My pot movie

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Too many brownies
I agree he's a warrior he shouldn't be bothered by a comment, however I pissed this guy off a few times because he would not answer my questions so fuck it I say......You can still seed his videos, he doesnt have to be here
Yeah he wouldnt answer my questions either...he ignored 5 or so questions I asked him and finally he replied with

" up to the name I see LOL.

Um, I'm trying to keep this thread somewhat on a entertainment level."

entertainment? He couldn't even take a joke.

anyways nothing against you browndirt your awesome but maybe chill a little?

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
i really like looking at pictures of people i know.. especially a healthy attractive people...

but funny news stories are fun too..

like this one

YouTube - Police Officer steals Marijuana.

one time a man called my mom a whore...
another time I found $20 on the ground...
once i loved and it never went away...
nothing can make love go away...

this is love


Too many brownies
i really like looking at pictures of people i know.. especially a healthy attractive people...

but funny news stories are fun too..

like this one

YouTube - Police Officer steals Marijuana.

one time a man called my mom a whore...
another time I found $20 on the ground...
once i loved and it never went away...
nothing can make love go away...

this is love

hahaha I love that video...I posted that before....I could listen to it 100 times over and stll laugh just as hard....


"I think were dead" hahahahaha
Hey, listen...

I can't allow one person's comments to thwart my mission to bring unadultered, raw entertainment to all you good peeps who can appreciate the effort put forth. And if I can enlighten and change peoples' opinions in the process -- fantastic! Look at the number of reads in this thread! It's awesome and a great validation for me.

Compared to all I have endured throughout my career and the making of this film, this little incident doesn't even register on the radar. But know this: I put my best foot forward and work with great passion. Wouldn't have it any other way. Always did. Always will. And I don't ask a lot for that. But I do demand respect.

I didn't name myself the Brown Dirt Warrior -- that name was given me by an old master and stuck amongst my peers. You can criticize the merits of the work. You can even criticize my motives. But I'm a immensely proud man and I don't take BS from anyone --not the law, not little asian girls that don't choose their words carefully. Pervert is a derogatory word up there with the scourge of society -- like molesters and rapists. I don't want to be mentioned in the same breath, thank you very much.

I'm not saying I'm the end all be all of this forum. But I'll stick around for all those who can at least appreciate what I am doing and the risks I am taking to do it -- all those with intelligent things to impart about the war on marijuana, the persecution it brings, and the need for justice... so I don't have to skulk around the woods with a mask risking life and limb... and sound like a "pervert" while representing us all in this phony war.


100% Authentic A$$Hole
you should at least apologize for calling her a little asian girl, its the same thing you got pissed at for her calling you a pervert:hump: I mean hell, I apologized to you when I was wrong:peace:


Too many brownies
I agree with everything your saying...You do alot of very hard, dangerous work and it really is something to be proud of.

but you are still calling her names???

come should admit you might have overreacted with your first response to her. She didnt even call YOU a pervert. She said the voice changer made her think of a pervert.

Id also like to add that everyone can be perverted at doesnt make you a molester or rapist........when I was 13-14 years old I was a little pervert like many others at that age hahaha

Has life got you stressed out or something?

I want to finish by saying that honestly I really respect you and everything your doing so dont take this the wrong way.


Well-Known Member
isnt asain girl the biotches name anyway, is he wrong for saying little asain girl? shes looks about 10 years old, i just cant believe were still talkin bout her but we just gotta get over it and forget about what she said. this is brwndirts thread and if anyone doesnt like it then dont come back on the thread, go do somethin else because us interested on what brwndirt does dont give a fuck what you think. anyway whens the next movie bdw?


Well-Known Member
isnt asain girl the biotches name anyway, is he wrong for saying little asain girl? shes looks about 10 years old, i just cant believe were still talkin bout her but we just gotta get over it and forget about what she said. this is brwndirts thread and if anyone doesnt like it then dont come back on the thread, go do somethin else because us interested on what brwndirt does dont give a fuck what you think. anyway whens the next movie bdw?
this is just ALL wrong. :evil::evil:


Well-Known Member
respect is earned.
Yes it is and browndirt has earned mine and countless other peoples.
Just because he is a serious guy and doesn't like banter or name calling jokes or digs doesn't give anyone the right to suddenly attack him in this manner.
What is the matter with you people?:confused:


New Member
but you are still calling her names???

god damn, what has happened to this nation, i grew up being called skinny, swamp rat, hoodlum,stoner,pot head.

little sissys all offended by names. geeeze us christ.

the old ww2 era men would kick your azz for being all sensitive and luving.

the socialists have really done their homework.

thats not the way the world is, look back through history, it's mean dog eat dog world.

if a name offends you, too fken bad, get over it.

call them one back. what the hell is wrong with you ?

crying will get you nowhere....


New Member
hey browndirtwarrior

screw them sissys, tell it like you see it.
if they dont like what they see, they can always go away..

the 1st ammendment protects unpopular speech, not sissy luving coward speak.


Well-Known Member
Yes it is and browndirt has earned mine and countless other peoples.
Just because he is a serious guy and doesn't like banter or name calling jokes or digs doesn't give anyone the right to suddenly attack him in this manner.
What is the matter with you people?:confused:

he insulted another member. someone who has put time into this community. apparently people respect her. :peace:


Well-Known Member
he insulted another member. someone who has put time into this community. apparently people respect her. :peace:
Did you say apparently people want to have sex with her:mrgreen:
All ive seen from her was a 2 bit attempt at hydro from a newbie girl and a million posters going into her thread because shes a girl.

She degraded him and his videos in his opinion and even though the comments to some people are not even worth worrying about some people take manners and politeness seriously.

Now i do truly believe that asiangirl didn't mean to offend him but shit happens huh and people have different ways of being and living but to say that browndirt deserves no respect is awesomely strange to my mind.

Anyway why dont we all get out of his thread and create a new pot thread called lets all hate and argue:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Did you say apparently people want to have sex with her:mrgreen:
All ive seen from her was a 2 bit attempt at hydro from a newbie girl and a million posters going into her thread because shes a girl.

She degraded him and his videos in his opinion and even though the comments to some people are not even worth worrying about some people take manners and politeness seriously.

Now i do truly believe that asiangirl didn't mean to offend him but shit happens huh and people have different ways of being and living but to say that browndirt deserves no respect is awesomely strange to my mind.

Anyway why dont we all get out of his thread and create a new pot thread called lets all hate and argue:mrgreen:

and with that insult it ends.



New Member
I think I'm going to have to go back a few pages and see where all this kicked off. I don't believe it is right to insult female members. Guys can take it, we do it to each other all the time... but the girls, that should be a no-no.

Unless you don't realise they're a female, of course... which could easily be done.
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