• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/



New Member
I dont want money from then, i got just enough to cover me but no weed to smoke.

I just feel used, like they only wanted me for one reason, to get them high.


Well-Known Member
Living well is the best revenge. I have been down before and I am sure I will be again. Most people are only loyal to themselves but don't let it change you. Do not be like most people. Karma can be a bitch or your best girlfriend. I used to get angry and jealous and all them horrible feelings. One day I just said fuck it, it is beyond my control all I can do is live my life honestly and try to do on to others as I would like done to me. I am not a bible thumper or any type of religious but it is true. Trust me, I have come a long way. Kill em with kindness and live well my friend. Fuck em all.

Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member
cinder blocks diden't you make national news on that one crutch?
It wouldn't have been me. I'm more of a shopping trolley kinda guy. They bounce better.

I think i'l be kicking some heads tonight.
When I was a kid I lived near this dick weed that I went to school with. I really didn't like him but I used to go around to his house to annoy him and play his NES. He got a turtle once and brought it to school, he was so proud of that turtle. He was keeping it in his front yard in a pond with wire mesh over the top of it. One night for some unknown reason I went over to his house and spray painted his turtle's back with some fluro pink marking paint from my dads truck. The next day I went around there and when he noticed that the turtle was bright pink he was so angry he threw the turtle on the ground killing it, then he cried and cried. He was very sad and angry at the same time. I've never told anyone that story before. Do your friends have a turtle?


Active Member
mate pick urself up and start again no point feeling sorry for ur self cause no one gives a fuck look after number 1


New Member
It wouldn't have been me. I'm more of a shopping trolley kinda guy. They bounce better.

When I was a kid I lived near this dick weed that I went to school with. I really didn't like him but I used to go around to his house to annoy him and play his NES. He got a turtle once and brought it to school, he was so proud of that turtle. He was keeping it in his front yard in a pond with wire mesh over the top of it. One night for some unknown reason I went over to his house and spray painted his turtle's back with some fluro pink marking paint from my dads truck. The next day I went around there and when he noticed that the turtle was bright pink he was so angry he threw the turtle on the ground killing it, then he cried and cried. He was very sad and angry at the same time. I've never told anyone that story before. Do your friends have a turtle?

You my friend are sick, lol.

He has no turtle though, maybe just kick their heads?



New Member
mate pick urself up and start again no point feeling sorry for ur self cause no one gives a fuck look after number 1

I'm feeling down, not sorry for myself.

I know it's about looking after No1, but i have also looked after alot of people too and now when i need help, no one wants to know.

I'm holding my head up high, i'm just pissed of about the situation i'm in, i just need to get back up and running.


Active Member
On my way there now,

I fucking hate his life, i am so generous, i have help out some many people , money wise or just being there for them a their hard times, but when i look around i have no one.

People who were friends when i was rolling in money are nowhere to be seen(not that i want money from them) , When friends are an hard time i am always the first people they come to, aways me, but when i need help, a friend to talk to, some one to help me, no one gives a flying fuck,

I have got 1 friend who actually cares about me and my life, a true friend and he's just not around at the moment, i have spend years blowing thousands on drugs and friends, but when cash runs out so did the friends i had.

I feel like going around to their HQ and taking some revenge, after all, they have used me, sponged off me all the way, i have even gotten a few of them jobs, but they have just dropped me, half of these people im on about didnt have a penny when i meet then, so i help them out, do anything for them but get no favours back, no phone calls, no nothing.

I feel like taking revenge on them, i mean, if they are sitting there taking the piss out of me, laughing at me behind my back, then maybe i should give them something to talk about.
Please dont take this the wrong way mate, but you need to man up and stop letting people walk all over you, serious! Seems to me that your genourosity is your weakness, and those people you spoke of know damn well that this is the case and they're exploiting it and taking you for a rollercoaster ride.
Also, as a few people have already mentioned, you have a young daughter in your life right now and wether you like it or not, she's your top priority in life and will be until the day you die, so fuck up about all this revenge shit right now...how you going to be a Dad to your daughter from behind bar or a plexiglass window ? You may have had a bad childhood, but that doesn't mean your daughter is entitled to one.

Cut all ties with these spongers/moochers/assholes and get your shit together. Open up a savings account or something for your daughter and work for that and towards that, instead of spending thousands on drugs and lowlife friends, save it for your legacy. It will give you something to strive for and maybe even restore a little self-pride and confidence, knowing that your out there busting your butt for your daughter, and not just to please these dickheads you talk about.

