• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

The Forgotten Man ....


New Member
The Forgotten Man of Socialized Medicine

From Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged – This is the explanation given by a distinguished brain surgeon of why he joined John Galt’s strike:

“I quit when medicine was placed under State control, some years ago,” said Dr. Hendricks. “Do you know what it takes to perform a brain operation? Do you know the kind of skill it demands, and the years of passionate, merciless, excruciating devotion that go to acquire that skill?

“That was what I would not place at the disposal of men whose sole qualification to rule me was their capacity to spout the fraudulent generalities that got them elected to the privilege of enforcing their wishes at the point of a gun. I would not let them dictate the purpose for which my years of study had been spent, or the conditions of my work, or my choice of patients, or the amount of my reward.

“I observe that in all the discussions that preceded the enslavement of medicine, men discussed everything – except the desires of the doctors. Men considered only the ‘welfare’ of the patients, with no thought to those who were to provide it. That a doctor should have any right, desire, or choice in the matter, was regarded as irrelevant selfishness; his is not to choose, they said, only ‘to serve.’

That a man who’s willing to work under compulsion is too dangerous a brute to entrust with a job in the stockyards – never occurred to those who proposed to help the sick by making life impossible for the healthy. I have often wondered at this smugness with which people assert their right to enslave me, to control my work, to force my will, to violate my conscience, to stifle my mind – yet what is it that they expect to depend on, when they lie on an operating table under my hands?

“Their moral code has taught them to believe that it is safe to rely on the virtue of their victims. Well, that is the virtue I have withdrawn. Let them discover the kinds of doctors that their system will now produce. Let them discover, in their operating rooms and hospital wards, that it is not safe to place their lives in the hands of a man whose life they have throttled. It is not safe, if he is the sort of man who resents it – and still less safe, if he is the sort who doesn’t.”


Well-Known Member
Says the guy on Medicare.
Medicare; the largest denier of insurance claims in the US, straight up, or percentage wise.

Great post Vi...

Medicare Claims Processing Manual

Chapter 32 – Billing Requirements for Special Services

60.7 – Carrier Payment Requirements
(Rev. 1562, Issued: 07-25-08, Effective: 03-19-08, Implementation: 08-25-08
Payment and pricing information will be in the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Database (MPFSDB). Pay for INR on the basis of the MPFS. Deductible and coinsurance apply.

60.8.1 – Remittance Advice Notices
(Rev. 1562, Issued: 07-25-08, Effective: 03-19-08, Implementation: 08-25-08
Use appropriate existing remittance advice reason and remark codes at the line level to express the specific reason for denying payment for PT/INR:
Remittance Advice Remark Code N386, “This decision was based on a National Coverage Determination (NCD). An NCD provides a coverage determination as to whether a particular item or service is covered. A copy of this policy is available at http://www.cms.hhs.gov/mcd/search.asp. If you do not have Web access, you may contact the contractor to request a copy of the NCD.”
If denying services furnished after July 1, 2002, use ANSI X 12-835 claim adjustment reason code 50, “These are non-covered services because this is not deemed a ‘medical necessity’ by the payer.”


Well-Known Member
The Forgotten Man of Socialized Medicine

From Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged – This is the explanation given by a distinguished brain surgeon of why he joined John Galt’s strike:

“I quit when medicine was placed under State control, some years ago,” said Dr. Hendricks. “Do you know what it takes to perform a brain operation? Do you know the kind of skill it demands, and the years of passionate, merciless, excruciating devotion that go to acquire that skill?

“That was what I would not place at the disposal of men whose sole qualification to rule me was their capacity to spout the fraudulent generalities that got them elected to the privilege of enforcing their wishes at the point of a gun. I would not let them dictate the purpose for which my years of study had been spent, or the conditions of my work, or my choice of patients, or the amount of my reward.

“I observe that in all the discussions that preceded the enslavement of medicine, men discussed everything – except the desires of the doctors. Men considered only the ‘welfare’ of the patients, with no thought to those who were to provide it. That a doctor should have any right, desire, or choice in the matter, was regarded as irrelevant selfishness; his is not to choose, they said, only ‘to serve.’

That a man who’s willing to work under compulsion is too dangerous a brute to entrust with a job in the stockyards – never occurred to those who proposed to help the sick by making life impossible for the healthy. I have often wondered at this smugness with which people assert their right to enslave me, to control my work, to force my will, to violate my conscience, to stifle my mind – yet what is it that they expect to depend on, when they lie on an operating table under my hands?

