Stopwhining's bella and rhino SOG

Your welcome :mrgreen:
What kinda homework you workin on?

Uhg Oceanography... I have to do these selftest things?

Introduction to Ocean Sciences, 2e

for every single chapter.. i guess i should have been doing them all along.

the positive thing about them is that if tells you right away if you got the answer right or wrong and you dont have to submit the results to him until the end so if you start majorly fucking up, you can just close the window and start over..

heh heh heh rape the system to make yourself look better. ^_^

*gasp* how did she get 100% on all of these?!?! i throw in a wrong answer here and there so its not too suspicious

but the hardest part is, that the teacher wrote this text book @_@ eek
and he's from the UK so everything in the text and lectures he speaks in metric system, which don't get me wrong i think its far superior to our system but its still hard to follow
Well that makes it easier but it sounds time consuming hahaha

Ahhhh metric system...

Im stoned right now...a bowl out of my bowl and a bowl out of m bong haha

Uhg Oceanography... I have to do these selftest things?

Introduction to Ocean Sciences, 2e

for every single chapter.. i guess i should have been doing them all along.

the positive thing about them is that if tells you right away if you got the answer right or wrong and you dont have to submit the results to him until the end so if you start majorly fucking up, you can just close the window and start over..

heh heh heh rape the system to make yourself look better. ^_^

*gasp* how did she get 100% on all of these?!?! i throw in a wrong answer here and there so its not too suspicious

but the hardest part is, that the teacher wrote this text book @_@ eek
and he's from the UK so everything in the text and lectures he speaks in metric system, which don't get me wrong i think its far superior to our system but its still hard to follow
Well that makes it easier but it sounds time consuming hahaha

Ahhhh metric system...

Im stoned right now...a bowl out of my bowl and a bowl out of m bong haha

OHHHH WORD! yeah it is tedious.

i wish i was stoned. that little piece that fell off my plant due to my boyfriend.. :evil:.... i dried it out and smoked it... it tasted... leafy lol
Update on Miss LST

She is doing pretty good...loooots of stretch when she went into flower so she is definitely mostly sativa.

If you go back a few pages or go into my gallery you can see how much she has grown :twisted:

The entire plant is covered with bud sites...just wait until the harvest shots she will be all huge buds youll barely see any of the main stalks anywhere on the plant. Im excited to see what kind of yields I get...I may be using this method from now on I really like how its all coming along. :mrgreen::peace:



***lickin' my lips....smacking them together*** B-E-A-U-tifull! yummy all over that looks awesome!
come on!!! come on man lets smoke it!!! puff puff man!!! come on pass it already!!!! come on man what are you doing man!!! being a nut man!!! come on man!!! puff puff!!!! :P