Im sorry if Im coming across as a bit of a hard-head but wrapping you up in cotton wool and telling you everything will be fine wont help fuck all, trust me , I know.

Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member
If they had a black cat you could paint a white stripe down its back so it looks like a skunk and they would be very angry. Then the next day you could replace the cat with a skunk and they wouldn't notice because they would be used to the stripe until it sprayed them and they would be angry and sad because they would smell and their cat would be dead.


New Member
Please dont take this the wrong way mate, but you need to man up and stop letting people walk all over you, serious! Seems to me that your genourosity is your weakness, and those people you spoke of know damn well that this is the case and they're exploiting it and taking you for a rollercoaster ride.
Also, as a few people have already mentioned, you have a young daughter in your life right now and wether you like it or not, she's your top priority in life and will be until the day you die, so fuck up about all this revenge shit right now...how you going to be a Dad to your daughter from behind bar or a plexiglass window ? You may have had a bad childhood, but that doesn't mean your daughter is entitled to one.

Cut all ties with these spongers/moochers/assholes and get your shit together. Open up a savings account or something for your daughter and work for that and towards that, instead of spending thousands on drugs and lowlife friends, save it for your legacy. It will give you something to strive for and maybe even restore a little self-pride and confidence, knowing that your out there busting your butt for your daughter, and not just to please these dickheads you talk about.

Im sorry if Im coming across as a bit of a hard-head but wrapping you up in cotton wool and telling you everything will be fine wont help fuck all, trust me , I know.

First off, I'm no mug, and man up? i have been a man for a long time now.
I'm no push around and would never execpt that, not from no one.

My daughters future is very safe and secure, I have a savings account for her which is doing very well and she is in a private school.

Yes, i was blowing thousands on whatever but i was also saving thousands for my little girl too, i know she is top pirority and will always be, no need to tell me that.

I pay my child maintanence, i pay 7-8 time more than what the state say i should, but shes my little girl and i want her to have everything in life.

I know how to look after my child and need no advise there.

But you are right about my genourosity, i have always been told to cut it back and will do from now on,

This time last year i wouldnt think twice about spend a couple of grand on a wild night, and i'd do it regulary too.


New Member
If they had a black cat you could paint a white stripe down its back so it looks like a skunk and they would be very angry. Then the next day you could replace the cat with a skunk and they wouldn't notice because they would be used to the stripe until it sprayed them and they would be angry and sad because they would smell and their cat would be dead.

Dude, seek help.



Active Member
If your no mug, all man, how come your in this situation right now then ? (again I'm not being nasty mate, im being realistic)
Also, I wasn't giving advice on bringing up your daughter, I was giving advise on how you could get back on your feet, using your daughter as a focal point, so please, relax those cacks big man. Also, if she is top priority then how can you think about revenge and all that other bullshit, cos by the sounds of the state your in, if you went looking for revenge you'd come back with some jail time...

Props though for already having financial and educational security for your child.


New Member
If your no mug, all man, how come your in this situation right now then ? (again I'm not being nasty mate, im being realistic)
Also, I wasn't giving advice on bringing up your daughter, I was giving advise on how you could get back on your feet, using your daughter as a focal point, so please, relax those cacks big man. Also, if she is top priority then how can you think about revenge and all that other bullshit, cos by the sounds of the state your in, if you went looking for revenge you'd come back with some jail time...

Props though for already having financial and educational security for your child.

Ok, i lost my temper with a racist customer at work. I'm white, he was in the wrong and very racist.
So, like i said , i lost me temper and thus lost my job.

I stopped treating my baby mother, i.e, paying for he as well as my daughter, she didn't like that and has taken offence, she begs me not to go to court but at the same time will not let me see my daughter.

Does all revenge end in prison sentences? No, of course it dont, now if i got there later and do some damage and that certain person has 40 plants growing, is he going to call the police? Of course not.

Does that help you understand?


Active Member
Ok, so you go be a badass and fuck somebodys shit up, whats to stop them coming back with a couple of friends and really fucking your shit up ? As you've already said, they dont care about you so there's no reason for them not to retaliate, especially if you throw the first punch.

