consider me sitting here watching the Laker's game taking bong tokes ever other 15 min working my ass off than hey why not. Now my child as I stated earlier this conversation is going nowhere, it is clear you are just another lost immature boy who's scared to enter the adult world, its ok, I won't judge you, everyone is different, one day you will grow up and enter the real world, good luck.


Well-Known Member
lol i do work, i'm actually waiting for the concrete to be poured at a job site, ill be at work friday but for these days that i missed im collecting unemployment, the oxy is in the medicine cabinet ;-)
well you said you work but then you say you will clown me all day. so whos the oxymoron. speaking of oxy, hook me up haha.


Active Member
im 23, i have a job, i go to school. i live at home because i can do as i please and i have bills. i also live at home becasue my live does not revolve around weed as it does it with yall. i asked a simple fuckin queston. fuck everyone on this site yall suck at answering questons. never said i was gonna grow. and btw it would be retarded to move out on my own and waist money in rent when i can live here for free while i go to school so i can just buy a house when i get out and gave my career. also im sure i have alot nicer things than alot of you jackasses that live on your own, workin a dead end job, smokin weed all day everyday so yeah. thanks for not helping. goodbye. also 916 is my birthday and i live in FL

This shows that you're uneducated, ignorant about the world and that you have a false sense of pride.

You're proud to live with your parents at 23? Are you actually putting down people who moved out to support themselves while you're still living with your parents?


Well-Known Member
"you just sit on here and clown people all day. you go ahead and work your ass off" its okay my child I forgive you, it looks as if we have a case of an Oxymoron, how can I be sitting on here clowning on you all day if I'm working my ass off? I guess if you consider me sitting here watching the Laker's game taking bong tokes ever other 15 min working my ass off than hey why not. Now my child as I stated earlier this conversation is going nowhere, it is clear you are just another lost immature boy who's scared to enter the adult world, its ok, I won't judge you, everyone is different, one day you will grow up and enter the real world, good luck.
you ready for your infraction now? :bigjoint::fire:


Active Member
In all my life I have never seen such rediculous attacks at eachother, over the Internet nonetheless. No I don't grow weed, but I do grow all kinds of fruits and vegetables. You'd be amazed at how well a "marijuana" grow box will produce other herbs and salads. Hopefully one day soon, marijuana will be legalized though and I can apply my knowledge and green thumbs to it here in Idaho, but until then , say lah vee (pronunciate in a French type accent).

Back to my original thoughts, who the hell really cares if rustysurfer916 is living with his parents. All he wanted was some information. You may think it is messed up to grow w/o the consent of his parents, but who the hell do you think you are to tell another human being what he can/cannot do. Who really gives a flying fuck as to wether or not you live on your own. Who are you to judge anyone but yourself. Besides I thought California was the sunshine state? By the way drewsb420 is representing it, there is no wonder why that state is going to get fucked in 2012.
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