“Their moral code has taught them to believe that it is safe to rely on the virtue of their victims. Well, that is the virtue I have withdrawn. Let them discover the kinds of doctors that their system will now produce. Let them discover, in their operating rooms and hospital wards, that it is not safe to place their lives in the hands of a man whose life they have throttled. It is not safe, if he is the sort of man who resents it – and still less safe, if he is the sort who doesn’t.”
Awesome post!!! The libs won't understand. They'll just accuse you of being obstructionist or uneducated. Don't worry my friend, you can trust the govt. They know what's best for you. You're just too uneducated to get it. Sit back, relax, and let the system take care of you. No more troubles!!!! Yeah! :roll:


New Member
Says the guy on Medicare.
That's the ticket! Just attack, disparage and demean. So typical of a misguided libbie.

Fact: I've been paying into Social Security since I was 14 years old. That's since 1953. For two years prior to 1953, I was paid "off the books." Yes, that correct, I've been working since I was twelve years old.

For the past 34 years, I've been an independent contractor, which means, I have paid both halves of the social security tax. That is 15% of my income into the Ponzi scheme known as Social Security ... and I'm still working, so I'm still paying the 15%. Its going to take a long time before I'm breaking even on this scam, bub.

Now, if you are under the impression that Medicare is free, let me assure you that I pay a monthy premium for Medicare, and anolther monthly premium for my PRIMARY medical insurance.

Time to wake up, Junior. Your liberties are being taken away from you as we speak ... and even so, you most likely will just remain a misinformed smart ass. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
That's the ticket! Just attack, disparage and demean. So typical of a misguided libbie.

Fact: I've been paying into Social Security since I was 14 years old. That's since 1953. For two years prior to 1953, I was paid "off the books." Yes, that correct, I've been working since I was twelve years old.

For the past 34 years, I've been an independent contractor, which means, I have paid both halves of the social security tax. That is 15% of my income into the Ponzi scheme known as Social Security ... and I'm still working, so I'm still paying the 15%. Its going to take a long time before I'm breaking even on this scam, bub.

Now, if you are under the impression that Medicare is free, let me assure you that I pay a monthy premium for Medicare, and anolther monthly premium for my PRIMARY medical insurance.

Time to wake up, Junior. Your liberties are being taken away from you as we speak ... and even so, you most likely will just remain a misinformed smart ass. bongsmilie

Doesnt change the fact that you are biting the tit you are sucking on :bigjoint:


New Member
Doesnt change the fact that you are biting the tit you are sucking on :bigjoint:
OK, Junior. Here's a challenge for you: Take issue with Ayn Rand's article that started this thread point by point. Come on you brainiac, let's see how analytical and intelligent you can be when put to the test. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
OK, Junior. Here's a challenge for you: Take issue with Ayn Rand's article that started this thread point by point. Come on you brainiac, let's see how analytical and intelligent you can be when put to the test. bongsmilie
Slinging poo is their only weapon, Vi. I'm going to do my own little non-scientific study to see how many of the libs start name calling or personal attacks as opposed to conservatives. I'm a bit biased but I'll be as objective as possible. Any guesses on the outcome of this one?:weed:


Well-Known Member
good post vi...and it scares the hell out of progressives the people who have been paying their way will find people will just stop paying their way.
ALOT of people find it very objectionable all or a portion of their tax funds will go to provide abortion services.
alot of them will stop paying tax.


New Member
good post vi...and it scares the hell out of progressives the people who have been paying their way will find people will just stop paying their way.
ALOT of people find it very objectionable all or a portion of their tax funds will go to provide abortion services.
alot of them will stop paying tax.
My wet dream, Max. :lol:

I have visions of 50,000,000 Americans taking a stand and saying: "Screw this, I'm not sending the FEDS any more money. Come and get me! I only wish I had more than one life to give for my country."

They don't have enough jails for all of us.


New Member
Slinging poo is their only weapon, Vi. I'm going to do my own little non-scientific study to see how many of the libs start name calling or personal attacks as opposed to conservatives. I'm a bit biased but I'll be as objective as possible. Any guesses on the outcome of this one?:weed:
Well Doc, their attacks don't bother me in the least. In fact, I look forward to them because it shows just how weak their arguments really are. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Vi, if everyone were liberals would the nation work? What if everyone where conservatives? What happens when the parasites kill the host? Do we get that check from SSI for $250 to get a bag to be buried in?


