The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
My girlfriend asked me if I had ever pissed in the shower.

I said, "Yeah, a couple of times, accidentally."

She said, "That's disgusting! What do you mean accidentally?!"

"Hey," I said, "these things happen when you're having a shit."


Well-Known Member
My girlfriend asked me if I had ever pissed in the shower.

I said, "Yeah, a couple of times, accidentally."

She said, "That's disgusting! What do you mean accidentally?!"

"Hey," I said, "these things happen when you're having a shit."
LMFAO brilliant, exactly my type of humour. That was shit!


Well-Known Member
Dear Minister,
I'm in the process of renewing my passport but I am a total loss to understand or believe the hoops I am being asked to jump through.

How is it that Bert Smith of T.V. Rentals Basingstoke has my address and telephone number and knows that I bought a satellite dish from them back in 1994, and yet, the Government is still asking me where I was born and on what date?

How come that nice West African immigrant chappy who comes round every Thursday night with his DVD rentals van can tell me every film or video I have had out since he started his business up eleven years ago, yet you still want me to remind you of my last three jobs, two of which were with contractors working for the government?

How come the T.V. detector van can tell if my T.V. is on, what channel I am watching and whether I have paid my licence or not, and yet if I win the government run lottery they have no idea I have won or where I am and will keep the bloody money to themselves if I fail to claim in good time.
Do you people do this by hand?

You have my birth date on numerous files you hold on me, including the one with all the income tax forms I've filed for the past 30-odd years. It's on my health insurance card, my driver's licence, on the last four passports I've had, on all those stupid customs declaration forms I've had to fill out before being allowed off the planes and boats over the last 30 years, and all those insufferable census forms that are done every ten years and the electoral registration forms I have to complete, by law, every time our lords and masters are up for re-election.

Would somebody please take note, once and for all, I was born in Maidenhead on the 4th of March 1957, my mother's name is Mary, her maiden name was Reynolds, my father's name is Robert, and I'd be absolutely astounded if that ever changed between now and the day I die!

I apologise Minister.. I'm obviously not myself this morning. But between you and me, I have simply had enough! You mail the application to my house, then you ask me for my address. What is going on? Do you have a gang of Neanderthals working there? Look at my damn picture. Do I look like Bin Laden? I don't want to activate the Fifth Reich for God's sake! I just want to go and park my weary backside on a sunny, sandy beach for a couple of week's well-earned rest away from all this crap.

Well, I have to go now, because I have to go to back to Salisbury and get another copy of my birth certificate because you lost the last one. AND to the tune of 60 quid! What a racket THAT is!! Would it be so complicated to have all the services in the same spot to assist in the issuance of a new passport the same day? But nooooo, that'd be too damn easy and maybe make sense. You'd rather have us running all over the place like chickens with our heads cut off, then find some tosser to confirm that it's really me on the goddamn picture - you know... the one where we're not allowed to smile in in case we look as if we are enjoying the process!
Hey, you know why we can't smile? 'Cause we're totally jacked off!

I served in the armed forces for more than 25 years including over ten years at the Ministry of Defence in London. I have had security clearances which allowed me to sit in the Cabinet Office, five seats away from the Prime Minister while he was being briefed on the first Gulf War and I have been doing volunteer work for the British Red Cross ever since I left the Services. However, I have to get someone 'important' to verify who I am -- you know, someone like my doctor...
who, before he got his medical degree 6 months ago WAS LIVING IN PAKISTAN...

Yours sincerely,
An Irate British Citizen.


Active Member
It's Marijuana Growers Inside Guide by Frank Mel, a very successful botanist. I know there is loads of information on the forum, but there are so many variables and biases just going off people's opinions... it's hard to know what is solid and what just sort of works randomly. Plus, I have seen a lot of the very experienced growers still recommend lots of reading and this book specifically. I also want to get the Marijuana Garden Saver by J.C. Stitch as it's supposed to be awesome for diagnosing and curing any kind of plant ailment and Marijuana Horticulture by Jorge Cervantes


Active Member
Light should arrive today too, then seeds tomorrow I think :) I just need to rope someone into helping me move a wardrobe, my cast finally came off my arm yesterday so I can't lift shit for now. Arms bent to fuck, but I don't fancy having then chop the bone up into little bits then plating them all back together...


Well-Known Member
im with tip top i dont think thats exodus bobby too many leaves and the structure is different.

still looks great for 4 weeks man
What's appinin mate I have 3 cheese with all different structures coz I av fuck with the fim'ed topped and lst an they are not leafy in the slightest the pic the birds eye view dosnt show that if there was any less leaf they would be bud an stem there arnt any off the big fans left couple small ones but that's it.


Well-Known Member
ive not bothered getting any books on the subject yet, really strange considering i read almost nonstop, not a day goes by that i dont read. mite just invest in couple, im defo goin for cervantes coz its a fuckin legendary tome but i'll probably end up with a half dozen or so...i get kinda obsessed with things after a bit.


Well-Known Member
Light should arrive today too, then seeds tomorrow I think :) I just need to rope someone into helping me move a wardrobe, my cast finally came off my arm yesterday so I can't lift shit for now. Arms bent to fuck, but I don't fancy having then chop the bone up into little bits then plating them all back together...
what light you gettng?:bigjoint:


Active Member
ive not bothered getting any books on the subject yet, really strange considering i read almost nonstop, not a day goes by that i dont read. mite just invest in couple, im defo goin for cervantes coz its a fuckin legendary tome but i'll probably end up with a half dozen or so...i get kinda obsessed with things after a bit.
It's good stuff really though, isn't it? It's nice to know that doing something will be good for your plant, but it's even better to know why it's good for the plant and then you can use that understanding to perfect for your own conditions :D


Well-Known Member
I think we paid about £11 for a new one, but there were other sellers for about £8.30 and I'm sure there are cheaper used ones
cheap enough i guess, i dont mind reading them but i forget everything as soon as i put the book down again, i just grow and hope for the best