March 19th
Watered plants today for the 2nd time using the RO and drip system . Oh my God our life is super duper easier this way. I am in love with this and will never ever ever go back to hand watering....because it is a BITCH!!
I forgot to mention in any of my journal entries that this entire time we have been foliar feeding about once every ten days with a mild Epsom salt solution and applying Einstein oil about every 3 days. We have never had one sign of a single pest. Yay!!
Yesterday I clipped 4 more clones and Klyde's little guy is doing awesome. I clipped one E5, H1, and (2) H3. We also pulled H3 to be Mommie because she has never shown any signs of being sick. The clipped clones were a little too big so they are kind of droopy. I used a straw cut in half and a rubber band to tie them upright. One of the smaller ones we took is doing great though.
Okay the process was, clipped from base of plants, diagonal cut at end, cut down center twice, dipped into Olivia's rooting gel, put into pre-made hole in peat pellets, placed in 1 gallon pots with same medium as the big guys.
I've been watering them separately with super-thrive and a little wetting agent. Mommie got watered with full nutes today. Flowering begins tomorrow.
I got my Blue Lab meter in and it is awesome!
Our plants that we are about to flower are around 16-18" which is way higher than we wanted them to and learn!