New Member
Vi, if everyone were liberals would the nation work? What if everyone where conservatives? What happens when the parasites kill the host? Do we get that check from SSI for $250 to get a bag to be buried in?

I have no problems with liberals. I have liberal views on some things myself.

What I have a problem with are Progressives who know full well what that term means, and yet, are trying to hide it from the people. They are leading us down The Road to Serfdom.

I have a problem with Progressives, just as I do with the hard-core, so called "conservative" Christian Right. Both factions would put us all in a little box of rules and regulations of their own making ... and then THEY would control the box.

We have a way out of any totalitarian regime that comes along, and that is, a strict adherence to the Constitution, as it is our liberty document.


Active Member
I have no problems with liberals. I have liberal views on some things myself.

What I have a problem with are Progressives who know full well what that term means, and yet, are trying to hide it from the people. They are leading us down The Road to Serfdom.

I have a problem with Progressives, just as I do with the hard-core, so called "conservative" Christian Right. Both factions would put us all in a little box of rules and regulations of their own making ... and then THEY would control the box.

We have a way out of any totalitarian regime that comes along, and that is, a strict adherence to the Constitution, as it is our liberty document.

Great post/thread!

I'd like to see people start to think for themselves instead of following the right or left with blind devotion...Do their own research and stop following the crooks on capital hill.


New Member
Great post/thread!

I'd like to see people start to think for themselves instead of following the right or left with blind devotion...Do their own research and stop following the crooks on capital hill.
Thanks, man ... I really appreciate that. No matter how hard I try, no matter how often I espouse the ideas of freedom and liberty, the lefties in the forum still think I'm a Republican. Imagine that! :lol:


Well-Known Member

when you agree with EVERYTHING that the republican party says; when EVERYTHING 'the left' does is evil; and when you say that you support liberal ideals but really don't....

that's about as republican as it gets.............

it's like Glenn Beck when he said: " I firmly believe this president has a deep seeded hatred for white people, white culture.........................." about a minute passes and he says: "I'm not saying this president hates white people....."

make your mind up already, stop trying to play mr. bipartisan, cuz you're not.......


New Member

when you agree with EVERYTHING that the republican party says; when EVERYTHING 'the left' does is evil; and when you say that you support liberal ideals but really don't....

that's about as republican as it gets.............

it's like Glenn Beck when he said: " I firmly believe this president has a deep seeded hatred for white people, white culture.........................." about a minute passes and he says: "I'm not saying this president hates white people....."

make your mind up already, stop trying to play mr. bipartisan, cuz you're not.......
How many times do I have to say that I did not vote for Bush 41, or Bush 43? How many times do I have to say that I abhorred the Republican's spending spree when they lost their way? How many times do I have to say that I've been a registered with the Libertarian Party for the past 25 years? How many times do I have to say that I am for free markets, free minds, state's rights and a central government that is limited by the chains of the Constitution?

The problem with you, redivider, and some other libbies in the forum, is that your eyes are covered with an opaque, liberal film, that doesn't allow you to consider any viewpoints other than what has been fed to you intentionally by those in the Progressive Movement. You suffer so severely from this condition that you just cannot see when a person is not associated with any particular party, but is only concerned with the liberty and freedom of future generations.

The proper term for what ails you is known as "Brainwashed."

And you are exactly correct. I am not bipartisan. I am pro American. Pro Liberty. Pro freedom. Pro free markets. Pro free minds. Pro energy independence. Pro constitutional law. I am anti fiat money. Anti the the central bank. Anti the drug war. Anti the Department of Education. Anti forming special victim groups for political gain.

If a Democrat would demonstrate that he/she sees eye to eye with me on the above, that person would get my vote. But I will not go along with the Democrat Party as long as it has been taken over by batshit crazy people like Pelosi and Reid. Nor will the party get my vote as long as they continue supporting tax evaders, corruption and Chicago style thuggery.

Also, the Republican Party will not get my support until they start talking seriously about shutting down the border, abolishing the progressive income tax, eliminating the IRS and getting us down to a reasonable national debt.

Bipartisan, my ass. Why would I want to be bipartisan with two parties that I disagree with 90% of the time? :leaf: