look at this light on ebay

tea tree

Well-Known Member
careful dudes. this is prob an orchid grower. they hate us pot growers over on the orchid sites. orchids dont need a lot of light. they actually talk shit on orchid sites about the "other" indoor gardeners out there! So I am growing orchids now too to show them a thing or two. rofl.


Well-Known Member
i really wish there was a way to write on his store page a warning to noobs who find this and decide to buy.
its so fuckin gimmicky. the guy is ripping people off and getting away with it. it makes me sick.
i gotta say its quite possible, when i first got into growing, i may have been convinced into buying.
i have to be honest and although i mite feel guilty ( a little) for letting sum 1 buy that kinda junk i kinda think any one fuckin dumb enuff to splash the cash on crap like that shouldnt really be growing weed , they should be doing sumthing that suits them, like maybe drooling or licking the windows.

tea tree

Well-Known Member
I dont think your working for the enemy. But wtf is a flower racist? They do use t5s and I tried my orchids under my pot t5 and I lost them. poor bastards. Anyway, it is the led panels that are really pissing me off.

Their is a "how to make money in the pot industry" seminar in SD this weekend or next. One class is on the truth about leds. Serious it is at the sd convention center.

but yeah i thot about emailing this dude something rude. I have spent my life in retail and even tho I am a slacker I am a type A slacker so I have developed a sense of honor. This is just sick when considering someone setting up a exhaust system too. That is when I remmebered orchid growers. This guy has to e just as stupid as the people who buy from him.

High Time 420

Well-Known Member
Dear ********,

these units are produced locally.


Dear cheberabish29,

Hi again,

Would this light be as good as a 600w hps lamp, or even a 400w hps?


Dear ********,

Yes, These are an alternative to a 600w HPS or MH lights. The CFL bulbs put out more light for less watts. This saves electricity and keeps your grow area cooler.


- cheberabish29

Dear cheberabish29,

A 600w hps pumps out 91000 lumens roughly, your unit pumps out about 3000 lumens, remembering that you cannot add up lumens.

So how can you call this an alternative?

A 600w hps can flower a 120cm x 120 cm area, your unit couldnt even flower a 30cm x 30cm area.

This add you have is total bullshit, you are hoping noobs who know little about growing will be fooled by your wording of this ad.

Dear ********,

Normally i ignore/block hostile questions, but your total lack of knowledge and experience deserve some "learnin".

You most certainly can ad up lumens.

experiment even YOU will get... Turn out every light in a light proof room. Light one candle. Measure the quantity of light hitting any surface in the room. Now, light a second candle not even near the 1st. Now measure the amount of light (lumens) at any point in the room. Uh oh... the Lumens DO ADD UP.. don't they. You do not even need a photometer to SEE the difference. Your eyes are sensitive enough.

NOW, lets translate this to plants... (careful, real math used here) Now something for YOU to "remember"... Every time you double the distance from the light source, you get 1/2 the light.

600w hps needs to be a minimum of 3ft from the closest plant or you will be one of the tards on the news with a grow-room fire. So now you have a single light source for a 4 ft sq bloom area. I'll use ft and inches since i'm here in America. That means if your light source is centered your furthest plant will be nearly 5ft from the light!!

4x 3000 lumens spread over 4ft, with no real height requirement = ONLY 1 ft 9 inches to furthest plant making these lights 5x more efficient JUST from placement. Additionally, you have 4 angles of light hitting the plants now instead of 1 making usable light available to more surface area.

My final point. We consistently outgrow HPS lights in our store displays with equivalent CFL lights. I did not "make up" this equivalent... it is industry standard. I have had nearly 10,000 unique customers with over 25,000 transactions and 100% positive feedback with tons of repeat customers.

WE are all wrong?


- cheberabish29


Well-Known Member
lol someone aski him if his product is UL listed......

theres a reason you dont ake light fixtures out of PVC....
dioxin emissions... among other things.

what a fucking idiot

tea tree

Well-Known Member
some times I just got to look at my plants to know my 600 rocks.

sometimes I remember how much lower the 600 hit than my 400 hit.

sometimes i wish one of those members with the goggles would explain again lol.

it is add up bull (phonetics). A light meter under my 6 bulb t5 reads 30 K lumens. (a 4 footer)

but 4 cfls is like 15 k lumens. And my 600 is a foot at most ever, mostly 10 inchs. So that is like 5 times the lumens of cfl fixtures if I remember correctly.

That is ridiculous.

Ask him lol, to look into a 600 watt hps and then his fixture and tell me which is brighter. HAAHAA.


Look at his feedback:
1. multiple bids from the same person in history
2. Whenever you look into item sold, its a diffident thing (Electronics etc.) Today's style is hydroponics.
3. I have put mh light onto my aquarium for two days, 2 fish sick parts got bleached out (fish died),
and you could see light passing through the texture of plants
lumen don't add up (my computer dictionary does not even allow me to make a multiple : lumenS lol

Cfls are like a snow flake. They make beautiful layer of bright snow, but get easy blown away by wind. MH is like a ice storm it burns.

Oily plants ave a natural protection from strong lights by producing resin thats why mh and hps rules
go to sauna and will see how much grease you loose