Thanks...well, will give it a try with one auto and problem is, poor student n auto seeds $15-20 each fem'd, and 2 other nonauto strains I want, so only getting 2 of each type. So, buying heaps of seed not an option until I graduate and earn mega riches hahahaha

The seeds I got my eye on supposedly finish in 45-50 days from seed, so guess not much time for rooting (hee hee, isn't there ALWAYS time for that?) a clone.
Yup, koala up arse is fine, so long as pretty scenery n mushies in background! Try not to get a roo stuck up there, but if you do, DEFINATELY get a picture for us. Don't like mushies, the one and only time I took some, everyone had those creepy joker-from-batman smiles, all pointy and evil at the corners, and the ceiling was pulsing with this odd light. Not for me. And, biggest horror of horrors, they made my cuppa tea taste bad bloody fuck that. Am wondering about san pedro and salvia...anyone tried?
Me got a 250 bike, doing it up n can't wait to ride it. Lurverly bike. Black and silver and solid as.
Gert and Beth look pretty, and very healthy. What's happened to your grows in the past? Not happening for you?