Mikes 400w hps scrog!! GH Bubba Kush and Easy Ryder!!


Well-Known Member
aight, im backkkkk!!!! look @ these pix from yesterday to today!! Pay close attention to the bubba!! this bitch is a fuckin beast!!!!
I added homemade co2 to the room, i put the bottle right in front of the fan so it blows on all the plants.. I also gave all of them a little dose of FF grow nutes. They are loving it.
AK-1 seems to have gotten burnt from a light or something, it may just be sick *shrug*..other than that, they are all doing great!! The runt is doing good also, i still dont know anything about it really.. it looks kinda sativaish or somthing but only time will tell, i just hope it doesnt turn hermie on me..that would blow the fuck outta my grow..i hate those..

anyway, here are my pix..Enjoy guys!!
Feel free to ask any questions or give any advice

these pix are from 3-27



Well-Known Member
Fox farm sucks for anything other then soil. I highly recomend general organic there new line is amazing no burn no matter how much I over do it.


Well-Known Member
Fox farm sucks for anything other then soil. I highly recomend general organic there new line is amazing no burn no matter how much I over do it.
i've never had any problems with them. my first grow used miracle grow nutes..i came off good, but it was a ghetto ass grow lol..i vegged for maybe 2-3 months under like 10 random cfls lol..my second time around i used all BC products, i really didn't like them much..

heres my first plant..we called her tiffany in memory of a family friend that died..RIP Tiffany



Well-Known Member
wussup guys, ive been gone for a few days and i have returned with good news..

my two auto ak's have shown sex. i first noticed the little white hairs last night..
my bubba has shot up a couple inches..i hope she doesnt get too tall.. im gonna start training them to lean sideways until i get my screen up..
the runt is still the runt...it looks good..a couple tones lighter den the others.

sorry if im being short lol..kinda fried
pix later


New Member
Hey man, how's she growing? I made https://www.rollitup.org/indoor-growing/318069-official-bubba-kush-thread.html and would love for you to put your Bubba Kush in there, we're also having a friendly comp in there as well if you wanted to join in you're more than welcomed to.
It's also kind a help guide to for people to see diff growers growing out this beautiful plant. There's already quite afew nice pix of 'em in there.
You can post anything that you have found to be helpful or useful to this strain as well. Hope to see you there.



Well-Known Member
Hey man, how's she growing? I made https://www.rollitup.org/indoor-growing/318069-official-bubba-kush-thread.html and would love for you to put your Bubba Kush in there, we're also having a friendly comp in there as well if you wanted to join in you're more than welcomed to.
It's also kind a help guide to for people to see diff growers growing out this beautiful plant. There's already quite afew nice pix of 'em in there.
You can post anything that you have found to be helpful or useful to this strain as well. Hope to see you there.

thanx man, im most def gonna go check it out once im done uploading these pix here!!


Well-Known Member
ok, so i forgot to upload the pix the other day..im pretty sure u guys are use to that by now lol..

like i said the other day, both my ak47's have shown sex. i have a couple pictures of their pistils..
I gave them their first dose of FF bloom nutes today..1/2 teaspoon and 1/4 teaspoon of FF grow nutes mixed

The bubba and the random only got 1/4 teaspoons of grow nute..I really need to get a PH tester lol..ive never used one in all of my grows *shrug*

I also started LST on them for the next couple of weeks..ill be making my screen from string..gonna do it myself since ive been forced back into a limited growing space..i think ill be good, the space im gonna use is the same space from my avatar.

welp, here are the pix from two days ago



Well-Known Member
they all are 35 days old

oohh yeahh, ive put them on a 20/4 light cycle too..random but i've read that the autos do best on that light cycle


New Member
yea man, they will surely smell, but a tent don't do too much for smell you need a carbon filter, if you're worried about smell. They cut the smell at least by half if not more.


Well-Known Member
yea man, they will surely smell, but a tent don't do too much for smell you need a carbon filter, if you're worried about smell. They cut the smell at least by half if not more.
yeah i know..i wanna get the tent so i can have an closed space to connect the filter to..my space now is pretty much an open closet..no where to drill or cut for exhaust so the tent would be perfect being as though they have fixtures precut for fans


New Member
oh I get it, I have a closet I grow in as well, I just punched a hole in the ceiling of the closit and run my exhaust out the hole.