topped and now 3 heads?


Well-Known Member
i topp ed a plant a few days ago, i looked this morning and its growing three insted od 2 heads. is this normal?.005.jpg


Well-Known Member
were i topped and three are growing, on the next nodes down there is 4 insted of 2 ,like ,the rest of the plants, ive never seen this, where they should be one the two, there three then 4 heads growing, is this normal, ive never seen a plant grow like this.:-|


Well-Known Member
016.jpgin the rubbibs pic, there are three tiny heads poping out the top, were i topped, but under there they are 4 growing insted of two,like tho other plants.



019.jpgmore pics. of the many headed plant.


Active Member
I'm pretty sure this is normal... I'm pretty new myself, but I read somewhere that when topping plants it can produce 3-4 heads, but I think its rare. Maybe someone with more exp can reconfirm


Well-Known Member
i had them in a 2l bottle, but i like the look of these 3, maybe ill use them for my scrog. and give them a closet and a lite all of there own:mrgreen:.
im really really impressed with these babys, nearly 4 weeks,and topped.
they look so happy in there new room and new pots/soil/perlite/ect.
sould i start to feed now, vegg food once/twice a week?.
i started out with 6 3 big bang and 3 strawberry haze,, the b.b look, ill, but all 3 of the arjan strawberry haze are doing fine. fancey all the big bang ,one dieing and the other 2 been very ill,looking and under the a.s.h. size, and the 3 b.b and 3 a.s.h plants have all been treat all the same, maybe the strawberry haze , is a stronger plant, .i dont know, all i know is that the 3 that are doing fine, look great,im happy with them, there all from fem seed, hope i dont have any hermies. i have about 16 plants all at different stages of vegg, and every one is from fem seed.
after these i will be getting some reg.seeds and grow males females sling the males and try to keep 2 diff. mother plants. any sugg. on what are a good strong plant, thats fairly easy to grow, a bit like sk#1 but maybe stronger , any suggs.