growing the lazy way.


what are the easiest methods to growing weed? i want to have a cheap, low maintenance grow outside.

i'm not expecting dankity dank, but i don't want total shwag either.

actually, i'm looking more for yield than anything else.

anyway, i want to have a grow that won't take up too much of my time and financial resources.


Well-Known Member
Outdoors? you can keep it pretty cheap if so. a little fencing, and some nutes. You could even go organic and use some fresh compost for nutrition.


New Member
If you put them to ground and aren't concerned about height exposure, it can be pretty worry free. Amend the soil as that will be your growing foundation. You can layer a flowering fert (chemical and encapsulated so it won't disappear before needed) down deep in the ground (about 12 to 15" down), and then put some bone or blood meal in the upper part for the veg state. Not on the surface however, since all kinds of animals will sniff the blood/bone out and start to digging.

Veg fert near the surrface...flower fert down deeper (9 month fert). and if you get decent can just let it grow without much maintenance at all.


New Member
yea, I don't smoke couch lock shit either, unless I make hash or oil
But what I really ment was I don't like it when ppl aren't willing to put the time and effort into it and expect to get a bunch of weed, and if they do then I'm jelous as hell lol


New Member
Seriously though.... outside...if you set it up right.... weed grows itself.

Personally I see all kinds of problems from many posters and a good majority of them seem to be too much attention. Sometimes you just have to step back....they KNOW what to do. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Its really about disease resistance and hardiness. Plants do grow themselves, as we see all around us, but a swarm of aphids can fuck you over.

Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member
I kinda resent my systems automation now. It used to be fun getting dirty and having to water them all the time. Other than adjusting the lights and changing the res I'm not really needed. I can quite happily shut the door for a week or two if I have to. I occasionally foliar feed them so I can feel like I'm contributing more. IMO the most efficient, productive and hassle free way to grow is a properly set up automated indoor hydroponic system under HID. But I like gadgets which makes me bias. bongsmilie


New Member
Hey, that's good to know actually. I am a devout outdoor grower and just got finished commenting how time consuming some of the indoor grows are.

If I ever try it inside.... I'll go for your suggestion...thanks.


Active Member
Well if you're not willing to put the time in you're not gonna get shit
i agree.

you cant just plop seeds/clones in the ground and come back in 3 months to a huge yield.

but in my opinion its cheaper than growing indoors (no expenses for lights, electricity, construction of your grow area etc).

especially if this will be on your own can simply get some good soil...plop them in...give water...feed nutes...etc.

much cheaper than an indoor setup.

you wont get good results if you dont put in the work. (ie. pulling the male plants...taking the time to identify problems on your plants...etc)


Active Member
true dat ive grown outdoor in 08 and i had a decent yeild and i only cheacked on deam like 4 times and i had no males i was a lucky brohan