Also, it seems that you keep withholding details, then when people reply you go on the offensive stating this and that ?
At the end of the day, your going to do what your going to do, but I honestly can see no other outcome than you making your current situation even worse for all those involved and then thats just completey defeating the purpose of this thread in the first place... think about it.

High Time 420

Well-Known Member
It sounds like you Have had the piss taken out of you there mate, if you can bash a few people up and get NO comebacks then i don't see why not, if he is grow 40 plants then he is hardly going to go to the law is he. But make sure, NO combackes with the law!

I can see what your saying, when you had dough you had lots of friends, and now your on harder times none of the old friends want to know, fuck them, once your back up there, stay there and fucking laugh a those fools.

You have to have money to lose it, but when you have lost it you finally respect it, so when it comes again you will know what to do.

Anyway, Well done on the savings and private schooling for your daughter.

Just give it time and hard work and you WILL return to the top, or a least higher that what you are now.



Active Member
I worked that out from the generally shittyness of your mood from all your posts mate. You dont feel like being around no more, you wana give them something to talk about, you feel like they're laughing behind your back etc etc etc.. also you say that this has been ongoing for 10 yrs or so ? Really, it wasn't that hard for me to work out at all


Active Member
I urge you to seek help. Crack open the phone book and call a crisis hotline; There are plenty of free services to help you deal with problems and depression. Stop by a church and ask to speak to the pastor/priest; You don't have to convert or join, but men of god can often give good advice and are generally good listeners. I recommend a catholic church...they're less likely to try and get you to convert or join up.

Whatever you do...don't dwell on whats wrong in your life. Realize that things could be much much worse and that compared to most people on this planet you have it pretty damn good.

At 23 you're very young and, allthough you don't know it now, still growing up. Don't take that the wrong way. I say that from experience and with sincere hope that you understand what I mean. Hell, at 40 I'm still learning and growing up in some ways. Thats what life is really about...learning from experience and gaining wisdom and maturity along the way. Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

I've been where you are and lower/beyond that. I've been cheated on, divorced, screwed over by "friends", arrested, locked up in mental wards, diagnosed with depression, contemplated suicide (quite a few times), bankrupt, burned (fire), wrecked more cars than you can shake a stick at, shot at, stabbed, fired, beaten, unable to see my kids for a short time (the bitch moved away with them), hungry, lonely, homeless, ...well, the list goes on, but you get what I'm saying. My life still isn't perfect and, honestly, it would be boring if it was. I'm still learning and growing and, damnit, thats a good thing!

Learn from your experiences and try to make lemonade out of the lemons life deals you. It might not always work out for the best, but you can say "I did my best!". That's more than a lot of people can say.

"To thine own self be true" That might sound like a cliché, but its true. Before my grandmother died at 83 she left me with this gem of wisdom: "If you're my age and have one true friend...you're lucky"

Well, I'm rambling it seems. I hope things get better for you and wish you peace and serenity. Please seek help for how you're feeling. There's no shame in it and there are plenty of places to get it.

High Time 420

Well-Known Member
Ok, so you go be a badass and fuck somebodys shit up, whats to stop them coming back with a couple of friends and really fucking your shit up ? As you've already said, they dont care about you so there's no reason for them not to retaliate, especially if you throw the first punch.

Also, it seems that you keep withholding details, then when people reply you go on the offensive stating this and that ?
At the end of the day, your going to do what your going to do, but I honestly can see no other outcome than you making your current situation even worse for all those involved and then thats just completey defeating the purpose of this thread in the first place... think about it.

Did you not read, 2 of them are family members and the rest he has known for 8 years, i'm pretty sure that he understands how they work and wouldn't do something stupid if he has going to get a come back which we wouldnt like.

And to tell the truth, you are rude to this guy.

Unhappy, do what you feel you need to do, don't listen to cowards who don't have a clue, follow ur own heart 'n' mind, just don't do things that may get you into trouble with the law.

It sounds like the Irish fella wouldn't say boo to a goose, boxing 10 years you say, so you must be able to hold your own, JUST DNT GET CAUGHT>


Well-Known Member
My ex was tryin to keep my daughter from me and I went and did the court papers.I put on there I wanted her every other full weekend,Every Saturday in between,and mondays from 11-7.It worked out good got all of them.Oh yea and I pay child support but that a given no matter what.Always keep ur head up and kno that tomorrow you are gonna wake up healthy with a beautiful child.Dont give up yo just Go super duper hard and shit will smooth out.