Conservatives, do you agree w/ these tactics?



Source: US Census Bureau

"On every major measurement, the Census Bureau report shows that the country lost ground during Bush's two terms. While Bush was in office, the median household income declined, poverty increased, childhood poverty increased even more, and the number of Americans without health insurance spiked. By contrast, the country's condition improved on each of those measures during Bill Clinton's two terms, often substantially."

To be specific when Clinton left office median income was; $52,500 after adjustment to 2008 $
In comparison left w/ median income of $50,303. That's a decline of 4.2 per cent.


There ya go, he was actually worse than I first stated, my bad. Oh wait, the US Census Bureau is part of the Liberal, elitist, educated types that prefer fact over bullshit.

The $ ajustment in 08 was 2 years after dem took the house and senate back.. Clinton had republicans holding his hand after the house bank scandal broke.

ink the world

Well-Known Member
The $ ajustment in 08 was 2 years after dem took the house and senate back.. Clinton had republicans holding his hand after the house bank scandal broke.
FFS man, do I need to walk you through monetary adjustment?

The house, senate have nothing to do with it. Educate yourself instead of being a lemming.

ink the world

Well-Known Member
You got to rember that londonfog,ink the world,upnorth2505 and PeachOibleBoiblePeach#1

All are sucking on obamas balls..

Listen up man, In case you didnt bother to read a thing ive posted. Im not an Obama lover, not hardly.

All ive seen you post is bullshit posed as fact and name calling. For some reason you think that because someone doesnt agree w/ you that they are a socialist or they must be an Obama lover. Get past talking points and have an honest intellectual discussion. Are you capable of that?

Here I am, picture of a socialist?
Ive served in the US military
I own a business and will be adding a second location later this year. I employ people, produce income and pay payroll taxes, income taxes, property taxes etc. etc.


FFS man, do I need to walk you through monetary adjustment?

The house, senate have nothing to do with it. Educate yourself instead of being a lemming.
Walk me through monetary adjustment?? no thanks I under stand it just fine thank you. Lemming You say??? I just march to the ocean with no regard of why. That sound more like an personal issue if you ask me.. Please try not to project you own feelings into me.


Listen up man, In case you didnt bother to read a thing ive posted. Im not an Obama lover, not hardly.

All ive seen you post is bullshit posed as fact and name calling. For some reason you think that because someone doesnt agree w/ you that they are a socialist or they must be an Obama lover. Get past talking points and have an honest intellectual discussion. Are you capable of that?

Were have I called a single person an Obama lover?

Illegal Smile

Listen up man, In case you didnt bother to read a thing ive posted. Im not an Obama lover, not hardly.

All ive seen you post is bullshit posed as fact and name calling. For some reason you think that because someone doesnt agree w/ you that they are a socialist or they must be an Obama lover. Get past talking points and have an honest intellectual discussion. Are you capable of that?

Here I am, picture of a socialist?
Ive served in the US military
I own a business and will be adding a second location later this year. I employ people, produce income and pay payroll taxes, income taxes, property taxes etc. etc.
I, for one, don't believe any of that.

ink the world

Well-Known Member
I, for one, don't believe any of that.
You dont believe that I have served in the military or own a business. Hmmm im not about to post anything too informative about my business here but I own a tattoo shop. I've been saving and building my clientele for years and finally see the need for a second location.

Why is that so unbelievable?
Im just a guy that tattoos, trust me Im not the Next Warren Buffet :)

If I was gonna lie i'd make it alot more interesting than it is. Trust me man, Im just an average working guy. Nothing more, nothing less.


Active Member
I don't think anyone should be making any threats of violence, however, they should be committing the violence if they are going to threaten it, but retain the element of surprise maximizing their chances of success. They should be breaking skulls instead of windows, if they are gonna break stuff. Hit lists make the tyrants easily identifiable to anyone. For all we know, these are military men and women who took an oath to protect against enemies foreign and domestic.

You cant just steamroll over the constitution and expect nothing to happen, if it continues, you're just going to see escalated violence, people stopping paying taxes, people just being generally anti-gov, and probably destructive.

Needless to say I wont be doing shit, all the retards of the world can kill each other for all i give a fuck. I lost all hope in any real progress, so I think they're just spinning their wheels. Hope its a nice train wreck though. We could use a new low, we're on a streak.


With the HC bill passing there have been many threats aimed at Dems that voted for the bill including harming them, harming their family members, vandalizing their offices. In once case the brother of a Congressman had the gas line cut at his home and had gas leaking inside.

Some political leaders on the right seem to be encouraging this type of "behavior." We've seen "dem hit lists" complete w/ crosshairs, way too many references to "picking up a gun" and only 1 Republican stand up and say it isnt right or acceptable.

I understand that many of you aren't happy about HC, but to me this is going to far and further marginalizing the Right.

Do you agree w/ violence, the threat of violence, assasination and revolution to show your anger?


Well-Known Member
I'm registered independent who voted for McCain because Obama told us all during the campaign what he was about. How many times did he say that he wanted an armed federal police force to secure our country and operate within the confines of the United States and he wants it to be the size of the Army. He said this in speeches at least three times. No matter that it is illegal according to the constitution. I would never call Obama Hitler but he had one of those called the SS. Stalin did too, and they both instituted harsh gun control laws after taking power. We don't live in a democracy we live in a Republic. Oh by the way the best example of Chicago style politics = Blagojevich. My avatar is just the last war I served in, there were 3 before that.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I just joined Obama's army ...Its awesome....We get to pick out our weapons this Sunday...Our uniforms are cool ...They are brown....If you want to join let me know...(note to self.always be kind to retarded people )