Goodbye cruel world....


Well-Known Member
If you're speaking for your plant, I'd give her another couple weeks. A couple extra weeks can make the difference between good smoke and KICK ASS herb.


Well-Known Member
The plant may not be ready...but I am!
She took one for the team, god bless her.


Active Member
Lol, took one for the team rofl. Couldn't wait huh? Shit I woulda smoked it by now too. But I currently am on week 6 1/2 flowering and its kinda hard to believe that my plants have 4 weeks left. Anyways, very nice bushy plants with lots of trichomes. Props and hope you enjoy the buzz.:joint::peace:


Active Member
How did you get multiple colas on that plant?

And how did you git to grow so nice and bushy?

Looks great.


Active Member
I have another question for you guys. I am wondering what the harvest window is before the potency starts to deteriorate when grown too long?


Active Member
As for multiple colas, IT LOOKS LIKE TO ME, that that plant is all genetics.

But you can "top" your plants to do that as well right before you put them into flowering. I'm sure its somewhere in the grow faq....atleast I think thats where I saw it. Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
yeah I just cut the top on this one.
that was awhile ago...its was um sticky and needed indeed,all the hairs turned amber after cut and smoked great for being young.
feels like a life time ago, I'm about 3wks in flowering the next group.(indoor mix)